Sup/Res Levels [QuantVue]Shows basic pivot point of support and resistance levels. Will show alerts for break of sup. or res. Allows for a volume filter for sup. res. breaks as well.
"B" means break of either a Sup. or Res. level with volume greater than the threshold.
"Bull/Bear Wick" means bullish/bearish candle on break.
Left - number of bars left hand side of the pivot .
Right - number of bars right hand side of the pivot .
Volume Thres. - the threshold value (%) for the Volume.
This indicator is useful to filter our insignificant breaks of sup. or res. Can help trader determine when to sit on their hands, or enter a trade.
Peer Performance - NIFTY36STOCKSI have created a peer performance dashboard for:
36 stocks from:
5 sectors of Nifty 100
This kind of dashboard is very useful for traders when they are planing to trade in a stocks and like to see how that is stocks is performing against other stocks in the same sector . Picking outperforming stocks will always give outstanding results when market starts moving. os having view on teh complete sector will always be good for traders before picking a specific stock.
Sectors covered in this indicators are:
Indian Auto Sector
Banking Sector
Oil, Gas and Energy Stocks
Cement Sector
Technology Sector
It will help traders reviewing performance ( stock return in last 1 year) of group of stocks from a particular sector .
Basically 5 functions are used to plot this dashboard
using "if " function to shortlist the stocks and the sector it belongs to.
tablo function to plot a table with specific parameters like number of row and columns, color of the frame of table
Getting yearly return into a series of variables using "" function
str.tostring function is used to convert yearly return into a series of text so that it can inserted into the table cell.
finally plotting all the text and yearly return values using table.cell function
Position Sizer for UltraCap Trading Accreditation PlansWhen you enter a typical trading challenge, you are told that your accreditation assessment demo account is funded up to a certain amount. You are then told that you can only lose a small percentage of that account before you fail the accreditation/challenge. For example, if you are given a $100,000 dollar challenge demo account and are told that you can only lose up to 8% of that account ($8,000), then in reality, you really only have $8,000 to "trade" with before the game is over. That suggests that we need a risk management system that is initially based on the "true" amount of capital that we actually have to work with at the beginning of the assessment rather than an imaginary demo balance the prop firm gives us. Traditional forex risk management principles mandate that you never risk more than 2% of your trading capital on any one trade, the idea being that as long as your win rate is above some abysmally low level, it will take you a (hopefully) long time to run out of trading capital. That’s why the rules for passing an accreditation at the prop firm Ultra Cap mandate that you never risk more than 2% of your balance, or you will fail the assessment. With that in mind, I created this indicator/tool mostly for UltraCap accreditation candidates. In addition to using it to pass a prop firm assessment, you can also use it to increase your chances of surviving in an undercapitalized trading situation with your own money. For example, you could trade an actual $8,000 dollars (money that you really have) as if it were $100,000 (which is basically what any prop firm is asking you to do when they "give" you "$100,000" to trade with but only allow you lose a maximum of $8000). In that particular situation, the algorithm in this pricing model will base your initial risk exposure on an assumed account balance of $8000, and as you increase your balance, it proportionally increases risk exposure in the background until you reach a profit level of 6%, which just so happens to be the profit goal at Ultra Cap that gets you funded! This indicator uses a simple linear equation to progressively increase the risk exposure in the background based on your current stated account balance. Initially, your trade size will seem ridiculously small, but if your win rate holds up, the trade sizes will increase substantially as you get closer to the finish line.
[CLX] Progressbar - LogoThis script is part of the Library Progressbar - Showcase. You can find it under:
Momentum Deviation Bands [Loxx]Momentum Deviation Bands uses a variation of standard deviation. Instead of using price to calculate standard deviation, this uses momentum. This is another type of volatility that will be used in future indicators. This indicator serves more as an educational tool, but can also be used in trading.
You can read about the included moving averages here:
Bar coloring
Profitable Supertrend v0.1 - AlphaThis a script to try detect the best combination of supertrend parameters in a space of time. Sadly the script is slow. Evaluate all possibilities params is hard for a pinescript and my knowledge too. In some cases, when you want evaluate many time could be the script fails for timeout. Perhaps with time I could enhance. For this problem of speed the calculate of combinatios it's not complete: In factor use a increment of 0.2 in each param (0.1, 0.3, 0.5 ...) in period the increment for each value is 3. The range for factor it's from 3.0 to 12.0. The range of period it's from 10 to 43
My knowledge don't let me go more far. Perhaps with time I can enhance the script.
