StocksDeveloper_AutoTraderWebLibrary "StocksDeveloper_AutoTraderWeb"
AutoTrader Web trading API functions implementation for Trading View.
preparePlaceOrderJson(account, symbol, group, variety) Prepare a place order json
account : Pseudo or group account number
symbol : AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
group : Set it to true to use group account (Default: false)
variety : Variety (Default: REGULAR)
Returns: A json message for the given order data
preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingOrderJson(orderJsonArray) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
orderJsonArray : Order json can contain one or more orders
Returns: A complete alert message to place orders
preparePlaceOrderAlertMessage(account, symbol, group, variety, validity) Prepare a place order alert json message
account : Pseudo or group account number
symbol : AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
group : Set it to true to use group account (Default: false)
variety : Variety (Default: REGULAR)
validity : Validity (Default: DAY)
Returns: A complete alert message to place orders
Indicators and strategies
Woodwind VaultLibrary "WoodwindVault"
Woodwind Vault provides reusable functions to support Thange Woodwind Playbook execution.
getHighestHighAndLowestLow(period) determines the highest-high and lowest-low for the specified time interval.
period : int, the time interval for finding the highest-high and lowest-low.
Returns: float, the highest-high and lowest-low of the candles in the specified period.
findEquilibrium() projects a one glance view of the entire resistance net faced by the price. It does so by computing different equilibrium points for the price.
Returns: longTermEquilibriumB float, the midpoint of highest-high and lowest-low of the candles in last longTermPeriod.
getGlance(fast, slow) glances over the 2 equilibrium points from moving averages and establishes whether its bullish or bearish.
fast : float, the fast moving point.
slow : float, the slow moving point.
Returns: string, it is "bullish" if fast moving point is over the slow moving point o/w returns "bearish".
positionRelativeToLevel(point, level) determines first point's position w.r.t a specified level.
point : float, the first point (typically a fast moving average).
level : float, the second point acting as a level (typically a slow moving average).
Returns: string, the above/below/at position w.r.t level.
positionRelativeToRange(point, fromLevel, toLevel) determines first point's position w.r.t a range (typically a resistance band).
point : float, the first point.
fromLevel : float, the from-range which is typically a fast moving line.
toLevel : float, the to-range which is typically a slow moving line.
Returns: string, the above/below/within range.
Thange VaultLibrary "ThangeVault"
Thange Vault is a collection of utility functions required by the Thange Woodwind Playbook.
debug(msg) Print debug information
msg : message to be logged on console
Returns: nothing
tickFormat() Create a string template to restrict stop-loss, take-profit level precision to ticks.
Returns: A string format template
hashmapsA simple hashmap implementation for pinescript.
It gets your string array and transforms it into a hashmap.
Before using it you need to initialize your array with the size you need for your specific case since the size is not dynamic.
To use it, first you need to import it the following way:
> import marspumpkin/hashmaps/1
Then, initialize your array with the size needed for your specific case:
> hashmap = array.new_string(10000)
After that you can call:
> hashmaps.put() and hashmaps.get()
Passing in the array(hashmap), key and value.
I hope this helps you in your pinescript journey.
psonPineScript Object Notation
A workaround not having objects in pinescript.
This is a Json-look-alike interpreter.
Format: "attr=value:attr1=value1:attr2=value2".
You can add new attributes, get the value in those attributes, set new values to existing attributes and check if an attribute exists.
DivergenceLibrary "Divergence"
Calculates a divergence between 2 series
bullish(_src, _low, depth) Calculates bullish divergence
_src : Main series
_low : Comparison series (`low` is used if no argument is supplied)
depth : Fractal Depth (`2` is used if no argument is supplied)
Returns: 2 boolean values for regular and hidden divergence
bearish(_src, _high, depth) Calculates bearish divergence
_src : Main series
_high : Comparison series (`high` is used if no argument is supplied)
depth : Fractal Depth (`2` is used if no argument is supplied)
Returns: 2 boolean values for regular and hidden divergence
I created this library to plug and play divergences in any code.
You can create a divergence indicator from any series you like.
Fractals are used to pinpoint the edge of the series. The higher the depth, the slower the divergence updates get.
