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Ethereum exchanges

Get Ethereum cryptocurrency rates on all available markets. In the table below you will find ETH overview, performance and technical analysis based on SMA, ADX, MACD and other oscillators and indicators.
Change %
Vol Change %
Tech Rating
ETHUSDT.PEthereum / TetherUS PERPETUAL CONTRACTBinance3,346.22 USDT+8.96%19.28 B+93.71%3,389.99 USDT3,033.32 USDT5.81 M
Strong buy
ETHUSDEthereum / USDCrypto.com3,346.98 USD+8.94%3.46 B+49.76%3,390.54 USD3,035.52 USD1.02 M
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / TetherCrypto.com3,342.99 USDT+8.91%3.32 B+50.49%3,386.79 USDT3,032.37 USDT980.11 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / TetherUSBinance3,343.22 USDT+8.90%3.12 B+96.60%3,386.73 USDT3,032.59 USDT941.39 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDEthereum / US DollarCoinbase3,346.56 USD+8.93%829.65 M+106.31%3,390.35 USD3,034.15 USD247.82 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / USDTMEXC3,343.21 USDT+8.91%735.65 M+24.32%3,386.71 USDT3,032.60 USDT214.58 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / Tether USWhiteBIT3,342.57 USDT+8.89%710.85 M+35.90%3,386.71 USDT3,032.61 USDT210.54 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDC.PEthereum / USD Coin PERPETUAL CONTRACTBinance3,348.74 USDC+8.95%664.56 M+88.21%3,392.26 USDC3,036.52 USDC198.68 K
Strong buy
ETHBTC.PEthereum / Bitcoin PERPETUAL CONTRACTBinance0.03409 BTC+4.70%647.37 M+168.21%0.03460 BTC0.03190 BTC202.12 K
ETHKRWEthereum / KRWUpBit4,672,000 KRW+7.70%537.86 M+236.39%4,733,000 KRW4,309,000 KRW163.09 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDEthereum / US DollarBinance3,344.93 USD+8.93%443.97 M+239.41%3,388.92 USD3,035.05 USD133.62 K
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinBinance0.03411 BTC+4.79%430.81 M+234.06%0.03464 BTC0.03187 BTC133.62 K
ETHUSDCEthereum / USD CoinBinance3,346.79 USDC+8.94%305.99 M+79.02%3,390.12 USDC3,035.55 USDC91.54 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / TetherKuCoin3,343.62 USDT+8.92%229.7 M+37.76%3,386.49 USDT3,032.72 USDT67.45 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / Tether USDHTX3,342.69 USDT+1.96%222.69 M+66.13%3,386.54 USDT3,277.60 USDT16.21 K
Strong buy
ETHKRWEthereum / South Korean WonBithumb4,675,000 KRW+7.79%129.69 M+205.97%4,724,000 KRW4,308,000 KRW39.22 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDEthereum / U. S. DollarKraken3,346.62 USD+8.94%118.26 M+212.78%3,387.65 USD3,036.00 USD35.97 K
Strong buy
ETHUSTEthereum / USTBitfinex3,343.10000000 USDT+8.89%109.27 M+260.10%3,385.90000000 USDT3,034.20000000 USDT33.33 K
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinBitfinex0.034150 BTC+4.83%77.06 M+184.03%0.034631 BTC0.031959 BTC22.6 K
ETHUSDTEthereum / TetherHitBTC3,343.512 USDT+8.93%65.53 M+89.54%3,385.747 USDT3,034.425 USDT19.75 K
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinWhiteBIT0.034128 BTC+4.78%58.79 M+68.34%0.034666 BTC0.031911 BTC18.19 K
