OIL for some time mirrors ascending trend started in Jan 16. If the pattern continues we should have local high today/tomorrow. Best for short 45.8, and then low @38.8 approx. 16.08
Copper is highly cyclical commodity. Current cycle seems to have a lot in common with cycle from early 1990`s. If current cycle will replicate final swing from 1993, we would see the final bottom somewhere in mid June.
Price reached strong trendline. Between 08`13 and 12`14 major support. From 12.04 resistance
UKOIL remains in long term channel with tops i VII`08, II`12 and VI`14. Bottoms from XII`08 and recent I`16. 0.382 of this channel was major support throughout 2015. Should it be a right place to reverse current upward trend?