My Plain Stochastic Divergence uses the same calculation. Watch it in action.
CRCIndicators - Common IndicatorsLibrary "CRCIndicators"
The Divergent LibraryLibrary "TheDivergentLibrary"
The Divergent Library is only useful when combined with the Pro version of The Divergent - Advanced divergence indicator . This is because the Basic (free) version of The Divergent does not expose the "Divergence Signal" value.
Usage instructions:
1. Create a new chart
2. Add The Divergent (Pro) indicator to your chart
3. Create a new strategy, import this library, add a "source" input, link it to "The Divergent: Divergence Signal", and use the library to decode the divergence signals from The Divergent (You can find example strategy code published in our profile)
4. Act on the divergences signalled by The Divergent
isRegularBullishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Regular Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Regular Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isHiddenBullishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isRegularBearishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Regular Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Regular Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isHiddenBearishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
getPivotDetectionSource(context) Returns the 'Pivot Detection Source' setting of The Divergent. The returned value can be either "Oscillator" or "Price".
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: One of the following string values: "Oscillator" or "Price".
getPivotDetectionMode(context) Returns the 'Pivot Detection Mode' setting of The Divergent. The returned value can be either "Bodies" or "Wicks".
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: One of the following string values: "Bodies" or "Wicks".
isLinked(context) Returns a boolean value indicating the link status to The Divergent indicator.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating the link status to The Divergent indicator.
init(firstBarSignal, displayLinkStatus, debug) Initialises The Divergent Library's context with the signal produced by The Divergent on the first bar. The value returned from this function is called the "context of The Divergent Library". Some of the other functions of this library requires you to pass in this context.
firstBarSignal : The signal from The Divergent indicator on the first bar.
displayLinkStatus : A boolean value indicating whether the Link Status window should be displayed in the bottom left corner of the chart. Defaults to true.
debug : A boolean value indicating whether the Link Status window should display debug information. Defaults to false.
Returns: A bool array containing the context of The Divergent Library.
processSignal(signal) Processes a signal from The Divergent and returns a 5-tuple with the decoded signal: [ int divergenceType, int priceBarIndexStart, int priceBarIndexEnd, int oscillatorBarIndexStart, int oscillatorBarIndexEnd]. `divergenceType` can be one of the following values: na → No divergence was detected, 1 → Regular Bullish, 2 → Regular Bullish early, 3 → Hidden Bullish, 4 → Hidden Bullish early, 5 → Regular Bearish, 6 → Regular Bearish early, 7 → Hidden Bearish, 8 → Hidden Bearish early.
signal : The signal from The Divergent indicator.
Returns: A 5-tuple with the following values: [ int divergenceType, int priceBarIndexStart, int priceBarIndexEnd, int oscillatorBarIndexStart, int oscillatorBarIndexEnd].
Dictionary/Object LibraryThis Library is aimed to mitigate the limitation of Pinescript having only one structured data type which is only arrays.
It lacks data types like Dictionaries(in Python) or Object (in JS) that are standard for other languages. Tuples do exist, but it hardly solves any problem.
Working only with Arrays could be overwhelming if your codebase is large. I looked for alternatives to arrays but couldn't find any library.
So I coded it myself and it's been working good for me. So I wanted to share it with you all.
What does it do:
If you are familiar with Python or Javascript, this library tries to immimate Object/Dictonary like structure with Key Value Pairs.
For Example:
object= {name:"John Doe", age: 28 , org: "PineCoders"}
And then it also tries to immitate the Array of Objects (I call it Stack)
like this:
stack= Array({name:"John Doe", age: 28 , org: "PineCoders"},
{name:"Adam Smith", age: 32 , org: "PineCoders"},
{name:"Paragjyoti Deka", age: 25 , org: "PineCoders"})
So there are basically two ideas: Objects and Stacks.
But it looks whole different in Pinescript for obvious reasons.
The major limitation I couldn't overcome was that, for all of the values: both input and return values for properties will be of string type.
This is due to the limiation of Pinecsript that there is no way to return a value on a if-else statement dynamically with different data types.
And as the input data type must be explicitly defined when exporting the library functions, only string inputs are allowed.
