The way I see it , not worthy to even for a position , just a quick scalp or two this month. Lousy , very lousy business , loaded by garbage TV
I charted this one while enjoying the green line pop on volume Expect continuation of the trend reversal Hope is not an investment , but praying works in real life. Added value on full position , scalp or ride . Based on chart ,ride is the best for now GL to whoever invested . Cheers !
Have you driven a ford lately ? no , good then, buying ma Su product is only way to prove that progress is here to stay and demand is growing 2025 -2027 like 600% , nothing can stop this behemoth .My target 175 still good for 2025 .
Trading with visual on your screen is something we all do on daily . Sometimes we all need a little help with chart read correctly , but not as much in uptrend and market favoring directions. Very good to know who is the leader in the group and why leaders are such good indicator for the industry .We have NYSE:MO also , these stocks are must be bought on dips...
Really enjoying the clear indicators I use in my trades , some with John and the others Simple helping lines and info on my screen to guide when to place smaller or larger order and when to trim .I always trim my profit first .Adding on dips is helpful for one big reason , I trade inventory , to profit on daily base when market permits best price , timing not...
July was slow as in hell , but I stick with trading NYSE:BMY for the whole month , #WEBBY's #RSI was a big help to check on funds liquidity infusion , trim from dividend's collected from #oilandgas Freedom was in trade and secured by capital available 2x and second 3x $ i.e. 1/2 and 3/4 on each bump for huge win . Charting helps to know where you going , funds...
Discovering some things of interest to me and more about 2x ETF Posting here a comp on very sexy charts combo , side by side to compare Looking forward to #trade one this week Any interest to you guys?
Very define chart that reflecting actual price line with few innervations based on simple buy and sell or take profit lines . No rules , just support and resistance noted . Can be assisted by guide from script or by visual alone . Trend is your friend , follow the price .
never miss opportunity here , range 85-95 is for a while secured
When board added a female (I think) then it's a bad idea for the stock , she was a Taco Bell girl ..still does not know the other 20% of ingredients in it meat , not a good choice .. for the board and why do they need her in 1st place ???
actual profit is vary , but today for sure I had nailed 4 % by following signal and candle pop
Looking very healthy on my chart . The scan is on , why not to profit line by line .
reaching out to the bottom of current trend is not an option , trades are made daily here , little oversold doesn't counts here either .. in my opinion dips are must to be bough today , yes it's Friday
getting new is old again , but chart looks great , not like one's woke things .. They are back with style
being with NYSE:SE from IPO times one could guess importance of this company on many other levels , not just trading it to profit , but to grow your position on every dip I use to my advantage simple indicators to achieve just that , using similar to DRIP account I was able to accumulate 677% , with kind free" cash anyone can play this stock as a reserve bank...
Having much sects on 1/3 position with trim and trailing ,also added on the rise was a great shoe experience here Hoping same for NYSE:ONON (position ) Refusal check on day trade , but held nicely on timely additions in batches Made money in 2023 !
No issue here , but still needs find defo bottom to add to my position (long)
Honestly , it does looks like a 3ple bottom Could be wrong , but still liking this ticker in trades