ETHUSDEthereum / U.S. dollarBitstamp3,347.0 USD+8.93%58.71 M+120.55%3,390.0 USD3,005.8 USD17.78 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTETHEREUM / TETHERCoinEx3,343.76 USDT+8.92%57.02 M+74.25%3,385.31 USDT3,034.00 USDT17.08 K
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinCoinbase0.03413 BTC+4.92%56.85 M+161.42%0.03469 BTC0.03191 BTC17.71 K
ETHEUREthereum / EuroCoinbase3,181.15 EUR+9.46%52.06 M+181.61%3,226.28 EUR2,872.97 EUR15.59 K
Strong buy
ETHEUREthereum / EuroKraken3,182.96 EUR+9.70%48.11 M+137.25%3,228.17 EUR2,876.35 EUR14.54 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDEthereum / DollarBitfinex3,342.00 USD+8.88%45.53 M+214.81%3,385.00 USD3,035.00 USD13.96 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDT27Z2024Ethereum / TetherUS (Dec 2024)Binance3,405.66 USDT+9.00%43.23 M+47.44%3,448.00 USDT3,085.49 USDT12.8 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / Tether USDPoloniex3,342.87 USDT+8.87%40.91 M+10.12%3,385.15 USDT3,032.26 USDT11.69 K
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinKraken0.03418 BTC+5.01%35.41 M+177.07%0.03462 BTC0.03192 BTC10.4 K
ETHUSDEthereum / U.S. DollarGemini3,346.00 USD+8.91%35.34 M+7.46%3,389.00 USD3,035.45 USD10.42 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDCEthereum / USD CoinWhiteBIT3,347.28 USDC+8.92%33.48 M+66.40%3,390.23 USDC3,035.69 USDC10.03 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDT28H2025Ethereum / TetherUS (Mar 2025)Binance3,518.58 USDT+8.98%31.03 M+95.22%3,564.25 USDT3,189.42 USDT8.82 K
Strong buy
ETHEUREthereum / EuroBinance3,167.38 EUR+8.90%28.68 M+175.82%3,208.93 EUR2,875.30 EUR8.62 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / TetherCoinbase3,344.01 USDT+8.97%28 M+114.18%3,387.05 USDT3,032.32 USDT8.4 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDEthereum / US DollarHitBTC3,345.179125 USD+8.94%24.2 M+165.39%3,386.854053 USD3,035.635156 USD7.51 K
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinHitBTC0.034156 BTC+4.89%24.06 M+167.42%0.034610 BTC0.031919 BTC7.51 K
ETHEUREthereum / EuroBitstamp3,184.3 EUR+9.59%22.48 M+122.52%3,227.3 EUR2,875.0 EUR6.82 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / Tether USDKraken3,342.43 USDT+8.96%18.71 M+219.56%3,385.00 USDT3,034.96 USDT5.69 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDCEthereum / USD CoinHitBTC3,350.777515 USDC+8.97%16.27 M+111.46%3,391.462548 USDC3,039.617463 USDC4.92 K
Strong buy
ETHTRYEthereum / Turkish LiraBinance115,476 TRY+8.61%16.2 M+117.86%117,068 TRY105,051 TRY4.96 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDEthereum / United States DollarWhiteBIT3,367.93 USD+9.00%12.56 M+120.95%3,409.66 USD3,054.61 USD3.76 K
Strong buy
ETHGBPEthereum / British PoundCoinbase2,630.02 GBP+8.38%12.2 M+163.50%2,683.10 GBP2,396.34 GBP3.62 K
Strong buy
ETHBRLEthereum / BRLBinance19,512.60 BRL+9.36%9.05 M+89.17%19,735.65 BRL17,625.00 BRL2.72 K
Strong buy
ETHSGDETHEREUM / SINGAPORE DOLLARTokenize4,489.9000 SGD+9.11%8.86 M+4.46%4,544.2100 SGD4,078.4900 SGD10.98 M
Strong buy
ETHEUREthereum / EuroWhiteBIT3,176.04 EUR+9.09%8.57 M+63.73%3,211.65 EUR2,877.35 EUR2.58 K
