A 'Jade Lizard' trade involves selling a short put and call credit spread such that the premium of the short put covers the max loss of the call credit spread (and then some). The result is no risk to upside. COIN is down 87% (!!) on the year. I'm not convinced enough to take this trade just yet but will decide in the next couple days. The timeframe is 30 days...
Short Iron Condor Idea +1 $340 call 1/6 -1 $335 call 1/6 -- -- -1 $245 put 1/6 +1 $240 put 1/6 $70 credit, $500 collateral 6:1 risk:reward (high risk, low reward)
META 12/16 Expiration. +1 $130 call -1 $125 call --{share price: $110}-- -1 $95 put +1 $90 put $444:$46, ~8:1 risk:reward. High risk, low reward.
'Jade Dragon' trade idea for 1/13/23 expiration. Short put + call credit spread, such that the premium from the put sold covers the max loss of the call spread, hence no risk to upside. $166 credit with price between $25 and $31. $66 credit with price above $32 (once call spread is closed for $100 debit). Assignment to buy 100 shares @ $25 per share...
JADE LIZARD TRADE IDEA. The idea of a jade lizard is to sell an out of the money put below the price, and sell a call credit spread above the price. The premium from the short put needs to be sufficient to cover the max loss of the call credit spread. And in doing so, there is no risk to the upside (still have to close the trade however). This is a trade idea on...
$KSS Short Iron Condor 12/16 Expiration +1 $37 call -1 $35 call --{share price: $31.5}-- -1 $28 put +1 $26 put $46 credit, $200 collateral. $154:46 or 3:1 risk:reward (high risk, low reward).
01/20/2023 Expiration. $254:$46 risk : reward (5.5 : 1). +1 $35 call -1 $32 call --{current share price: ~$24.35}-- -1 $19 put +1 $16 put
+1 $330 call 12/9 -1 $325 call 12/9 -- -- -1 $250 put 12/9 +1 $245 put 12/9 Credit TBD. I will update if I get a fill tomorrow 11/25. The plan is to try for $75 credit and go from there (looking for something along the lines of 6:1 risk:reward). High risk, low reward trade.
Bad press this morning coming from Scorpion Capital's report. This call credit spread is an idea to capitalize on the bad PR, (regardless of the truth and legitimacy of the report). Approx. $75 credit. $500 collateral.
$GE Short Iron Condor 1/20/23 EXP. +1 $100 call -1 $95 call --{current share price: $86}-- -1 $60 put +1 $554 put 4:1 risk:reward
BRK.B Short Iron Condor. HIGH Risk : LOW Reward. (~9:1) +1 $350 call 1/20/23 -1 $340 call 1/20/23 --{share price: $290.19}-- -1 $250 put 1/20/23 +1 $240 put 1/20/23 Looking to just watch this one, not trade it.
$NOC Iron Condor Idea 12/16 Expiration +1 $575 call -1 $570 call --{$526.03 current price}-- -1 $410 put +1 $405 put Credit +/- $150 (TBD). Liquidity is NOT GOOD on $NOC. Spreads are wide. But you never know, sometimes you get a favorable order fill when you least expect it.
$GOOG Iron Condor Idea 12/16 Expiration +1 $105 call -1 $100 call --{$83.50 current price}-- -1 $70 put +1 $65 put Credit +/- $55 HIGH Risk:low reward (8:1)
$UNP Iron Condor Idea 12/16 Expiration +1 $230 call -1 $225 call --{$193.22 current price}-- -1 $160 put +1 $155 put Credit TBD. EOD 11/3, the MARK price is around $35 for credit. On 11/4 I will look at submitting an ASK for $75 and working down from there, (possibly to as low as $45). HIGH Risk:low reward In-between earnings, end of year
Skewed toward the price being at support (ostensibly). 12/16 Expiration. +1 $42.5 call -1 $40 call --{share price $16.14}-- -1 $12.5 put +1 $10 put ~$40 credit, $250 collateral. 5:1 risk:reward, (high risk:low reward).
Iron Condor Idea 11/18 Expiration (18 days). +1 $65 call -1 $60 call --{share price $45.80}-- -1 $22.5 put +1 $17.5 put $40 credit, $500 collateral. 11.5:1 risk:reward (high risk, low reward).
11/18 Expiration. $158:$42 risk:reward (3.8:1). +1 $30 call -1 $28 call --{current share price: ~$24}-- -1 $20 put +1 $18 put
$SBUX iron condor trade idea. 1/20/23 Exp. +1 $110 Call -1 $105 Call --{$86 current share price}--- -1 $60 Put +1 $55 Put $50 credit and requires $500 collateral. Credit to open and debit to close. High risk for low reward.