I invite you to join my gainz strategyHey members, I want to invite you to join my account recovery strategy
There will be 3 things that I look for before entering a trade, they are:
1) trading in trend
2) is the trade high probability
3) will the trade move more than 2% in price
If you would like to join me in spotting those opportunities, I encourage you to join me
This will not only help the group, but it will help 'train your eye' to spot profitable trades
I will make videos about this strategy to further explain what I am looking for
PRIMARY TREND ANALYSISThis video is a further explanation of a previous publication we discussed.
The explanation is done in two separate videos, this which is the first video explains the primary trend.
The second video will explain the mid term trends and I will ask that you get a calculator in hand
as we will do some little additions and squaring.
Any additions are warmly welcome and appreciated