Strong buy
ETHTRYEthereum / Turkish liraWhiteBIT115,571.66 TRY+8.72%8.03 M+63.10%117,037.79 TRY105,031.75 TRY2.42 K
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinCrypto.com0.034114 BTC+4.78%7.33 M+218.91%0.034627 BTC0.031905 BTC2.27 K
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinKuCoin0.03411 BTC+4.73%6.93 M+99.97%0.03463 BTC0.03192 BTC2.15 K
ETHUSDCEthereum / USD CoinHTX3,345.74 USDC+2.02%6.56 M+7.71%3,392.07 USDC3,278.09 USDC514
Strong buy
ETHUSDCEthereum / USD CoinKuCoin3,346.62 USDC+8.95%6.49 M+36.22%3,388.43 USDC3,035.51 USDC1.9 K
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinBitstamp0.03414378 BTC+4.68%4.9 M+190.64%0.03457920 BTC0.03189405 BTC1.54 K
ETHGBPEthereum / British PoundKraken2,634.52 GBP+8.58%4.77 M+342.07%2,683.37 GBP2,400.00 GBP1.43 K
Strong buy
ETHDAIEthereum / DaiCoinbase3,346.56 DAI+8.97%4.36 M+72.97%3,499.97 DAI3,036.52 DAI1.19 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDCEthereum / USD CoinKraken3,344.88 USDC+9.05%3.46 M+173.65%3,387.26 USDC3,035.80 USDC1.05 K
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / TetherUSBinance.US3,345.55 USDT+9.09%3.32 M+165.66%3,381.54 USDT3,034.00 USDT971
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinGemini0.034200 BTC+5.07%3.15 M+290.27%0.034640 BTC0.031870 BTC878
ETHJPYEthereum / JPYBinance516,670 JPY+8.31%2.83 M+56.11%523,363 JPY471,620 JPY819
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinHTX0.034174 BTC+0.80%2.41 M−14.81%0.034445 BTC0.033897 BTC210
ETHBTCETHEREUM / BITCOINTokenize0.03403758 BTC+4.85%2.35 M+39.75%0.03450617 BTC0.03182424 BTC23
ETHBTCETHEREUM / BITCOINCoinEx0.03418066 BTC+4.97%2.23 M+160.72%0.03472186 BTC0.03192404 BTC686
ETHSGDEthereum / Singapore DollarGemini4,436.640000 SGD+7.97%1.93 M+79.73%4,510.560000 SGD4,054.840000 SGD601
Strong buy
ETHUSDETHEREUM / US DOLLARTokenize3,340.3800 USD+9.09%1.93 M+4.12%3,390.3200 USD3,037.1400 USD1.77 M
Strong buy
ETHCHFEthereum / Swiss FrancKraken2,950.09 CHF+9.28%1.9 M+308.12%2,992.82 CHF2,690.00 CHF584
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BTCMEXC0.034148 BTC+4.79%1.72 M+446.76%0.034597 BTC0.031924 BTC536
ETHCADEthereum / Canadian DollarKraken4,637.90 CAD+8.07%1.66 M+304.89%4,715.90 CAD4,238.17 CAD510
Strong buy
ETHUAHEthereum / Ukrainian HryvniaWhiteBIT143,570.99 UAH+8.63%1.59 M−2.61%145,685.49 UAH130,415.26 UAH445
Strong buy
ETHEUREthereum / EuroCrypto.com3,181.81 EUR+9.41%1.57 M+119.67%3,223.92 EUR2,877.76 EUR444
Strong buy
ETHPLNEthereum / Polish zlotyWhiteBIT13,542.90 PLN+8.95%1.53 M+25.68%13,703.63 PLN12,279.23 PLN451
Strong buy
ETHGBPEthereum / British PoundBitstamp2,649.1 GBP+9.16%1.41 M+168.71%2,683.7 GBP2,398.2 GBP421
Strong buy
ETHKZTEthereum / Kazakhstani tengeWhiteBIT1,697,017.92 KZT+8.97%1.34 M+98.65%1,718,409.43 KZT1,539,387.25 KZT385
Strong buy
ETHEUREthereum / EURBitfinex3,183.30000000 EUR+9.46%1.33 M+419.32%3,227.00000000 EUR2,879.00000000 EUR407
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / TetherBitstamp3,345.0 USDT+8.96%1.2 M+38.01%3,382.3 USDT3,035.3 USDT370