Global Money Supply USD-AdjustedGlobal Money Supply Aggregates
- US, China, EU, Japan, UK
- Korea, India, Canada, HK, Australia
- Taiwan, Brazil, Swiss, Russia, Mexico
- Thailand, Indonesia, Saudi, Singapore, Vietnam
Unfortunately, TV Pine can only take in 40 tickers, Each country has Money Supply Data adjusted against its FX to USD.
The formula in TV only can contain 10 tickers. So would recommend doing it up yourself on the first big 5 countries,
Anyway US and China constitute close to 50% of the global money supply.
However, one can argue whether money supply data (broad money) is valid nowadays. But I would bring up that this is just for comparison and trend purposes. Yes, M3 was removed from the US Fed data releases in end-2005.
Aggregating all of the above tickers yield me around 120tn of money supply, USD-adjusted.
There's pretty much other countries that should be included but due to the lack of data and small size of the country, it is omitted.
- Heavily Sanctioned: Iran (400-500bn) and Iraq (200-300bn)
- No Data/Bad Data: Algeria (100bn), Bangladesh (110bn)
- Fallen Angels: Venezuela (100bn?), Argentina (120bn)
- 400-500bn club: Israel, Turkey, Poland, Sweden, Ireland, UAE, Msia, Chile
- 200-300bn club: Norway, Czech, Philippines, S.Africa, New Zealand, Egypt, Denmark, Qatar
- 100bn club: Colombia, Lebanon, Pakistan, Morocco, Romania, Hungary, Nigeria, Kuwait
- GDP 1bn club: Peru, Kazakhstan, Angola, Sudan, Ukraine, Ecuador
All these could add up to 10-15tn money supply, but with currencies with bad adoption on some. End of the day, we still living in a dollarised world, with the big 5 nations taking up to 80% of the officially published money supply. The unfortunate issue is that the money supply data isn't that forward-looking. A simple linear extrapolation of historical 3-month rolling average for next month estimates can be decent, with possibility of manual meddling to add adjustments on huge macro-events eg QE infinity.
Perhaps, additional tweaking would be inflation-adjusting this. Against SPX, some housing index, crude oil, gold.
[Tommy's Inflation Index]#Inflation #FEDWATCH #FA
Hello dear beloved Traders and Investors around the world! As you are aware, the world is on a fierce battle against the inflation caused by the massive QE (Quantitative Easing) after the pandemic. All we see on the news is about this very world-wide fiscal phenomenon and how central bank of each nation are controlling it with their monetary policies. Consequently, FED’s hawkish stance to maintain tightening position has suppressed our market. The interest rates have spiked more rapidly than ever absorbing all the cash in the market.
The confrontation between Inflation Vs. Recession currently is the most integral and yet complex issue that needs to be wisely dealt with. Anyhow, whether we want it or not, the markets are being directly impacted by the tension of this inflation war. Hence, traders and investors should keep our eyes on the circumstances and trends of macro-economy to possibly comprehend, forecast, and prepare for the upcoming events. Economic indexes and data are always to be regularly monitored. Especially, inflation related indexes such as CPI (Consumer Price Index), PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditure), PPI (Produce Price Index) and Michigan inflation have stronger interrelation with the market these days.
Tradingview provides many economic indexes and data as you can see in the economy sector of the symbol search. I have found it quite useful to track the macro economy analyzing these data. As globally, people generally refer to the YoY (Year over year) and MoM (Month over month) since the relative percentage change rate is the key factor. There are raw data of CPI, PCE, PPI as well as the core of all these etc. on Tradingview. But unfortunately, there are no YoY and MoM (Only a few) data. Don’t worry. Today is your lucky day because I made them myself for you.
Today I wish to share the “Inflation Index” that I have been working during the Korean’s New Year Holidays. It automatically computes and visualizes the CPI, core CPI, PCE, core PCE, PPI, and core PPI both YoY and MoM. It might show you wrong values or errors if your chart is not on Monthly timeframe. By the way core inflation is goods and services sectors, excluding food and energy. If you check ‘Core or not?’ box, it distinguishes the regular and core indexes. I am going to regularly update this inflation index on pine script, so go ahead. It’s all yours!
