all the tools on trading-view are provided to reach the wanted goal. By the use of MACD and ZIGZAG and of course my knowledge I can see what is gonna happen, so take a deep look at it and see my work hope you find it useful.
As you can see in my latest and most accurate review of bitcoin it`s gonna mount for a short while, but don`t fall for its look. The value of it will go down as much as you don`t even swallow.
The first thing almost everybody perceives is bitcoin gonna have a ascending process, but if you ask me it`s precisely the other way around.
as far as i know the bitcoin is going up soon for a short while, but then it'll have a descending process.
The way I see it this market will soon ascend like a flash, just hang on.
Two lines and a triangle is the easiest and most practical approach of achieving the target.