Chart has notes Looks to be pretty happy bout here
Im thinking cap raise is coming up, and no ive no idea if they actually have $$$$ or what they even do Something seems 'odd' here so im going to suggest retail are being fed atm. If it were going to go, it really should have by now OR if there is still too much supply(from where?) a spring/shakeout should have appeared. The weekly looks bored/weak Not holding,...
Chart has a line or 2 on it. +ve div on daily
Volume speaks volumes BO confirmed @0.175+ MC 41M @ 0.155 Rerate potential FD holding
Tiny pip gap at 31-32, not worth mentioning but its there. BO +39 Chart has notes
holding smack done, retail out, now to close it green... thats just mean
They always go deeper than you expect but that divergence is purdy Time for a few green days hey. Shorts be gone...surely