Now that doesn't mean you won't be able to use integer, float or boolens, you just need to pass the string value for it using str.tostring() method.
And the output for the getter functions will be in strings as well. But I have added some type conversion methods that you could use from this library itself.
From String to Float, String To Integer and String to Boolean: these three methods are included in this library.
So basically the whole library is based on a manipulatiion of Array of strings under the hood.
Import the library using this statement:
import paragjyoti2012/STR_Dict_Lib/4 as DictLib
First define an object using this method:
for eample:
object1= DictLib.init("name=John,age=26,org=")
This is similar to
object1= {name:"John",age:"26", org:""} in JS or Python
Just like we did here in for "org", you can set initital value to "". But remember to pass string values, even for a numerical properties, like here in "age".
You can use "age="+str.tostring(age). If you find it tedious, you can always add properties later on using .set() method.
So it could also be initiated like this
object= DictLib.init("name=John")
and later on
DictLib.set(object1,"age", str.toString(age))
DictLib.set(object1,"org", "PineCoders")
The getter function looks like this
age= DictLib.get(object1,"age")
The first argument for all methods .get, .set, and .remove is the pointer (name of the object).
Array Of Objects (Stacks)
As I mentioned earlier, I call the array of objects as Stack.
Here's how to initialize a Stack.
stack= DictLib.initStack(object1)
The .initStack() method takes an object pointer as argument. It simply converts the array into a string and pushes it into the newly created stack.
Rest of all the methods for Stacks, takes the stack pointer as it's first arument.
For example:
The second argument here is the object pointer. It adds the object to it's stack. Although it might feel like a two dimentional array, it's actually an one dimentional array with string values.
Under the hood, it looks like this
For Objects
init() : Initializes the object.
params: (string) e.g
returns: The object ( )
get() : Returns the value for given property
params: (string object_pointer, string property)
returns: string
age= DictLib.get(object1,"age")
set() : Adds a new property or updates an existing property
params: (string object_pointer, string property, string value)
returns: void
DictLib.set(object1,"age", str.tostring(29))
remove() : Removes a property from the object
params : (string object_pointer, string property)
returns: void
For Array Of Objects (Stacks)
initStack() : Initializes the stack.
params: (string object_pointer) e.g
returns: The Stack
stack= DictLib.initStack(object1)
pushToStack() : Adds an object at at last index of the stack
params: (string stack_pointer, string object_pointer)
returns: void
popFromStack() : Removes the last object from the stack
params: (string stack_pointer)
returns: void
insertToStack() : Adds an object at at the given index of the stack
params: (string stack_pointer, string object_pointer, int index)
returns: void
removeFromStack() : Removes the object from the given index of the stack
params: (string stack_pointer, int index)
returns: void
getElement () : Returns the value for given property from an object in the stack (index must be given)
params: (string stack_pointer, int index, string property)
returns: string
ageFromObject1= DictLib.getElement(stack,0,"age")
setElement() : Updates an existing property of an object in the stack (index must be given)
params: (string stack_pointer, int index, string property, string value)
returns: void
DictLib.setElement(stack,0,"age", str.tostring(32))
includesElement() : Checks if any object exists in the stack with the given property-value pair
params : (string stack_pointer, string property, string value)
returns : Boolean
doesExist= DictLib.includesElement(stack,"org","PineCoders")
searchStack() : Search for a property-value pair in the stack and returns it's index
params: (stringp stack_pointer, string property, string value)
returns: int (-1 if doesn't exist)
index= DictLib.searchElement(stack,"org","PineCoders")
Type Conversion Methods
strToFloat() : Converts String value to Float
params: (string value)
returns: float
floatVal= DictLib.strToFloat("57.96")
strToInt() : Converts String value to Integer
params: (string value)
returns: int
intVal= DictLib.strToFloat("45")
strToBool() : Converts String value to Boolean
params: (string value)
returns: boolean
boolVal= DictLib.strToBool("true")
Points to remember
1. Always pass string values as arguments.
2. The return values will be of type string, so convert them before to avoid typecasting conflict.
3. Horses can't vomit.
More Informations
Yes, You can store this objects and stacks for persisting through the iterations of a script across successive bars.
