My old lines remain the same. The market have the potential to go back S&P 500 4700.
it is necessary to have a pullback in the market.. It is overdue and would be silly not to take profit at this point.
I came to the conclusion that we are not allways right, but I also understand that the chart is always right,
Individuals frequently imbue even rudimentary scenarios with convolution by integrating analytics and theoretical frameworks in the pursuit of trading endeavors. Its not that hard. the makret is generated by algo that reacts to these same lines that drawn on my Chart,
Are you waiting for me to tell you whats next.4500 is our first stop, our low is 43k
The Market will give us a little pullback but the sticks are telling me, We are going to the moon by year end.
Under the current circumstance, we approaching a very critical point in the market, either I am dead wrong or I'm dead right, Thou the probabilty is in my favor. Bet against the concensus!
Too much money is there to be made. Relief rally next week, but not for long!
The crowd is driven by emotion, the chart is driven by the crowd, we all want the chart to do what we think, however take a look at what this chart does. This is telling the future.
We had fairly a great run for the past few months, now is the time to give back a little. The ecconomy is in a pickle, The Fed is in A tough spot has inflation is suppressing the average Joe while interest rate is still high. 4450 is our next stop!!!
People tend to over anaylise the market but the Technicals are simple but psycologically complexed. Groups are premitive and people always follow the crowd. Buy on the pull back you will make money long tern
The chart has always been the same, In the money all the times!!!!
This chart is well on point, I am hitting all the resistance and all the support. True money maker chart $$$$
My charts have never move in the wrong direction. This baby Is way too accurate. The chart MASTER SUGGEST my chart is wrong, because is chart is going down in the long term. We are moving up, Check it out.:)
We will be heading up from this support level. Wallstreet is bearish because they miss the first run upward. Understand the technical are still bullish!
The rotation is happening as we speak. The DOW is on parabolic move RISK -ON
The bear market is coming to an end people! it may stay flat for a bit but wants to move up. smart money an big money are trickling back in!
the market will surprise us in January. Most retail investor are long gone. Old money will start flowing back in!