Based on a few technical analysis indicators, along with volume price analysis, qsi, in my opinion is set to move up in the next few months. (Assuming nothing disastrous happens after publishing this). A few recent green candles, along with good volume, and in what the company has been accomplishing recently, all indicates to me future growth and success for...
Strictly based on a few technical analysis and the extreme volume we saw a week or so ago and the oversold macd indicator, I am taking a starter position in Prph. I am buying Prph between .6 - .9 and holding for a medium to long time frame. With the recent new hype in the stock market I think this may be a good play in the coming weeks and months. I will start to...
Drones are becoming the must have technology in the military space. They are so critical for the battlefield that having them gives your side a crucial advantage and not having them is basically the first sign of putting up the white flag. Military contracts are on the table for small drone companies and at these levels it's a no brainer to start a position. The...
Based purely on how the chart looks for kulr, the stock looks to be forming a base. Volume has been double in February compared to January which is bullish. Kulr has had a day where buying pressure pushed the candlestick wick up to $1.6! But closed down below $1.3. This tells me buyers want to come in but are outnumbered at the time being by sellers/ shorts. I...