Strong buy
ETHGBPEthereum / Great British poundWhiteBIT2,631.40 GBP+8.73%1.1 M+44.43%2,668.31 GBP2,392.50 GBP325
Strong buy
ETHUSDEthereum / US DollarbitFlyer3,351.34371 USD+9.17%1.06 M+305.33%3,385.29352 USD3,040.12782 USD327
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinbitFlyer0.03417 BTC+4.85%1.03 M+300.42%0.03457 BTC0.03194 BTC327
ETHEUREthereum / EURMEXC3,181.35 EVC+9.43%960.31 K+171.43%3,208.03 EVC2,876.82 EVC294
Strong buy
ETHUSDCEthereum / USDCMEXC3,347.20 USDC+8.90%947.11 K+56.09%3,389.10 USDC3,036.58 USDC285
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / USD TetherBitazza3,336.50 USDT+9.08%902.65 K+166.39%3,382.31 USDT3,028.71 USDT270
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BTCUpBit0.034017910 BTC+4.04%895.76 K+342.11%0.034600000 BTC0.032000000 BTC277
ETHUSDCEthereum / USDCBitstamp3,342.4 USDC+8.90%787.85 K+629.08%3,499.9 USDC3,037.7 USDC241
Strong buy
ETHAUDEthereum / Australian DollarKraken5,119.46 AUD+8.62%649.52 K+188.48%5,174.94 AUD4,657.81 AUD195
Strong buy
ETHPLNEthereum / PLNBinance13,849 PLN+9.33%599.89 K+58.10%14,104 PLN12,534 PLN174
Strong buy
ETHGBPEthereum / GBPBitfinex2,663.70000000 GBP+9.33%597.94 K+2,451.59%2,678.10000000 GBP2,415.90000000 GBP181
Strong buy
ETHUSDCEthereum / USD CoinBinance.US3,351.24 USDC+8.70%517.1 K+987.92%3,383.33 USDC3,034.97 USDC160
Strong buy
ETHUSDEthereum / US DollarPoloniex3,317.81895 USD+7.60%469.69 K+94.35%3,388.93388 USD2,907.88481 USD148
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinPoloniex0.03394 BTC+3.70%457.93 K+92.04%0.03459 BTC0.03033 BTC148
ETHDAIEthereum / DAIBinance3,330.12 DAI+8.23%438.21 K+100.07%3,384.24 DAI3,036.84 DAI136
Strong buy
ETHTHBEthereum / Thai BahtBitazza115,663.03 THB+8.62%397.61 K+655.83%116,506.25 THB105,307.34 THB124
Strong buy
ETHJPYEthereum / JPYBitfinex517,350.00000000 JPY+9.25%389.24 K+13.84%523,040.00000000 JPY473,580.00000000 JPY119
Strong buy
ETHEUREthereum / EuroGemini3,194.780000 EUR+9.62%246.08 K+1,602.95%3,224.270000 EUR2,956.880000 EUR76
Strong buy
ETHGBPEthereum / British PoundGemini2,653.120000 GBP+9.89%228.35 K+43.77%2,699.990000 GBP2,398.010000 GBP68
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / USDTUpBit3,303.0000 USDT+7.17%197.89 K+177.95%3,362.3900 USDT3,036.6400 USDT61
Strong buy
ETHBTCEthereum / BitcoinBinance.US0.03393 BTC+3.73%182.76 K+115.98%0.03452 BTC0.03198 BTC52
ETHEUREthereum / EuroKuCoin3,181.12 EUR+9.28%180.8 K+47.49%3,234.79 EUR2,900.00 EUR52
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / TetherDelta Exchange3,342.50 USDT+8.91%151.52 K+39.79%3,386.95 USDT3,035.20 USDT45
Strong buy
ETHUSDTEthereum / USDTGemini3,346.180000 USDT+9.00%115.55 K+218.02%3,362.000000 USDT3,053.360000 USDT35
Strong buy
ETHDAIEthereum / DaiKuCoin3,341.66 DAI+8.21%108.61 K+465.93%3,388.49 DAI3,043.38 DAI33
Strong buy
ETHARSEthereum / ARSBinance3,736,461 ARS+7.73%108.02 K+166.31%3,798,335 ARS3,375,564 ARS30
ETHUSDCETHEREUM / USD COINCoinEx3,344.99 USDC+8.81%82.71 K+10.87%3,387.06 USDC3,040.18 USDC25
Strong buy