we warned on twitter yesturday about thu all time low volume. cuvered 50% here az SHITCOIN reemainz over 97K up 1.5% still. if markets are down but that scamz up thu markets will alwayz bounce. we advized our followerz to just put everything into March 21 610 PUTS yesturday and turn off their computerz till then. market alwayz sellz off in March. at theeze levelz,...
target reemainz infinity. my arrow only could go az high az top of thu page tho...
we sold our PUTS again at support here, Visa still not breakin down. until that scam breaks 346.65, we're headin higher. 100% success rate uzin that garbage past 3 months
started 610 PUTS again for V-DAY massacre. will add at thu top if needed but our top indicator VISA seemz weak today
we cuvered our PUTS again at support. VISA isnt goin red so we cant hold since this iz our top short, haznt lied yet...
lol this iz where ur tryin to buy this thing, really incredibull when u zoom shyt out. unsustainable bullcrap. March 605 PUTS and turn off ur computer...
lol i've never seen uh credit card company look like uh penny MEME stonk. this entire markets 1 giant joke
mandated gapfill from 2023 iz now filled, way oversold and cheap into earningz
lol short at will, this entire market looks like this rite now. 610 PUTS all day long RSI 86
1000 will b thu top in this wokescam................................
in March 210 PUTS into earningz up here...................................
back in March 245 PUTS into earningz up here, entire markets outta control.................
back in 210-215 PUTS in this nonsense.................................
anddddddddd out of 590 CALLZ back in 607 PUTS az wee wrap up another PONZITUEZDAY. reemember, its only been uh decade straight of thu same rigged algoz, all u needz uh calendar to make money in this scham. congrats all.
oversold at gap support, back long 590 CALLZ. our top short VISA still iznt werkin so market goez higher again, not hard
pennant shud b formin now after mandated 607 gap gets filled by law. rollin back into Feb 21 607 PUTS at thu open. on uh side note, this markets uh fukin joke...
mandated 606.80 gap almost filled but we're out of CALLZ and back in PUTS here for february. another PONZITUEZDAY in DABOOKS congrats all
AI DUCTAPE up 16% in 2 weeks lol, this markets lost its mind...