Your subscription, likes, and comments inspire me a lot!
#인플레이션 #연준 #FA
안녕하세요 트레이더 여러분 토미입니다!
과도한 양적완화 여파로 생긴 인플레이션 사태를 잡기 위해 미국 연준을 포함한 각국의 중앙은행은 이례적으로 강력한 긴축정책을 펼치고 있습니다. 특히 그 어느때보다 연준의 FOMC 회의 및 기준 금리 변경 사안에 영향을 미칠 만한 여러 경제 지표들에 시장이 민감하게 반응하는 실정입니다. 여기 계신 분이라면 요즘 CPI(소비자물가지수), PCE(개인소비지출물가지수), PPI(생산자물가지수), 그리고 미시간 물가지수 등 미국 인플레이션 관련 지수들이 얼마나 중요한지 알고 계시리라 생각합니다. 코인, 주식, 선물 등 종목을 불문하고 우리가 원하던 원하지 않던 애네들 발표될 때마다 시장이 미친듯이 요동치는 사실은 부정할 수 없습니다.
최근 트레이딩뷰도 많은 경제 지표들을 제공해주고 있습니다. 우리가 자주 보는 CPI, PCE, 그리고 PPI도 있지만 우리가 통상적으로 참고하는 인플레이션 수치는 해당 지표들의 YoY(전년대비)와 MoM(전월대비)입니다. 아쉽게 트레이딩뷰에는 YoY와 MoM 수치가 없어서 대부분 뭐 인베스팅닷컴이나 구글 이런 곳에서 보셨을 겁니다. 그래서 그냥 제가 트레이딩뷰에서도 쉽게 열람할 수 있게 만들어버렸습니다. CPI, PCE, PPI, 근원 CPI, 근원 PCE, 그리고 근원 PPI의 YoY와 MoM 지수를 쉽게 볼 수 있게 디자인했습니다. 설날에 집에 짱박혀서 코딩만 했네요. 차트 상단 지표(Indicator)에 Tommy’s Inflation Index 검색 후 클릭하시면 사용하실 수 있습니다. 참고로 차트가 월봉으로 되어있지 않으면 오류가 발생할 가능성이 높으니 이 점 양해바랍니다. 지표 즐겨찾기에 추가 해놓고 중간중간 필요할 때 켜서 보시면 될 것 같습니다. 이 지표는 제가 주기적으로 업데이트 할 예정이니 앞으로도 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
여러분의 구독, 좋아요, 댓글은 저에게 큰 동기부여가 된답니다~
ValueBands for Acceptable P/E/ and P/B# What's this script?
Plot BookValue/share and TangibleBookValue/share
Visualization of Price Bands for Acceptable P/E and P/B
Adaptation to Currency Change
When TTM(FQ) financial data is not available, FY financial data is used to supplement the TTM(FQ) data.
P/E : acceptable price ratio of Earnings per share. Default is 15
P/B : acceptable price ratio of Book value per share. Default is 1.5
P/TB : acceptable price ratio of Tangible Book value per share. Default is 1.5
## Books
BookValue : book value per share
TangibleBookValue :tangible book value per share
## Acceptable Prices
Acceptable P/E : P/E * EPS
Acceptable P/B : P/B * BVPS
Acceptable P/TB : P/TB * TBVPS
## Geometric mean
GeometricMean(APE&APB) : sqrt(APE*APB). Geometric mean of "Acceptable P/E" and "Acceptable P/B". if PE15 & PB1.5 then GrahamNumber .
GeometricMean(APE&APTB) : sqrt(APE*APTB). Geometric mean of "Acceptable P/E" and "Acceptable P/TB".
## color fill
BV -TBV .Fill color is TBV line
APE -APB .Fill color is the color of the larger APE and APB lines
I am not a programmer, so I can only provide crude functionality, but I hope it will be of some help to you
1. 一株当たり純資産の線
2. 一株当たり有形固定資産の線
3. 1と2の間を2の線の色で塗りつぶし
4. 設定画面で指定した許容P/E相当の価格線。デフォルトは15
5. 設定画面で指定した許容P/B相当の価格線。デフォルトは1.5
6. 4と5のあいだを塗りつぶし。大きい値の方の線の色で塗りつぶされます
7. 設定画面で指定した許容P/TB相当の価格線。デフォルトは1.5
8. 4と5の相乗平均。もしPE15,PB1.5にしてたらGrahamNumber 。
9. 4と6の相乗平均
Reinforced RSI - The Quant Science This strategy was designed and written with the goal of showing and motivating the community how to integrate our 'Probabilities' module with their own script.