You just need to set the variable using "var" keyword. Remember this objects and stacks are just arrays,
so any methods and properties an array have it pinescript, would be applicable for objects and stacks.
It can also be used in security functions without any issues for MTF Analysis.
If you have any suggestions or feedback, please comment on the thread, I would surely be happy to help.
Signal_transcoder_libraryLibrary "Signal_transcoder_library"
This is my 2nd iteration for sending Signals via Plots. (first one was the 8bit Version)
Now a cleaner approach (thanks for the hints @lonesometheblue)
Input a 16 bool Array
Outputs a Float for transmitting via Plot
Input a Float from plot via input-mapping
Outputs a Array of 16 bools
Future Ideas:
Transmitting 2-4 Ints (-127 to 127) and Bools
InterpolationLibrary "Interpolation"
Functions for interpolating values. Can be useful in signal processing or applied as a sigmoid function.
linear(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the linear adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the line the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
quadIn(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the quadratic (easing-in) adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
quadOut(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the quadratic (easing-out) adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
quadInOut(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the quadratic (easing-in-out) adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
cubicIn(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the cubic (easing-in) adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
cubicOut(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the cubic (easing-out) adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
cubicInOut(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the cubic (easing-in-out) adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
expoIn(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the exponential (easing-in) adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
expoOut(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the exponential (easing-out) adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
expoInOut(k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the exponential (easing-in-out) adjusted value.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
using(fn, k, delta, offset, unbound) Returns the adjusted value by function name.
fn : The name of the function. Allowed values: linear, quadIn, quadOut, quadInOut, cubicIn, cubicOut, cubicInOut, expoIn, expoOut, expoInOut.
k : A number (float) from 0 to 1 representing where the on the curve the value is.
delta : The amount the value should change as k reaches 1.
offset : The start value.
unbound : When true, k values less than 0 or greater than 1 are still calculated. When false (default), k values less than 0 will return the offset value and values greater than 1 will return (offset + delta).
FunctionPeakDetectionLibrary "FunctionPeakDetection"
Method used for peak detection, similar to MATLAB peakdet method
function(sample_x, sample_y, delta) Method for detecting peaks.
sample_x : float array, sample with indices.
sample_y : float array, sample with data.
delta : float, positive threshold value for detecting a peak.
Returns: tuple with found max/min peak indices.
CRC.lib Log FunctionsLibrary "CRCLog"
default_params() Returns default high/low intercept/slope parameter values for Bitcoin that can be adjusted and used to calculate new Regression Log lines
log_regression() Returns set of (fib) spaced lines representing log regression (default values attempt fitted to INDEX:BTCUSD genesis-2021)
Library_RICHLibrary "Library_RICH"
TODO: add library description here
sum(x) TODO: add function description here
x : TODO: add parameter x description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
checkBuyReversal() : ckeck if there are buy reversal conditions (divergences) in rsi
insure that the bar count since the last pivot low is within the specified range (min- and max range)
ckeck if there is a higher-low in rsi and lower-low in the price
(doubel) ckeck if buy reversal condition is true
: : rsi value, pivot left lenght, pivot right lenght, min. and max. range
Returns: : two values: bar-reversal-condition (true) and pivot low if is true
checkBuyContinuation() : ckeck if there are buy cintinuation conditions (hidden divergences) in rsi
insure that the bar count since the last pivot low is within the specified range (min- and max range)
ckeck if there is a lower-low in rsi and higher-low in the price
(doubel) ckeck if buy continuation condition is true
: : rsi value, pivot left lenght, pivot right lenght, min. and max. range
Returns: : two results: bar-reversal-condition (true) and pivot low, if is true
checkSellReversal() : ckeck if there are sell reversal conditions (divergences) in rsi
insure that the bar count since the last pivot high is within the specified range (min- and max range)
ckeck if there is a lower-high in rsi and higher-high in the price
(doubel) ckeck if sell reversal condition is true
: : rsi value, pivot left lenght, pivot right lenght, min. and max. range
Returns: : two results: sell-reversal-condition (true) and pivot high, if is true
checkSellContinuation() : ckeck if there are sell cointunuation conditions (divergences) in rsi
insure that the bar count since the last pivot high is within the specified range (min- and max range)
ckeck if there is a higher-high in rsi and lower-high in the price
(doubel) ckeck if sell continuation condition is true
: : rsi value, pivot left lenght, pivot right lenght, min. and max. range
Returns: : two results: sell-continuation-condition (true) and pivot high, if is true
AveragesLibrary "Averages"
Contains utilities for generating averages from arrays. Useful for manipulated or cleaned data.
