ENJ and THETA have been dominating this NFT influx of investors the past weeks and are outpacing most major crypto in a very positive trend. ENJ and THETA will 2x before you finish reading Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy. Stay safe out there everyone. Be smart. Don't panic.
THETA.TV. Samsung invested. Sony invested. Gfuel invested.Huge capital funds have noticed. The future of paid streaming and rewards for both streamers, viewers, AND NFT marketplaces. Big players have dropped billons into this within a month. Mainnet launches in 38 Days. There are 4 events planned before then. Samsung VR and the NFT space isn't going anywhere. And...
After outpacing both ETH and BTC the last month big money has taken notice. Don't fall for the shakedowns. Corrections are within perfectly fine paramters. Sell walls are destroyed by the microsecond. Sell if you dare. BNB to $400 within a week.* *Not Financial Advice