NYSE:DAL Jade Lizard Trade Expiration (4/4) just prior to earnings (4/9) BUY (+1) $66 Call 4/4 SELL (-1) $65 Call 4/4 SELL (-1) $51 Put 4/4 CREDIT = ~$150-$200 as of 3/4 market close If assigned on short put, break-even on 100 shares will be around $49.25 If the price shoots UP to infinity then your profit is limited to credit received (~$175) minus $100...
NASDAQ:MSFT Iron Condor, PRE-EARNINGS 1.5:1 Risk:Reward (i.e.: $150:$100) +1 BUY $435 Call 1/24 -1 SELL $432.5 Call 1/24 -{CURRENT PRICE $423.61}- -1 SELL $417.5 Put 1/24 +1 $415 Put 1/24 If the trade goes south this one is totally rollable to a $5 spread IC down the road, especially on the day of expiration.
Everyone and their brother is in profit on uranium stocks
Jade Lizard Call credit spread: Buy HAL $35 Call 1/17/2025 Sell HAL $34 Call 1/17/2025 - - Short Put: Sell HAL $30 Put 1/17/2025 Limit price: $1.51 (credit to open) Jade Lizard = Credit from the short put (strike price below the price) exceeds the max loss of the call credit spread (strike prices above the price). No risk to upside. Outcomes @ expiration...
NYSE:SHOP JADE LIZARD TRADE, 37 DTE Sell SHOP $94 Call 11/22 Buy SHOP $95 Call 11/22 ~{share price: $81.85}~ Sell SHOP $70 Put 11/22 Credit to open: ~$200 Jade Lizard = Credit from the short put (strike price below the price) exceeds the max loss of the call credit spread (strike prices above the price). Expiration scenarios: (1) Share price above $95 @...
Seems a likely scenario Still, NYSE:GEO would bounce back quickly I'd assume
NASDAQ:JD Jade Lizard Call credit spread : Buy JD $46 Call 1/17/2025 Sell JD $45 Call 1/17/2025 - - Short Pu t: Sell JD $35 Put 1/17/2025 Limit price: $2.45 (credit to open) Jade Lizard = Credit from short put (below the price) exceeds the max loss of call credit spread (above the price). Expiration scenarios : (1) Share price above $46 @ expy, then...
NASDAQ:TSLA CALL CREDIT SPREAD +1 $275 call 10/11 -1 $260 call 10/11 Credit = $500 RISK = $1,000 R:R = 2:1 (if things go south, (as in price north), the trade is rollable, probably)
1DTE short put for NASDAQ:ENPH -1 $104 put 10/4 Opened on 10/3 for a $100 credit @ 2 PM EST Happy to take assignment as NASDAQ:ENPH is exceedingly tradable, (great premiums, high volume, pretty consistently bouncing between $120 and $105). ENPH is a great stock for weekly and less than weekly short options (wheeling).
JADE LIZARD $33 Call 1/17/2025 Buy $32 Call 1/17/2025 Sell -{Current Share Price: $29.77}- $29 Put 1/17/2025 Sell Approx $175 credit as of 10/2. Jade Lizard = Credit from short put (below the price) exceeds max loss of call credit spread (above the price). Worst case scenario is owning 100 shares of the iShares Brazil ETF @ around $27.25 per share, (which...
Short Iron Condor Trade Idea, Expires JUST Prior to Earnings... +1 Buy TSLA $295Call 10/11 -1 Sell TSLA $285 Call 10/11 --{current share price: $229.8 -1 Sell TSLA $170 Put 10/11 +1 Buy TSLA $160 Put 10/11 Risk:Reward ~7:1 (i.e. $875:$125) If the short strikes get violated, the trade could likely be salvaged or managed by rolling to another credit spread /...
NASDAQ:TSLA Short Iron Condor +Buy TSLA $270 Call 9/13 -Sell TSLA $260 Call 9/13 --{current share price: $211.50}-- -Sell TSLA $180 Put 9/13 +Buy TSLA $170 Put 9/13 Risk:Reward ~8:1 If the short strikes get violated, the trade could likely be salvaged / managed by rolling, (closing current trade and opening a new trade in one order), to another credit spread...
3-OPTION ORDER, NYSE:DAL TRADE IDEA Sell DAL $42.5 Call 9/20 Buy DAL $41 Call 9/20 -{share price: $40.14}- Sell DAL $40 Put 9/20 ~$90 credit to open trade This is bullish trade that involves selling a put to finance a call debit spread. @ expiration scenarios: -Share price $42.50 or greater: $240 profit -Share price between $40 and $41: $90...
TESLA - Short Iron Condor Trade Idea: $255 Call 8/16 Buy $245 Call 8/16 Sell (delta ~0.06) <--small probability (6%) of being in the money @ expiration. ------{SHARE PRICE: $208}------ $165 Put 8/16 Sell (delta ~-0.08) <--small probability (8%) of being in the money @ expiration. $155 Put 8/16 Buy Risk:Reward Ratio: +/-10:1 Expect it to be easy-ish to...
There's a good chance that the share price of NYSE:DIS will be over $85 at any given moment in time. $85 is the support. And if you're wrong (bad timing) you can roll the credit spread.
SMCI, Short Iron Condor Trade Idea, Expiration (7/19) Prior to Earnings +1 $1070 call 7/19 -1 $1060 call 7/19 Current Price: $820 -1 $670 put 7/19 +1 $660 put 7/19 Limit price $4.20 CURRENT Bid -$0.80, Ask $4.10 (as of 6/28, close) Risk:Reward: $580:$420, or 1:4 Probably won't get the fill Monday 7/1 unless there are big moves. But, if by some miracle it...