z.cash Zcash has a new and improved web portal, and many new wallet features and full node solutions have been provided this month. The chart has been strictly bearish for more than 12 months, but it now appears that an accumulation cycle can begin. Whenever the bull market eventually returns, look for a 12 month low to high cycle structure, this is...
A better way to pay In addition to using Zcash to pay friends, family and service providers, you can use Zcash at your favorite stores or online merchants. Trusted technology, growing adoption Zcash was launched by one of the most respected technical teams in the world. Zcash is the 'https of blockchains,' protecting your freedom to save and spend as you...
Memetics is a study of information and culture. While memetics originated as an analogy with Darwinian evolution, digital communication, media, and sociology scholars have also adopted the term "memetics" to describe an established empirical study and theory described as Internet Memetics. Proponents of memetics, as evolutionary culture, describe it as an...
Jeremy Siegel, Wharton professor of finance, joins CNBC’s Halftime Report’ to break down if the inflation has peaked, what Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell should be doing, and more. So nowadays Ivy League’s professors’ side gig is to go on national television to do hot takes and potentially misleading viewers? Or was this guy intentionally trying to...
Its usually time to fade the American urge to "Eat Healthy this Year" by the time the leaves start showing up on the trees again. Add to Krispy Kreme between 12-13 dollars. "As society becomes more and more complex, cheating will in many ways become progressively easier and easier to do and harder to police or even understand."
Ansys, Inc. is an American company based in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. It develops and markets CAE/multiphysics engineering simulation software for product design, testing and operation and offers its products and services to customers worldwide. Opening positions under $220 and attempting to hold for $300
This is an ecosystem of software, but markets are a fierce competitive battle ground between native assets. Zcash has structured a rounded bottom vs Ethereum and now awaits an unequivocal reversal move. it may happen with virality, or it may happen responsibly. The bad situation for ZEC bulls is that Zcash remains an eternal loser. Catalysts ahead: ...
elastic price movements in a bullish cycle give asymetric risk vs reward potential to short dated calls. COIN could trampoline back up to $75 next week.
The vulnerabilities, discovered by Halborn in a 2022 audit of Dogecoin, were first disclosed to ECC and contributors to other affected networks on Feb. 14, and more details were relayed in a Feb. 17 call. ECC initiated our security process immediately and began coordinating with ZecSec.com, the independent Zcash-community-funded security team, and with Zcash...
All of this action is predicated on Bitcoin continuing its current bull run for 3-4 months, and reaching $40,000 in the summer of 2023 in that circumstance, it will catalyze a bull run for all Grayscale products OTC traded, and illiquid owned. Grayscale vs SEC court case in America could generate massive upside if it is victorious
Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it. Like Bitcoin, Zcash transaction data is posted to a public blockchain; but unlike Bitcoin, Zcash gives you the option of confidential transactions and financial privacy through shielded addresses. Zero-knowledge proofs allow transactions to be verified...
Banks restructure the debt of stressed corporations every day, not out of philanthropy but out of enlightened self-interest. But the problem was that, now that we had accepted the EU–IMF bailout, we were no longer dealing with banks but with politicians who had lied to their parliaments to convince them to relieve the banks of Greece’s debt and take it on...
“Happiness was never important. The problem is that we don't know what we really want. What makes us happy is not to get what we want. But to dream about it. Happiness is for opportunists. So I think that the only life of deep satisfaction is a life of eternal struggle, especially struggle with oneself. If you want to remain happy, just remain stupid....
Young corporate executives in Mumbai, who may never have read Marx, were recently circulating by e-mail portions from Karl Marx's 150-year-old writings which lucidly talk about a stage in capitalism where banks would throw ever larger doses of cheap debt for consumption until there is a crises of repayment and the state would step in to take over the banks....
Recursive Proof Composition without a Trusted Setup Sean Bowe1 , Jack Grigg1 , and Daira Hopwood1 1 Electric Coin Company {sean,jack,daira}@electriccoin.co electriccoin.co Abstract. Non-interactive arguments of knowledge are powerful cryptographic tools that can be used to demonstrate the faithful execution of arbitrary computations with publicly verifiable...
its an Ethereum killer generation 1. So as risk concerns increase related to the ETH PoS merge coin unlock selling. Alt-Ethereum networks will regain interest. Waves is well-known and has demonstrated strong pumpamentals in the past. Buy soon and remain patient, take profit whenever the pump happens.
This was a 2021 Bubble Darling, where all the low-tech Boomers were battling hand over fist to put Liquidity in. Now that its under 1 billion market cap, the additional downside is very minimal... perhaps $2.00 The upside for a reflexive short squeeze is appealing. This company has strong name recognition and an understandable narrative to sell. $3.10...
Worlds got a glut of high volatility events happening all at once, yet the market continues to rally. Good CPI = Moon Bad CPI = Nuke Very few paths for neutral, flat, non-volatile price reaction to this week's Valentine's Day