look no further than your time - stamp - wasn't Asia - as often the case, its New York . .the Global centre od all things Anti -Democratic (WEF/IMF/WB/WHO/UN . .you name it - BTC haters to the core . .until BTC has a 12 month sign in contract it will ALWAYS fail - too easy to mess with - like today...
this farce is "F.off and don't come back " . .BTC doesn't need such corrupt time-wasters . .buying BTC in particular should have a "fixed-term" contract attached - 12 months MIN !!!
most of you probably fell for the Injection rubbish - that will cost you far more than BTC games . .pathetic.
there are Whales sitting there waiting for EVERY sub 30k BTC they can gobble up - here was the evidence - look how fast they bought up this drop - like lightning . .a few mintes - BANG. .like the good old days when drops produced such fast bounces !!
0.2 % under estimate about US inflation - and we get this child like panic - I bet they all jumped to get the Injection too !!! - God help us
As Crypto takes yet another pointless dive, egged on by the awful media TradingView choose to allow on here, it begs the question - "WHO owns TradingView, and the likes of NewsBTC and Benzinga ??? ". .The same corrupt rabble that own CNN / SKYNEWS (USA/UK) ect ect ..and most of the World's Press ..bar Fox + SkyNews Australia . .??? . . .Crypto is SO hostage to...
This is a recent article mainly concerning the kraken CEO hoping BTC drops to 20k - so he can go 100% BTC . .in the article it touches on the Ukraine scam - (anyone with half a brain worked out Klaus Schawb / Covid / Ukraine/Planned Financial meltdown pretty quickly I would hope - Ton Vays certainly did !) . .and CONVENIENTLY omits to mention the most profound...
Rarely sat through a more embarrassing demostration of hypocrisy than today's farce...a these"brave" crypto fans ditching their beloved crypto at the slightest danger signals...pathetic ...and 5 minutes they will all be back again praising this wonderful new world . Embarrassing
As we can see, BTC has observed my blue line 5 times during this Bull run . .BUT is this the end - possibly - The Globalists who are trying to up their control over Humanity using fear (Covid/Urkaine/Financial meltdown) may have decided to kill off Crypto too - would not surprise me . .they won't completely succeed of course - but a sustained attack could see...
www.newsbtc.com I went looking for those Elliot Waves - that explained my long-held belief that we are about to ,finally, witness the glorious return of Satoshi - as the "BITCOIN HITS 100,000$ " neon sign flashes out the news in Times Square, he will glide triumphantly down Broadway towards Wall St...50 meters above the adoring crowds - astride his white...
to hear Ton Vays right up there with Elon Musk, on the money about the Global Scam (Covid / Ukraine / WEF ect) . .I had no reason to respect either guy before their brave pronouncements - but now I can assure you all - you should be listening to them - Crypto may yet play a far bigger role in Man's fight /right to rid himself of the imposed Financial System we...
Ignore the blue lines at your peril - who wants to sell, and then be in that GHASTLY situation of chasing price . . you end up with less for more . .and a VERY sour taste - listening to the doom+gloom brigade has only ever cost me money . .
37000 bottom - then off . . I still think the momentum for BTC / Crypto is now way too big . .for re-visits to silly prices around 30/sub 30 . . those that have sat through the past couple of years in those price regions obviously will never sell - plus the new boys / additional accumulation - I go with JPMORGAN and its appraisal "BTC is worth 38,000" . .selling...
Buy as much and as often as you like . .BUT selling is regulated . .to stop these absurdly damaging dumps . .if Crypto EVER hopes to be taken seriously they MUST deal with these dumps - a 7,14,21 day cooling off period , depending on amount . .stops this pump/dump nonsense . . A few sour words from some old has-been at the Fed at what happens to the...
Crypto IGNORING conventional Finance / Fed / Banks . .will be the first day of a new financial option - If you simply sell /follow the conventional stuff - you are simply conventional "stuff" - controlled as ever by The Banks / The New World Order . .SHOW SOME GUTS/RESOLVE !!
its a HIGH RISK game - when you invest you MUST have a 7 day cooling-off period before you can re-sell- to stop these absurd sell-offs - a few words from some old corrupt fool in the Fed, and BANG- the sheep all sell . .its ridiculous.
possess -Crypto - go and ask dear old Klaus Schwab for a hand-out . .and see his reaction !!!
thoroughly deserve their inglorious fate - displaying the resolve of a bunch of feeble old women , when faced with a few "nasty Words" from a nasty old man at the Fed - PATHETIC . .