Sticking to my 2 week old idea. Got rid of all the oscillators, I thought they were invisible first time around.
Just a few lines and notes, using a fib, a Anchored VWAP and RSI info.
Again going against the trend. But the bullish head and shoulders that might be forming caught my eye. The 1H RSI divergence usually gives me a few hours to look for other signals and find confirmation. (which i haven't found yet). Please have a look first and let me know.
Looks like POWR could be pushing back up. On the shorter time frame it's just completed 12345abc cycle or a 1'st and 2'nd wave on the 2H or 4H time frames. The purple dotted lines are some of the previous peaks that also looks good with some fib levels I played with. If this next wave up is a 3'rd wave and a bigger than the 1'st there's a target and if the whole...