like market cap is low and seems to following the same trend has mswap meaning like well have pump in the next coming dats not before passing point A then rising to point B then flying off to point c hitting new highs
txa is looks just like #mswap chart with the day chart lookimg read by tmm morning it should pump to new highs over 2.05 can see a pump to 2.70 then 5.36
sdao looks like it can bounce back up it need to pass .81 first then ,87 and hold can go lower then. .81 sdao looks like it reaching bottom of where it had gonna up before the day rsi looks high and can rise over .87 can bullish needs over 1.11 for bullish to 1.96 (week level dont look to good but new coin so wait for it to go over point)
to say spy is bullish or bearish hard to say spy needs over 426 for bullish and regain spy needs below 407 to get below 406.81 below that point spy hot 400 and then following 390s and lower predication spy goes below 407 and then 405 regains and goes back up to 410 -415-420 0r it will rise to 417 and drop to 410-405 what can you do to help if spy...
sbt looks green to me should be going up in the next 4 hours with day ris stoch looks good and the 4 hour and one hour stb needs over .0017 then .020 -.0024-.003
sbt looks green to me should be going up in the next 4 hours with day ris stoch looks good and the 4 hour and one hour
vra hour looks red for next couple of hours but lets follow trend under.0067 can see bearish market leading t .0067 under that can see .0063 ill put vra the day looks over bought bought and eth looks like it gonna fall
if eth loses strenght below 1700 next target is 1300 needs to rise to 1800 back to 2000 before becoming bullish again but looking at the month chart its followinga. bearish trend after eth hits 1371 if follows bullsih trend can see a regain into bullish trend
spy needs go under 410 to see 407 followsing 405-400 under that point spy will see a down fall but if spy goes red today and holds under 400 it can regain if not it will lose and fall bullish spy needs to hold above 410 for bullish to 415-418-420 over 426 spy can regain bullish again bearish spy needs to holder 410 and it will fall to 407-405-403-400