ahpuhelperLibrary "ahpuhelper"
Helper Library for Auto Harmonic Patterns UltimateX. It is not meaningful for others. This is supposed to be private library. But, publishing it to make sure that I don't delete accidentally. Some functions may be useful for coders.
insert_open_trades_table_column(showOpenTrades, table_id, column, colors, values, intStatus, harmonicTrailingStartState, lblSizeOpenTrades)
add data to open trades table column
showOpenTrades : flag to show open trades table
table_id : Table Id
column : refers to pattern data
colors : backgroud and text color array
values : cell values
intStatus : status as integer
harmonicTrailingStartState : trailing Start state as per configs
lblSizeOpenTrades : text size
Returns: nextColumn
populate_closed_stats(ClosedStatsPosition, bullishCounts, bearishCounts, bullishRetouchCounts, bearishRetouchCounts, bullishSizeMatrix, bearishSizeMatrix, bullishRR, bearishRR, allPatternLabels, flags, rowMain, rowHeaders)
populate closed stats for harmonic patterns
ClosedStatsPosition : Table position for closed stats
bullishCounts : Matrix containing bullish trade stats
bearishCounts : Matrix containing bearish trade stats
bullishRetouchCounts : Matrix containing bullish trade stats for those which retouched entry
bearishRetouchCounts : Matrix containing bearish trade stats for those which retouched entry
bullishSizeMatrix : Matrix containing data about size of bullish patterns
bearishSizeMatrix : Matrix containing data about size of bearish patterns
bullishRR : Matrix containing Risk Reward data of bullish patterns
bearishRR : Matrix containing Risk Reward data of bearish patterns
allPatternLabels : array containing pattern labels
flags : display flags
rowMain : Pattern header data
rowHeaders : header grouping data
Returns: void
get_rr_details(patternTradeDetails, harmonicTrailingStartState, disableTrail, breakEvenTrail)
calculate and return risk reward based on targets and stops
patternTradeDetails : array containing stop, entry and targets
harmonicTrailingStartState : trailing point
disableTrail : If set, ignores trailing point
breakEvenTrail : If set, trailing does not go beyond breakeven.
Returns: nextColumn
Indicators and strategies
taLibrary "ta"
This library is a Pine Script™ programmer’s tool containing calcs for my oscillators and some helper functions.
buoyancy(src, targetPeriod, maxLookback)
Calculates buoyancy using a target of `src` summed over `targetPeriod` bars, not searching back farther than `maxLookback` bars. See:
src : (series float) The source value that is summed to constitute the target.
targetPeriod : (series int) The qty of bars to sum `src` for in order to calculate the target.
maxLookback : (simple int) The maximum number of bars back the function will search.
Returns: (series float) Buoyancy: the gap between the avg distance of past up and dn bars added to reach the target, divided by the max distance reached. Returns zero when an error condition occurs.
Calculates Efficient Work on `length` bars. See:
length : (simple int) The length of the ALMA used to calculate the result.
Returns: (series float) A -1 to +1 value representing the efficiency of price travel, bar to bar.
ma(type, src, length)
Returns the `type` MA of the `src` over the `length`.
type : (simple string) The type of MA required (uses constants that must be defined earlier in the script).
src : (series float) The source value used to calculate the MA.
length : (simple int) The length value used to calculate the MA.
Returns: (series float) The MA value.
divergenceChannel(divergence, hiSrc, loSrc, breachHiSrc, breachLoSrc)
Calculates the levels and states of divergence channels, which are created when divergences occur.
divergence : (series bool) `true` on divergences, which can be defined any way. On breached channels it creates a new channel, otherwise, channel levels are expanded.
hiSrc : (series float) The price source used to set the channel's hi level when a divergence occurs.
loSrc : (series float) The price source used to set the channel's lo level when a divergence occurs.
breachHiSrc : (series float) The price source that must breach over the channel's `channelHi` level for a breach to occur.
breachLoSrc : (series float) The price source that must breach under the channel's `channelLo` level for a breach to occur.
Returns: A tuple containing the following values:
Converts the name of a source in the `srcString` to its numerical equivalent.
srcString : (series string) The string representing the name of the source value to be returned.
