Over logging from "Btc, Eth" We have detected excessive entry from markets like "Tether".
Not Investment Advice.
It is very risky You may lose all your money.
dangerous risk!!!
My suggestion for those who want to enter is 2x, 5x.
I am inside right now. I expect bear fish and whales.
Please open a reverse transaction. Let's see who has a lot of money.
I'll make a new login. I will not share my check-in time and time, unfortunately.
0.06671 1.40091 2.80182
0.06671 1.46762 2.86853
0.13342 1.53433 2.93524
0.20013 1.60104 3.00195
0.26684 1.66775 3.06866
0.33355 1.73446 3.13537
0.40026 1.80117 3.20208
0.46697 1.86788 3.26879
0.53368 1.93459 3.3355
0.60039 2.0013 3.40221
0.6671 2.06801 3.46892
0.73381 2.13472 3.53563
0.80052 2.20143 3.60234
0.86723 2.26814 3.66905
0.93394 2.33485 3.73576
1.00065 2.40156 3.80247
1.06736 2.46827 3.86918
1.13407 2.53498 3.93589
1.20078 2.60169 4.0026
1.26749 2.6684 4.06931
1.3342 2.73511 4.13602