triangular(src, startingWeight) Calculates the triangular weighted average of a set of values where the last value has the highest weight.
src : The array to derive the average from.
startingWeight : The weight to begin with when calculating the average. Higher numbers will decrease the bias.
weighted(src, weights, weightDefault) Calculates the weighted average of a set of values.
src : The array to derive the average from.
weights : The array containing the weights for the source.
weightDefault : The default value to use when a weight is NA.
triangularWeighted(src, weights, startingWeight) Calculates the weighted average of a set of values where the last value has the highest triangular multiple.
src : The array to derive the average from.
weights : The array containing the weights for the source.
startingWeight : The multiple to begin with when calculating the average. Higher numbers will decrease the bias.
exponential(src) Calculates the exponential average of a set of values where the last value has the highest weight.
src : The array to derive the average from.
arrayFrom(src, len, omitNA) Creates an array from the provided series (oldest to newest).
src : The array to derive from.
len : The target length of the array.
omitNA : If true, NA values will not be added to the array and the resultant array may be shorter than the target length.
DailyDeviationLibrary "DailyDeviation"
Helps in determining the relative deviation from the open of the day compared to the high or low values.
hlcDeltaArrays(daysPrior, maxDeviation, spec, res) Retuns a set of arrays representing the daily deviation of price for a given number of days.
daysPrior : Number of days back to get the close from.
maxDeviation : Maximum deviation before a value is considered an outlier. A value of 0 will not filter results.
spec : session.regular (default), session.extended or other time spec.
res : The resolution (default = '1440').
Returns: Where OH = Open vs High, OL = Open vs Low, and OC = Open vs Close
fromOpen(daysPrior, maxDeviation, comparison, spec, res) Retuns a value representing the deviation from the open (to the high or low) of the current day given number of days to measure from.
daysPrior : Number of days back to get the close from.
maxDeviation : Maximum deviation before a value is considered an outlier. A value of 0 will not filter results.
comparison : The value use in comparison to the current open for the day.
spec : session.regular (default), session.extended or other time spec.
res : The resolution (default = '1440').
CRC.lib Bars - Bar FunctionsLibrary "CRCBars"
min_max(open, open) Get bar min (low) and max (high) price points
open : Open price data
open : Close price data
is_bullish_bearish(open, open) Get bar bullish/bearish boolean signals
open : Open price data
open : Close price data
sizes(open, open, open, open) Get bar sizes based on open/high/low/close data
open : Open price data
open : High price data
open : Low price data
open : Close price data
CRC.lib Characters and StringsLibrary "CRCChars"
arrow_up() : ▲
arrow_down() : ▼
warning() : ⚠
checkmark() : ✅
no_entry() : 🚫
CRCPaintLibrary "CRCPaint"
trans : Transparency value (float)
Returns: color
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
options_expiration_and_strike_price_calculatorLibrary "options_expiration_and_strike_price_calculator"
TODO: add library description here
this is a library to help calculate options strike price and expiration that you can add to a script i use it mainly for symbol calulation to place orders to buy options on TD ameritrade so it will be set up to order options on TD ameritrade using json order placer and webhook it fills in the area in the json under symbol i suggest manually adding the year it should look like this is an example of an order to buy 10 call options using json through td ameritrade api
"complexOrderStrategyType": "NONE",
"orderType": "LIMIT",
"session": "NORMAL",
"price": "6.45",
"duration": "DAY",
"orderStrategyType": "SINGLE",
ConverterTFLibrary "ConverterTF"
I have found a bug Regarding the timeframe display, on the chart I have found that the display is numeric, for example 4Hr timeframe instead of '4H', but it turns out to be '240', which I want it to be displayed in abbreviated form. And in all other timeframes it's the same. So this library was created to solve those problems. It converts a timeframe from a numeric string type to an integer type by selecting a timeframe manually and displaying it on the chart.
str = "240"
X.GetTF( str )
str = input.timeframe(title='Time frame', defval='240')
TimeF = CTF(str), high, 'Before>> Timeframe '+str+' After>> Timeframe '+TimeF,style=label.style_label_down,size=size.large)
label.delete(L )
Custom timeframes can handle this issue as well.
