I despair - One word from some old fart in some old fart institution - THE ENEMY - and you all sell off like the sheep you evidently are !!. . Is there ONE crypto coin people will guard ??? - This behaviour is chidlike/pathetic, . .and you claim to represent a "new brave industry" . . most of my VERY meagre money is in Crypto (YES, like , do I sleep on the beach...
new ATH ? You know how most pumps never last - all emotion-filled- the last 2 visits to 60+ were just that . .with the second looking a little more refined . .maybe 39 is now the bottom..seems logical . .as Crypto grows bottoms will surely grow too ! . .and with the lack of "emotional stimuli" maybe we are now set in for some months / years of just nice steady...
its freedom - FAR too long chained to the Slave-runners (Banks) . .people are waking to the fact " It DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!!" . . AND you know what ? - The Slave-runners ONLY answer is .." WE MUST BAN IT !!! . .To PROTECT YOU - OUR SLAVES !!!" . .Ha . .rock on BTC!!!
of the conventional Banking "system" - that they rule, and we pay, and obey . ..YES, VERY bizzare , we pay, for them to rule / enjoy . .strange agreement . .NOW Smart-Contracts can wave goodbye to much of the Middle-man's game . .FIGHT ON - AND KEEP BUYING..its your children's future !!!!
between you and your dreams - the crooks that have long run the show - and Crypto has caught them wrong-footed - Hold your coins, irrespective of their name, and you will be HUGELY rewarded, as Mankind kicks conventional banking out . ."No thanks Mate, we don;t need your VERY EXPENSIVE VERY RESTRICTIVE "SERVICES" . .there is a new game in town, that serves me...
in history - People everywhere will be looking at their savings (they no longer trust banks anyway - due to the bail-outs / Covid scam / Ukraine phoney war ). .and they see Crypto as a totally inflation-proof INDEPENDENT option . .Dollars are Worthless - they just keep printing TRILLIONS more !!! . .GET YOUR CRYPTO - AND HOLD THEM -you may well need them soon !!!!!!
getting even more worthless. . . keep your Crypto, this moment is the one we all dreamed of,back in 2017/18 . .Bitcoin at 41500 and threatening the Status Quo . .DON'T ROCK THE BOAT, AND DON'T LISTEN TO THE BANK FINANCED MEDIA ON HERE !!!!
Whatever you read on here - or in the MSM ( yes, they of the Covid /Ukraine Scam!)...they have serious interest in defeating Crypto . .Crypto represents Freedom - the LAST thing on their minds !!! . . So much crap on here . . negative crap - BUT it can come true - if YOU listen !!!!
here it is - on a plate . . dont panic / have faith / buy buy buy . .and the INCREDIBLE Bitcoin dream ACTUALLY becomes reality - its that easy!! . .DONT SELL!!!
that Mankind has the opportunity, via technology, . .to free himself from the "financial tyrants" that have roamed this World for many generations- tech works both ways - AND the BANKS/Financial Institutions are PETRIFIED the man in the street may seize his opportunity for financial freedom !!!...Decentralised Finance destroys the Banks and their financial...
Let's show these MF financial tyrants that Mankind can be MUCH bigger than them - they rely on petty fears / manipulation . .MAN is WAY BIGGER !!! . .DO NOT SELL!!! (this is way bigger than just about "an investment" - this is about YOUR FREEDOM / YOUR FAMILY'S FREEDOM!!
the Media slot from their website we would probably still be sitting pretty at 68,000$ . .
. .The Media . .(yes folks, those same devils who helped lock you up / ruin your businesses / inject you and your kids with "stuff" . .) u.today
Twitter has neen highjacked by the "Totalitarian State" (Kluas Schwab /Banks) ..everyone knows this - its now ABYSMAL ..and a disgrace in a supposedly "Democratic" society . .Well Done Mr Musk!!! . .Wealthy people with guts / morals have often been in short supply - Roll-up , we need all we can get during this blatent assault on all things Democratic !!!
Another thing rarely factored into the Crypto price volatility v regular investments (from what I read ) is that , unlike many types of regular investment , which takes days to come into effect, the largely independent Crypto trader can jump in and out within seconds, 24/7/365 . . This factor in itself is revolutionary, I still get a buzz buying some more ICP at...
Stop looking for that petty fast-buck on the 15 minute time frame . .stop selling . .off we go - adios outdated restrictive finance, the World has moved on - you are no longer relevant / needed / welcome !!
If Bitcoin (i.e. its owners) just shrugged off the Markets, and proceeded on up from here . .ignoring all . .and FINALLY proving itself a worthy contender for Gold . .Its what has to happen - people need to man-up and stop selling !!