Cant get much cleaner than that. Almost picture perfect. Im not even surprised anymore.... its almost a given everday... If ya want access to the tools let me know.
Check out the levels and how it respects them! I no longer say im surprised as it respects them day in and day out... it is the norm. Stats dont lie... 70-85% winrates for short term scalps that happen over and over again.
ES retracements (blue) and targets/extensions (grey boxes) for tonight/tomorrow.
Nq levels for tomorrow/tonight. Blue boxes are retracements/pivots and grey boxes are targets
. Retracements zones offering ideal areas to join the short term trend with our custom script
YM levels for tomorrow with retracements/pivots (blue boxes) and targets (grey boxes)
. New levels for tomorrow. blue boxes are retracements/pivots and grey boxes are targets for the day.
Keep in mind yesterdays targets and levels
. keep in mind lower and upper targets of yesterday as well if we decide to make a meaningful move today. Been slow moving this week thus far
. Heres the levels for YM on the right... New levels generated for tomorrow. They will NOT move!
. Levels of interest and targets for today. All laid out the previous day with our custom indicator
. There is a reason why markets consolidate and reject certain areas.... It isnt random. Our own custom indicator highlighting the areas of importance
[/urlSick and tired of lagging indicators? Sick and tired of the repainting? Wondering where to enter or exit? Blue ribbons are SET in stone at market open (RTH) and do not move through out the day to give you a "guide". Grey support/resistance zones are evolving thought the day as the markets are ever changing EVERYTHING is a mathematical..... why not trade off...
well lets see what happens. moving to BE soon.
RTY levels/support/resistance or areas of interest. new indicator we're working on