Returns: (series float) The source's value.
fastlog2Library "fastlog2"
Returns the approximation of Log2 with the maximal error of: 0.000061011436
Returns the approximation of Log2 with the maximal error of: 0.000061011436
x : float
Returns: float, log2 of x
EconomicCalendarLibrary "EconomicCalendar"
This library is a data provider for important dates and times from the Economic Calendar.
Returns the list of dates supported by this library as a string array.
Returns: array : Names of events supported by this library
Gets the FOMC Meeting Dates. The FOMC meets eight times a year to determine the course of monetary policy. The FOMC announces its decision on the federal funds rate at the conclusion of each meeting and also issues a statement that provides information on the economic outlook and the Committee's assessment of the risks to the outlook.
Returns: array : FOMC Meeting Dates as timestamps
Gets the FOMC Meeting Minutes Dates. The FOMC Minutes are released three weeks after each FOMC meeting. The Minutes provide information on the Committee's deliberations and decisions at the meeting.
Returns: array : FOMC Meeting Minutes Dates as timestamps
Gets the Producer Price Index (PPI) Dates. The Producer Price Index (PPI) measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. The PPI is a leading indicator of CPI, and CPI is a leading indicator of inflation.
Returns: array : PPI Dates as timestamps
Gets the Consumer Price Index (CPI) Rekease Dates. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. The CPI is a leading indicator of inflation.
Returns: array : CPI Dates as timestamps
Gets the CSI release dates. The Consumer Sentiment Index (CSI) is a survey of consumer attitudes about the economy and their personal finances. The CSI is a leading indicator of consumer spending.
Returns: array : CSI Dates as timestamps
Gets the CCI release dates. The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is a survey of consumer attitudes about the economy and their personal finances. The CCI is a leading indicator of consumer spending.
Returns: array : CCI Dates as timestamps
Gets the NFP release dates. Nonfarm payrolls is an employment report released monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) that measures the change in the number of employed people in the United States.
Returns: array : NFP Dates as timestamps
normsinvLibrary "normsinv"
Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution.
The distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one; i.e.,
normsinv seeks that value z such that a normal distribtuion of mean of zero
and standard deviation one is equal to the input probability.
Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. The distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.
y0 : float, probability corresponding to the normal distribution.
Returns: float, z-score
cndevLibrary "cndev"
This function returns the inverse of cumulative normal distribution function
The Full Monte, by Boris Moro, Union Bank of Switzerland . RISK 1995(2)
Returns the inverse of cumulative normal distribution function
U : float,
Returns: float.
Strategy PnL LibraryLibrary "Strategy_PnL_Library"
TODO: This is a library that helps you learn current pnl of open position and use it to create your own dynamic take profit or stop loss rules based on current level of your profit. It should only be used with strategies.
inTrade: Checks if a position is currently open.
Returns: bool: true for yes, false for no.
inTrade: Checks if a position is currently open. Interchangeable with inTrade but just here for simple semantics.
Returns: bool: true for yes, false for no.
pnl: Calculates current profit or loss of position after the commission. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Current Profit or Loss of position, positive values for profit, negative values for loss.
entryBars: Checks how many bars it's been since the entry of the position.
Returns: int: Returns a int of strategy entry bars back. Minimum value is always corrected to 1 to avoid lookback errors.
pnlvelocity: Calculates the velocity of pnl by following the change in open profit compared to previous bar. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Returns a float value of pnl velocity.
pnlacc: Calculates the acceleration of pnl by following the change in profit velocity compared to previous bar. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Returns a float value of pnl acceleration.
pnljerk: Calculates the jerk of pnl by following the change in profit acceleration compared to previous bar. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Returns a float value of pnl jerk.
pnlhigh: Calculates the highest value the pnl has reached since the start of the current position. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Returns a float highest value the pnl has reached.
pnllow: Calculates the lowest value the pnl has reached since the start of the current position. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Returns a float lowest value the pnl has reached.
pnldev: Calculates the deviance of the pnl since the start of the current position. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Returns a float deviance value of the pnl.
pnlvar: Calculates the variance value of the pnl since the start of the current position. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Returns a float variance value of the pnl.
pnlstdev: Calculates the stdev value of the pnl since the start of the current position. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Returns a float stdev value of the pnl.
pnlmedian: Calculates the median value of the pnl since the start of the current position. If the strategy is not in trade it will always return na.
