I like how Zencash has held up so far, does fortune favor the bold? We will just have to wait and see but I am stoked to watch this spectacle unfold.
I think this is what they mean with when there's blood in the streets. Let us see if ETC can hold the support line and maybe break the long term down trend and we could be in business.
Long term play, patience is key. ETC is undervalued and a solid project, I consider it a cleaner and more stable version of its brother ETH. Due to its fast speed and low fees it is one of my preferred units to transfer funds between different exchanges. There is no crypto kitties clogging this chain, it offers immutability and a limited supply, the proposed...
I am long VTC it is dirt cheap and an improvement compared to similar UXTO based crypto-currencies like LTC and BTC because of its less centralized ASIC resistant Lyra2rev2 algorithm. But most people who are in VTC are probably already aware of its strong fundamentals and it trading at a huge discount, with Vertbase a direct USD to VTC exchange being launched...
ZEN what can I say? Its chart speaks for itself, ZEN held up very well during the recent dip. A strong privacy platform and currency, people are starting to figure out it is ZEC without the 20% founders fee but with a sustainable treasury model for development and marketing and a masternode staking system to earn a % of the fees instead. Privacy crypto-currencies...
VTC looks coiled. Shout out to @chrisnicholas89 who spotted this potential pattern also.