Pointing up is usually a good sign :) nice and tight, this should be a sizeable BULL SPIKE putting it in line with previous peak angle for trendline. expecting max of .00136
Classic bottom spike incoming. Based on VTC's track record it wont surpass yesterday's highs, but maintain for several hours with continuous loss after spike
For a while now NEO has been dropping and raising and dropping like clockwork. It looks like we have our first drop, slow raise and spike pattern showing and end to the downward pattern. NEO is a great coin in principal. If you're looking for a great coin to hold, NEO looks like it's ready to climb back up again
Compared to previous Bull spike, this recent climb apears to be lacking the ratio of growth to push VTC to the next level. We'll see if I'm right, but I sold at the current peak. 50% growth
If you follow East Coast Crypto they've found a way to push the market with social media and collectively configured BOTs. Yesterday wast VERTCOIN, went up 27% the day before was DECRED, up18%. I'm in on POT today, 12 hours will see if they can go 3 for 3 on a full market Bearish day. Also btw, Charlie Lee tweeted on these too, but only after the BOT army was in effect.
Copying the previous major growth pattern and applying it to the most recent spike with updated ratios, here's what ARK's future could look like
ARK should bounce back if it's main trend line holds up. Good time to buy
These lines were from before NEO's turn today. That baseline was the lowest it could go, NEO stayed on track, played the game and now has nowhere else to go but up. Curious to see if it's rise back up is as linear as its drop down.
After a large hump of uncertainty, it appears that XZC is finally on the rise again. Will it spike back up to it's trend line? If so the returns could be 5 fold. An exciting time for a coin that appears to be paving it's own path in a bear market