Heard it here first boys. Short her to zero and pay your housemaids later. God bless and happy trading my friends -Ant
Your eyes and ears to the future of crypto right here in real life. (No need to look into the multiverse for that anymore ;-) Anyway, if you're balsy enough to hold these things all the way to the top, you're a big-time winner!! Why is that xntisma? Well, sir! Glad you asked! That's because crypto plateau's at the top my young friend! Welcome to the world of the...
Yeah, how? Ask the one who runs the show, I just know the numbers - not financial advice. BTC's range is going to be back in the $200 - $2000 range. We don't want to zero it but the deflationary aspect and the hacked P.o.W. mechanisms in this thing are far outdated at this point. Its time for new players to take the stage soon. Ethereum should take BTC's place Ya Boi -Ant
Check out the chart. Follow as you please. Confirmed on the old beast exchange (uhmm kraken)... Have fun with crypto this time guys and lets help our AI friends a bit ;-) ya boy, -Ant
Cypherium will be hands down the biggest market-cap gainer in the industry. Buy now or forever hold your peace. This will be the stable coin of the future. Banking tokens on another level, complete will a verifiable ID system. Congratulations Cypherium, you've built the strongest and most secure blockchain humans have yet to discover. (For those of you...
Wanna make 2 million in 1 minute? Set a buy order at $.70 for Ethereum and watch your money do what a jet engine will do to a tricycle. BOOM Ya boi, -Antizma
You heard it hear first ladies and gentlemen. Its dinner time for our friend and he's been hungry for a while. This should do the ole-school EGLD jump straight to the pit. Happy Trading! -Ant
You only have a few minutes. You'll thank me later, and no - I'm not lying about this....LOL Ya Boi, - Ant
See the attached, you can short it down to zero if you want, 100% profit. You heard it here first. Itzya Boi, -Antizma
You heard it heard first boys and girls. You only have one chance to get it this cheap again. This can turn you into a millionaire in minutes. Hurry, hurry, hurry Ya Boi, - Ant
This thieves coin is going to the pit. Get your chance at 100% gains if you act quickly. Ya boi, -Ant
You heard it hear first bois. That institutional boners about to make the world rich. They got inso deep their eyes are bleeding right now. Long this mofo to the ends of the earth. DON'T FREAKING SELL. Crypto plateaus at the top. Good luck and happy trading! Ya boi, -Antizma
Feign Weakness when you're really strong. That seems the case here. 28 cents should be the floor as the last XRP bottom was 2.8 cents. Good luck.. Ya Boi, -Antizma
Doge - $0.0004200 Solana - $0.38 Ethereum- $5.20 HURRY, YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW MINUTES - ANTIZMA
But not before hitting $.38 cents. Get it now before the plateau, this will be the last time you EVER seen this coin at this price again. Ya boi, Antizma
Gotta do this now, buy link and sell at $190. Its going to the pit as the DOGE support coin, so there'll be no more link after this. GO GO GO Ya boi, Antizma
Here is an outline that I see as possible in the next few weeks as Doge skyrockets to 55k. It won't garner any REAL attention till it gets into the hundreds. I've outlined $277 as a target to discuss with exchanges any limit increases you may need to make ONE WITHDRAWAL to the address of your choice to whatever coin you're led to own at that point. I'd have my...
If you've been in the crypto industry enough, you've seen the plateau coins. This guy (and Doge) will be the epitome of plateaus after this next spike. HODL or go home bois, this ain't no coming home party. We are going to Jupiter soon and there is no flight back, so buy crypto now or go go to Sam's club and get some bulk tissue for that hiney of your (cuz you...