An example from the use. You will find it on the bottom right hand side.
Hopefully it will be helpful to the Tradingview community. :)
TradingPortfolioLibrary "TradingPortfolio"
Simple functions for portfolio management. A portfolio is essentially
a float array with 3 positions that gets passed around
into these functions that ensure it gets properly updated as trading ensues.
An example usage:
import hugodanielcom/TradingPortfolio/XXXX as portfolio
var float my_portfolio = portfolio.init(0.0, strategy.initial_capital) // Initialize the portfolio with the strategy capital
if close < 10.0, 10.0, close) // Buy when the close is below 10.0
plot(, title = "Total portfolio value")
get_balance(portfolio) Gets the number of tokens and fiat available in the supplied portfolio.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The tokens and fiat in a tuple
set_balance(portfolio, new_crypto, new_fiat) Sets the portfolio number of tokens and fiat amounts. This function overrides the current values in the portfolio and sets the provided ones as the new portfolio.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
new_crypto : The new amount of tokens in the portfolio.
new_fiat : The new amount of fiat in the portfolio
Returns: The tokens and fiat in a tuple
init(crypto, fiat) This function returns a clean portfolio. Start by calling this function and pass its return value as an argument to the other functions in this library.
crypto : The initial amount of tokens in the portfolio (defaults to 0.0).
fiat : The initial amount of fiat in the portfolio (defaults to 0.0).
Returns: The portfolio (a float )
crypto(portfolio) Gets the number of tokens in the portfolio
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The amount of tokens in the portfolio
fiat(portfolio) Gets the fiat in the portfolio
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The amount of fiat in the portfolio
retained(portfolio) Gets the amount of reatined fiat in the portfolio. Retained fiat is not considered as part of the balance when buying/selling, but it is considered as part of the total of the portfolio.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The amount of retained fiat in the portfolio
retain(portfolio, fiat_to_retain) Sets the amount of fiat to retain. It removes the amount from the current fiat in the portfolio and marks it as retained.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
fiat_to_retain : The amount of fiat to remove and mark as retained.
Returns: void
total(portfolio, token_value) Calculates the total fiat value of the portfolio. It multiplies the amount of tokens by the supplied value and adds to the result the current fiat and retained amount.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A float that corresponds to the total fiat value of the portfolio (retained amount included)
ratio(portfolio, token_value) Calculates the ratio of tokens / fiat. The retained amount of fiat is not considered, only the active fiat being considered for trading.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A float between 1.0 and 0.0 that corresponds to the portfolio ratio of token / fiat (i.e. 0.6 corresponds to a portfolio whose value is made by 60% tokens and 40% fiat)
can_buy(portfolio, amount, token_value) Asserts that there is enough balance to buy the requested amount of tokens.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to assert that can be bought
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A boolean value, true if there is capacity to buy the amount of tokens provided.
can_sell(portfolio, amount) Asserts that there is enough token balance to sell the requested amount of tokens.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to assert that can be sold
Returns: A boolean value, true if there is capacity to sold the amount of tokens provided.
buy(portfolio, amount, token_value) Adjusts the portfolio state to perform the equivalent of a buy operation (as in, buy the requested amount of tokens at the provided value and set the portfolio accordingly).
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to buy
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A boolean value, true the requested amount of tokens was "bought" and the portfolio updated. False if nothing was changed.
sell(portfolio, amount, token_value) Adjusts the portfolio state to perform the equivalent of a sell operation (as in, sell the requested amount of tokens at the provided value and set the portfolio accordingly).
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to sell
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A boolean value, true the requested amount of tokens was "sold" and the portfolio updated. False if nothing was changed.