study("Trend Rainbow", overlay=true) sae = input(true, title="Show Aggressive Entry?, Or Use as Alert To Potential Conservative Entry?") sce = input(true, title="Show Conservative Entry?") st = input(true, title="Show Trend Arrows at Top and Bottom of Screen?") def = input(false, title="Only Choose 1 - Either Conservative Entry Arrows or 'B'-'S' Letters") pa =...
study("Trend Rainbow", overlay=true) sae = input(true, title="Show Aggressive Entry?, Or Use as Alert To Potential Conservative Entry?") sce = input(true, title="Show Conservative Entry?") st = input(true, title="Show Trend Arrows at Top and Bottom of Screen?") def = input(false, title="Only Choose 1 - Either Conservative Entry Arrows or 'B'-'S' Letters") pa =...
study("Trend Rainbow", overlay=true) sae = input(true, title="Show Aggressive Entry?, Or Use as Alert To Potential Conservative Entry?") sce = input(true, title="Show Conservative Entry?") st = input(true, title="Show Trend Arrows at Top and Bottom of Screen?") def = input(false, title="Only Choose 1 - Either Conservative Entry Arrows or 'B'-'S' Letters") pa =...