Returns: float: Returns a float median value of the pnl.
ctndLibrary "ctnd"
Double precision algorithm to compute the cumulative trivariate normal distribution
found in A.Genz, Numerical computation of rectangular bivariate and trivariate normal
and t probabilities”, Statistics and Computing, 14, (3), 2004. The cumulative trivariate
normal is needed to price window barrier options, see G.F. Armstrong, Valuation formulae
or window barrier options”, Applied Mathematical Finance, 8, 2001.
The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas, 2nd ed. (Espen Gaarder Haug)
Returns the Cumulative Trivariate Normal Distribution
LIMIT1 : float,
LIMIT2 : float,
LIMIT3 : float,
SIGMA1 : float,
SIGMA2 : float,
SIGMA3 : float,
Returns: float.
AkselitoLibraryLibrary "AkselitoLibrary"
TODO: add library description here
TODO: add function description here
x : TODO: add parameter x description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
combinLibrary "combin"
The combin function is a the combination function
as it calculates the number of possible combinations for two given numbers.
This function takes two arguments: the number and the number_chosen.
For example, if the number is 5 and the number chosen is 1,
there are 5 combinations, giving 5 as a result.
combin(n, kin)
Returns the number of combinations for a given number of items. Use to determine the total possible number of groups for a given number of items.
n : int, The number of items.
kin : int, The number of items in each combination.
Returns: int.
norminvLibrary "norminv"
An inverse normal distribution is a way to work backwards
from a known probability to find an x-value. It is an informal term and
doesn't refer to a particular probability distribution. Returns the
value of the inverse normal distribution function for a specified value,
mean, and standard deviation.
norminv(x, mean, stdev)
Returns the value of the inverse normal distribution function for a specified value, mean, and standard deviation.
x : float, The input to the normal distribution function.
mean : float, The mean (mu) of the normal distribution function
stdev : float, The standard deviation (sigma) of the normal distribution function.
Returns: float.
cbndLibrary "cbnd"
A standalone Cumulative Bivariate Normal Distribution (CBND) functions that do not require any external libraries.
This includes 3 different CBND calculations: Drezner(1978), Drezner and Wesolowsky (1990), and Genz (2004)
The standardized cumulative normal distribution function returns the probability that one random
variable is less than a and that a second random variable is less than b when the correlation
between the two variables is p. Since no closed-form solution exists for the bivariate cumulative
normal distribution, we present three approximations. The first one is the well-known
Drezner (1978) algorithm. The second one is the more efficient Drezner and Wesolowsky (1990)
algorithm. The third is the Genz (2004) algorithm, which is the most accurate one and therefore
our recommended algorithm. West (2005b) and Agca and Chance (2003) discuss the speed and
accuracy of bivariate normal distribution approximations for use in option pricing in
ore detail.
The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas, 2nd ed. (Espen Gaarder Haug)
CBND1(A, b, rho)
Returns the Cumulative Bivariate Normal Distribution (CBND) using Drezner 1978 Algorithm
A : float,
b : float,
rho : float,
Returns: float.
CBND2(A, b, rho)
Returns the Cumulative Bivariate Normal Distribution (CBND) using Drezner and Wesolowsky (1990) function
A : float,
b : float,
rho : float,
Returns: float.
CBND3(x, y, rho)
Returns the Cumulative Bivariate Normal Distribution (CBND) using Genz (2004) algorithm (this is the preferred method)
x : float,
y : float,
rho : float,
Returns: float.
cndLibrary "cnd"
Cumulative Normal Distribution
Returns the Cumulative Normal Distribution (CND) using the Hart (1968) method. (preferred method, 14-18 decimal accuracy)
x : float,
Returns: float.
Returns the Cumulative Normal Distribution (CND) using the Abromowitz and Stegun (1974) Polynomial Approximation.
x : float,
Returns: float.
