Bitcoin Cash / PIKA to PIKO ピカとピコ on PulseChain (0x4e3cb6d8a407d0a413dfa874e0f750d3c54a404c) in USD

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Bitcoin Cash / PIKA to PIKO ピカとピコ on PulseChain (0x4e3cb6d8a407d0a413dfa874e0f750d3c54a404c) in USD discussion

BCHUSD buy signal today, can it be boom for few days?

BCHUSD I understand that BTC Cash is the real kind of freedom. BTC and Altcoin have been under control now. Betrayal on his way with BTC. BCH is the real Bitcoin to survive. It’s called Bitcoin Cash. Instant and secure P2P payments with penny fees on the base layer like Satoshi intended. Most people have no idea because of propaganda. I buy BTC Cash.

BCHUSD blow 300 in mins lolz

BCHUSD to 600 eom ;)

BCHUSD at $300, BTCUSD at 53800, SHIBUSD at 0.00001 are going to be phenomenal entry for long time to come.

This time should ideally be last time we crashing this year

BCHUSD.P love this thing gonna start buying now same with SOL

BCHUSD is going to pump to $476 buy buy buy! They are swapping BITCOIN for BCH

BCHUSD imagine Bitcoin Cash Is Running Like Bitcoin
BCH TO $10.000 0 transaction fees and fast instant confirmation
Don’t sleep on Real Bitcoin.

BCHUSD Only 21M Coins 👀

BCHUSD about to explode exponentially! I hope y’all cowgirls are ready! 700 here we come!