We have recreated one of the simplest strategies used by many traders. The strategy only trades long and uses the overbought and oversold levels on the RSI indicator.
We added stop losses and take profits to offer more dynamism to the strategy. Then the 'Probabilities' module was integrated to create a probabilistic reinforcement on each trade.
Specifically, each trade is executed, only if the past probabilities of making a profitable trade is greater than or equal to 51%. This greatly increased the performance of the strategy by avoiding possible bad trades.
The backtesting was calculated on the NASDAQ:TSLA , on 15 minutes timeframe.
The strategy works on Tesla using the following parameters:
1. Lenght: 13
2. Oversold: 40
3. Overbought: 70
4. Lookback: 50
5. Take profit: 3%
6. Stop loss: 3%
Time period: January 2021 to date.
Our Probabilities Module, used in the strategy example:
supersignal oscilatorThis indicator shows you a special divergence which you can use them for getting the trend of chart and the base code of indicator is on ichimoku
these divergences are based on ichimoku
In LongTerm divergence, we calculate the difference between lead 1 and lead 2, and a graph is formed from their difference, by comparing the obtained graph and the candles, we find the divergence between them
In ShortTerm divergence, we calculate the difference between Conversion and Base, and a graph is formed from their difference, by comparing the obtained graph and the candles, we find the divergence between them
-The Accuracy Section has two options:
Default means that numbers are based on default numbers
when you choose golden,The indicator find a number automatic based on 3000 candle ago and put them on ichimoku numbers
in Line option you can choose the LongTerm Divergence or ShortTerm Divergence
in Ichi smooth we specify the number that we want to smooth LongTerm line or turn it to sma (Simple Moving Average)
in Ichi smooth we specify the number that we want to smooth ShortTerm line or turn it to sma (Simple Moving Average)
Signal Line is based on the same Signal Line on Macd
I hope you enjoy it :)
iChi Masters Regular GoldSignalThis indicator is based on the Ichimoku code, and by combining the Ichimoku code with special source codes and improving the colors and signals that you can see on chart with information such as stop,target and leverage for your trades, we made the IMR indicator so that it is easier for traders to understand the Ichimoku strategy, I hope you enjoy it :)
The Buy and Sell labels on chart is based on ichimoku lines:
when the conversion and base line cross up each other and in distance of 9 candle the ichimoku cloud has green switch too,then we have a Buy label on chart and the opposite is for the Sell labels
This indicator has no backtest and you can only see the signals and the information of that
- The Risk% is the percentage of your risk on your balance so indicator gives you the proper leverage
- In Box Mode you can specify where your box should be drawn :
1 : Cr sets the box on conversion and base cross
2 : Perfect Cross sets the box on a cross which has no cross before until 26 candles
3 : Buy_Sell sets the box on Buy or Sell labels on chart
4 : Divergence Box sets the box on Divergence triangles on chart
-The C/S Distance is the distance between cross and switch for Buy and Sell labels
-The Long and Short check boxes is for showing you the information of Buy or Sell position such as stop,target and leverage.