Returns the Cumulative Normal Distribution (CND) using Newton-Cotes method, Boole’s rule
x : float,
Returns: float.
chi2InvLibrary "chi2Inv"
chi2Inv(p, n)
Returns the inverse cumulative distribution function (icdf) of the chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom nu, evaluated at the probability values in p. Goldstein approximation
p : float, probability
n : float, degress of freedom source.
Returns: float.
TR_Base_LibLibrary "TR_Base_Lib"
TODO: add library description here
ShowLabel(_Text, _X, _Y, _Style, _Size, _Yloc, _Color)
TODO: Function to display labels
_Text : TODO: text (series string) Label text.
_X : TODO: x (series int) Bar index.
_Y : TODO: y (series int/float) Price of the label position.
_Style : TODO: style (series string) Label style.
_Size : TODO: size (series string) Label size.
_Yloc : TODO: yloc (series string) Possible values are yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar.
_Color : TODO: color (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: TODO: No return values
TODO: Function to take out 12 colors in order
_Index : TODO: color number.
Returns: TODO: color code
TODO: Table display position function
_Pos : TODO: position.
Returns: TODO: Table position
TODO: テーブル表示位置 日本語表示位置を定数に変換
_Pos : TODO: 日本語表示位置
Returns: TODO: _result:表示位置の定数を返す
TODO: 足変換、TimeFrameを分に変換
_Tf : TODO: TimeFrame文字
Returns: TODO: _result:TimeFrameを分に変換した値、_chartTf:チャートのTimeFrameを分に変換した値
TODO: TimeFrameを日本語足名に変換して返す関数 引数がブランクの時はチャートの日本語足名を返す
_tf : TODO: TimeFrame文字
Returns: TODO: _result:日本語足名
TODO: Delete Line
: TODO: No parameter
Returns: TODO: No return value
TODO: Delete Label
: TODO: No parameter
Returns: TODO: No return value
SetSessionTimesLibrary "SetSessionTimes"
Indian exchanage time session library, might be useful to code indicator or strategy necessary to call exchange trading sessions at NSE and MCX.
SetSessionTimesIndiaLibrary "SetSessionTimesIndia"
This library might be useful to code an indicator or strategy that requires to call Indian trading sessions at NSE and MCX.
FibonacciLibrary "Fibonacci"
General Fibonacci functions. Get fib numbers, ratios, etc.
fib_precise(f, precision)
Get the precise Fibonacci ratio, to the specified number of decimal places
f : Fibonacci ratio (string, in form #.###)
precision : Number of decimal places (optional int, dft = 16, max = 32)
Returns: Precise Fibonacci ratio (float)
Calculate the Nth number in the Fibonacci sequence
n : Index/number in sequence (int)
Returns: Fibonacci number (int)
SupportResitanceAndTrendLibrary "SupportResitanceAndTrend"
Contains utilities for finding key levels of support, resistance and direction of trend.
superTrendPlus(multiple, h, l, atr, closeBars)
A more flexible version of SuperTrend that allows for supplying the series used and sensitivity adjustment by confirming close bars.
multiple : The multiple to apply to the average true range.
h : The high values.
l : The low values.
atr : The average true range values.
closeBars : The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
superTrend(multiple, period, mode, closeBars)
superTrendPlus with simplified parameters.
multiple : The multiple to apply to the average true range.
period : The number of bars to measure.
mode : The type of moving average to use with the true range.
closeBars : The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
superTrendCleaned(multiple, period, mode, closeBars, maxDeviation)
superTrendPlus with default compensation for extreme volatility.
multiple : The multiple to apply to the average true range.
period : The number of bars to measure.
mode : The type of moving average to use with the true range.
closeBars : The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
maxDeviation : The optional standard deviation level to use when cleaning the series. The default is the value of the provided level.
Identifies support and resistance levels by when a stochastic RSI reverses.
Identifies anchored VWAP levels by when a stochastic RSI reverses.
MovingAveragesLibrary "MovingAverages"
vawma(len, src, volumeDefault)
VAWMA = VWMA and WMA combined. Simply put, this attempts to determine the average price per share over time weighted heavier for recent values. Uses a triangular algorithm to taper off values in the past (same as WMA does).
len : The number of bars to measure with.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'hlc3'.
volumeDefault : The default value to use when a chart has no (N/A) volume.
