The #TOTAL3 market cap (total crypto market cap excluding Bitcoin and Ethereum) has successfully retested the trendline of the massive C&H pattern that has been forming since 2022. ๐ฅ
TOTAL3 my expectation on Feb5 analysis posted here seems to be on point, still blocked inside moving averages, for start of a sustained uptrend this needs to take 860B first (50EMA and SMA) or go even lower to make more room for a better parabolic move( which is more probable)
BTC.DBTCUSDTTOTALTOTAL2TOTAL3 News saying all time for billions in liquidations and sometime any trader winning just some millions. and you still putting fresh money on their futures , modern borrowing money method. this is why they eat meat and you bones. foolish idiots. STOP futures , SPOT only. investing on the assets are money going for projects, investing on futures is just gamble, or as Musk says, its like casino play...