Fibonacci numbers on the way up were spot on. Use them on the way down for small gains. This bump started when the Euro bulls got over excited at testing the November Dip. So I expect a retest of previous bottom at $5400, with another big bounce from the Dollar Bulls. Watch for further indication from the RSI Daily dipping below 30%. Caveat : I am not a...
When BTC reaches a round number like $7200, it drop $50 below then spikes short term then continues on its merry way down. Don't be fooled into buying.
All the weekly chart indicators are looking toward a downward trend. I pulled out of BTC ages ago, waiting to come back in could take a while. I'll have to pop in and out to make smaller gains. This is no time to hodl. Caveat: I am not a professional trader or adviser. Do your own research before making any trade. Never trade more than you can afford to loose.
A tad annoyed I missed the trend line from 2017 on previous posts. Black line: move toward 11700 Followed by either red or pink option: Red line: breakout around 11700, then bounce off resistance at 14000 Pink line: Hits resistance at 11700 then bounces off support around 9000, followed by action similar to red line. Note: The two green trend RSI S&R lines...
ETH is moving up toward another blue sky break. Potential double top caused by resistance in the grey area. After passing 75%, either a retracement or sideways bounce before another blue sky attempt. Watching for reversal signs in RSI divergence. Caveat: I am not a professional trader or adviser. Do your own research before making any trade. Never trade more...
Following on from previous posts about hitting the daily RSI overbought area, I am beginning to see a slowdown, that may bounce off the 8300 support without dropping below the RSI Daily 30%. In which case a smaller upward trend will follow along with more sideways before eventually dropping. IE: the bounce back may take longer than I initially expected....
Almost every triangle an the various intervals from 15 min to 1 day, have seen a rise breakout followed by a dump. The main triangle started before Christmas is closing along with a smaller recent triangle. This double squeeze will give extra momentum to a breakout. I expect the pattern to be repeated with BTC rising and temporarily sneaking through the 13000...
Every time BTC -1.01% daily interval RSI has gone oversold, its jumped straight back within 1 day. Its headed in that direction right now. Most times BTC -1.01% has dropped badly, the bottom is followed by another shallower dip (including the Christmas - New Year double dip). 6 days ago BTC -1.01% bounced off the 100 day moving average - followed by another...
Detailed trend analysis shows the buy volume to reduce to zero at 10am UTC, 23rd Jan 2018. Thats 23hrs from now. Caveat: I am not a professional trader, adviser or comedian. Do your own research before making any trade. Never trade more than you can afford to loose.
The last triangle completed before the RSI up trend, so the breakout was north, returning when exhausted and overbought. The process is repeating on a smaller time frame, better seen on the 15 minute interval. There will be a few shorts along the way for a couple of % gains. Nothing to write home about, but interesting to watch play out, whilst we twiddle our...
The 4 and 6 hour charts have been giving very nice buy and sell points for all of December and continue to do so. They predicted my last two buy and sell points perfectly :). Buy right now. Short around $17,000. Sleep and party between. The top may be around Korea waking up time, so has the potential to be messed with. $17,000 is also a big barrier, so BTC...
There is a strong resistance line at 13,000, but the Stoch RSI is pushing against it. There is also a good trend from the 4hr RSI, but the door is due to close pretty soon. I think we'll sneak past the resistance but then pull back again. This is a simplistic view, to be taken along with as many others as you can muster.
The last 3 major drops were seen when the RSI and Stoch RSI dropped from the top on the 4 or 6 hour chart. They are turning from a long stint rising (RSI) and at the top (Stoch RSI) right now. Time to short and watch the long slide down. Anyone care to predict the bottom???
Most big drops on the one day chart have bounced around an RSI of 30 and bounced off/through the 100 day Moving Average. Looks like BTC may have a while to go, but the end is in sight.