"End-to-end encrypted, distributed object storage, where only you have access to your data. Powered by blockchain payments." "So how does Storj work? The application takes the files you'd like to store on someone else's hardware and encrypts them -- that is, it scrambles them using cryptographic techniques so that only someone in possession of a specific key can...
Wouldn't It Be Great To Live In A World Where Everyone Has The Same Access To Finance, Or Even The Access To Finance In The First Place? — Stani Kulechov, Founder Of ETHLend
We provide the ability to borrow even in locations where there are no banks in sight. People lend Ether to people, which means you don't need a bank account to get a loan.'
Wouldn't It Be Great To Live In A World Where Everyone Has The Same Access To Finance, Or Even The Access To Finance In The First Place? — Stani Kulechov, Founder Of ETHLend
We're building a network for consumer apps tokenization. Get all the benefits of a blockchain infrastructure without the high costs and risks of building everything yourself from scratch.
We're building a network for consumer apps tokenization. Get all the benefits of a blockchain infrastructure without the high costs and risks of building everything yourself from scratch.
Our continuing mission to improve energy efficiency goes hand-in-hand with reducing water/energy inputs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our biofuel and other bio-products are just a few of the real-world innovations we bring to consumers.