Returns: The volume adjusted triangular weighted moving average of the series.
cma(n, D, C, compound)
Coefficient Moving Avereage (CMA) is a variation of a moving average that can simulate SMA or WMA with the advantage of previous data.
n : The number of bars to measure with.
D : The series to measure from. Default is 'close'.
C : The coefficient to use when averaging. 0 behaves like SMA, 1 behaves like WMA.
compound : When true (default is false) will use a compounding method for weighting the average.
ema(len, src)
Same as ta.ema(src,len) but properly ignores NA values.
len : The number of samples to derive the average from.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'close'.
wma(len, src, startingWeight)
Same as ta.wma(src,len) but properly ignores NA values.
len : The number of samples to derive the average from.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'close'.
startingWeight : The weight to begin with when calculating the average. Higher numbers will decrease the bias.
vwma(len, src, volumeDefault)
Same as ta.vwma(src,len) but properly ignores NA values.
len : The number of bars to measure with.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'hlc3'.
volumeDefault : The default value to use when a chart has no (N/A) volume.
get(type, len, src)
Generates a moving average based upon a 'type'.
type : The type of moving average to generate. Values allowed are: SMA, EMA, WMA, VWMA and VAWMA.
len : The number of bars to measure with.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'close'.
Returns: The moving average series requested.
DataCleanerLibrary "DataCleaner"
outlierLevel(src, len, level)
Gets the (standard deviation) outlier level for a given series.
src : The series to average and add a multiple of the standard deviation to.
len : The The number of bars to measure.
level : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: The average of the series plus the multiple of the standard deviation.
naOutliers(src, len, maxDeviation)
Returns only values that are within the maximum deviation.
src : The series to filter results from.
len : The The number of bars to measure.
maxDeviation : The maximum deviation before considered an outlier.
normalize(src, len, maxDeviation, baseline)
Returns the source value adjusted by its standard deviation.
src : The series to measure.
len : The number of bars to measure the standard deviation.
maxDeviation : The maximum deviation before considered an outlier.
baseline : The value considered to be at center. Typically zero.
cleanUsing(src, result, len, maxDeviation)
Returns an array representing the result series with (outliers provided by the source) removed.
src : The source series to read from.
result : The result series.
len : The maximum size of the resultant array.
maxDeviation : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: An array containing the cleaned series.
clean(src, len, maxDeviation)
Returns an array representing the source series with outliers removed.
src : The source series to read from.
len : The maximum size of the resultant array.
maxDeviation : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: An array containing the cleaned series.
cleanArray(src, maxDeviation)
Returns an array representing the source array with outliers removed.
src : The source series to read from.
maxDeviation : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: An array containing the cleaned series.
naArrayOutliers(src, maxDeviation)
Returns an array representing the source array with outliers removed.
src : The array to set outliers to N/A.
maxDeviation : The maximum deviation before considered an outlier.
Returns: True if there were any outliers; otherwise false.
outlierLevelAdjusted(src, len, level, maxDeviation)
Gets the (standard deviation) outlier level for a given series after a single pass of removing any outliers.
src : The series to average and add a multiple of the standard deviation to.
len : The The number of bars to measure.
level : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
maxDeviation : The optional standard deviation level to use when cleaning the series. The default is the value of the provided level.
Returns: The average of the series plus the multiple of the standard deviation.
FrostyBotLibrary "FrostyBot"
JSON Alert Builder for FrostyBot.js Binance Futures and FTX orders
More Complete Version Soon.
TODO: Comment Functions and annotations from command reference ^^
TODO: Add additional whitelist and symbol mappings.
DiscordLibraryLibrary "DiscordLibrary"
Bold String in Discord Function
Italicize String in Discord Function
Strikethrough a String in Discord Function
Underline a String in Discord Function
When you send the text, it will be shown as a black block, and only by clicking on it will you be able to see what is written below, in a way, unveiling the text or giving spoilers
Highlight String Function
Put String in a Box Function
Format URL String so that it is not an embedded Image but just the Link
Send Inivisible Text
Generate discord embed JSON
Formats Content Only JSON Message
Custom function to truncate (cut) excess decimal places
format Content message
Format Ticker Symbol