Amazing how many current trend lines can be traced back to the start of the bubble, started my monetary intervention and other such magic initiated by the Fed in the mid nineties....
Look at relative pattern - divergence with Russell increasingly dangerous. Unusual phenomenon last seen 1999/2000....
Updated graph - got a fright! No doubt the Plunge Protection Team will heavily further intervene overcoming days...
I hope this is not true, as will be a very volatile time ahead - not only in the markets....
Crude Oil is overflowing everywhere - and until a week or two ago nobody knew why everyone everywhere was building up such huge stockpiles.... now we do. World politics and economics have seemed to moved on a dime as trade and possibly real wars have come from the laughable to the edge of reality. Clearly now, the powers that be all over the place have had more ...
Note a very similar pattern over the last week or so on the Nasdaq and also on Dow (there with a plateau - perhaps more dangerous than a small head?) over exactly the same time frame... SNAP! Note also the VIX reflects an inverse Head & shoulders that matches over exactly the same period...
Maybe I am just seeing things, and likely my technical analysis is a little out (I'm no expert!)... but does anyone see the possibility that this could potentially come to form a Head & Shoulders Pattern? Or am I missing something and has the market broken the technical possibility already? The markets (or the powers that be behind them...) are playing with the...
Those manipulating the markets keep pushing the technicals... but once they survive one formation, and congratulate themselves, a new one - or indeed a set of more than one - appears... that could potentially be worse still...!!! Will they survive this one? Lets see what the treasury and the traders do now! It's a pity its not just all left to the markets...
Please see linked explanation on S&P showing and explaining the same technical possibility occurring on both indices at the same time......
Its starting to look like that unexpected black swan event is right before our eyes - the crude oil traders and hedge fund speculators are going to end up crashing the entire market. They have inadvertently ended up betting against what they saw as the obvious trend of prices rising to over $75 a barrel on the back of Saudi tightening, a trade resolution, the...
A very simple analysis of an outlying possibility... a potential neckline could be forming... A bit of an extreme neckline, I know - but given the direction it would lean if such a neckline developed, that might make it even all the more precipitous a fall if the second shoulder were to complete... It's almost like its been fashioned as a huge warning sign! In...
It does, however, explain why 24 people own half the world's wealth... or why most ordinary people can barely break even month to month, even if a professional, whilst the 1% have more than could ever be necessary for anything... It's not real money. Only a tiny number of people now own that cliffside of money. Note, moreover, that most of this extraordianry...
Note ROC v Money Flows & Volumes. Seems to indicate large amounts of money flowing in and out but without matching price changes on the upside, as if to syphon money out of the market and manage an overall price decline in the medium to longer term. Sophisticated tightening at work?