Big brother hardly ever loses.Big Brother has increased his ETH holdings to 600,000.
A lake on the mountain forms Xian. The superior man thereby accepts people with openness.
The terrain is K’un. The superior man thereby strengthens his virtue to bear the burdens of the world.
The terrain is K’un. The superior man thereby strengthens his virtue to bear the burdens of the world.
(The trigram representing) a hill and that for thunder above it form Xiǎo Guò. The superior man, in accordance with this, in his conduct exceeds in humility, in mourning exceeds in sorrow, and in his expenditure exceeds in economy.
I think it's better to adopt the double-buy strategy for the daily line of eth and go long on volatility.
Ethereum is ETH. Its 15-minute Vegas channel has just opened. I think there will probably be a nearly 50% increase.