-The Divergence section is based on ichimoku too:
In Lead divergence, we calculate the difference between lead 1 and lead 2, and a graph is formed from their difference, by comparing the obtained graph and the candles, we find the divergence between them, and they are displayed as green arrows on the chart,And in total, three types of divergence can be seen in the chart, R1, R2 and HD
In Base divergence, we calculate the difference between Conversion and Base, and a graph is formed from their difference, by comparing the obtained graph and the candles, we find the divergence between them, and they are displayed as white arrows on the chart,And in total, three types of divergence can be seen in the chart, R1, R2 and HD
-The Switch Filter means that our Lead Divergence and Base Divergence should be close to ichimoku cloud switch
-The All High means that for long arrow of Divergences The lowest price of the previous 26 candles should be equal to the lowest price of the previous 52 candles and the opposite for sell arrow of Divergence
-In the Ichi Elements section, you can choose the visible sections on the chart:
The Cloud tick is on the chart to see the Ichi Moko cloud
The Offset tick is to move the cloud to 26 candles ahead
The Conv tick is to see the Conversion line
The Base tick is on the indicator to see the Base line
The Chiko tick is there to see the Chiko Span line on the chart
Qline tick to see the Base line which has advanced 26 candles
Buy_Sell tick to see buy and sell labels
The Ready tick is used to see the label ready for buying and selling on the chart
The Cross tick is to see the moment of the cross between the conv line and Base
The PC tick is for seeing crosses that do not have a cross until the previous 26 candles
The FakeCloud tick is used to see clouds that contain less than 26 candles
-The Super Trend Goldsignal is a combination of two atr with numbers 1.6 and 0.8
The signals that are displayed on the chart are the points where both atr signaled at the same time.
-The HigherTimeFrame tick will show you Conv, Base and Lead lines multiplied by Multiply
-The C, B, and L boxes are used to specify the numbers of Conv, Base, and Lead lines, respectively
-The Conv Box tick is for plotting the highest price in 9 candles and the lowest price in 9 candles
-The Lead2 Box ticker is for drawing the highest price in 52 candles and the lowest price in 52 candles
-The Yellow Line tick 26-52 is to indicate the places where either the highest price of 52 candles and 26 candles were equal or their lowest prices.
-Purple Line ticked 52-26 is to specify the places where the highest price of 26 and 52 and the lowest price of 26 and 52 are equal.
-The Blue Line 26-9 tick is for specifying the places where the highest price of 26 and 9 and the lowest price of 26 and 9 are equal.
ichimoku Masters Backtester LightThis Indicator has so many options for build your own strategy
With this indicator you can build your own strategy using the options that we provided here
in the "Static Enter" Section you can choose where do you want to enter your position and customize it with "Enter Candle" Section,by specifying these options, the indicator will start opening the position for you and show you the backtest.
In the "Static Exit (SL & TP)" section you can choose where do you want to exit your positions with setting target and stop for your positions.
And at the end you can set alert on opening and closing position and be aware of that
We hope that you enjoy using ichimoku Masters Backtester Light
-Notice : The Sections: "Dynamic Enter" , "Dynamic Exit" , "9Br Enter" , "9Br Exit" , "Pre Cross" , "Cross Enter" , "Cross Exit" , "Chiko Enter" , "Break Enter" , "Pre Switch" , "Switch Enter" , "Switch Exit" , "Ichi Elements" , "Ichi Elements Order" and "Risk Management" are limited on this version and you are not able to use them
- the "Name" Argument is for naming your strategy
- Open Section has 3 options :
1 : Buy/Sell opens positions when ichimoku cloud and conversion and base line cross at the sametime
2 : 26BoxBr opens position when candle breaks the ichimoku 26 box that indicator builds on "Box" Section
3 : 52BoxBr opens position when candle breaks the ichimoku 52 box that indicator builds on "Box" Section
- Box Section has 6 options :
1 : Cr sets the box on conversion and base cross
2 : OldCr sets the box on conversion and base cross with the beginning candle
3 : PC sets the box on a cross which has no cross before until 26 candles
4 : 9Signal Box sets the box on 9 candles of open position candle
5 : 26Signal Box sets the box on 26 candles of open position candle
4 : 52Signal Box sets the box on 52 candles of open position candle
- Enter1% sets the percent of entry position
- Risk% sets the percent you want to risk your equity
- Max Leverage sets the maximum leverage you want to have on your positions
- S2S is for staying on the position and the indicator does not open the opposite position
- Enter Candle Section has 14 check boxes:
1 : Scandle means that our open position candle should be standard
2 : NoScandle means that our open position candle should not be standard
3 : Tr means that our open position candle should be green for long positions and red for short positions
4 : NoTr means that our open position candle should be red for long positions and green for short positions
5 : G means that our open position candle should be big candle
6 : NoG means that our open position candle should not be big candle
7 : 9Grd means that conversion line shoud be yellow for long positions and white for short positions
8 : No9Grd means that conversion line shoud not be yellow for long positions and white for short positions
9 : 26Grd means that base line shoud be yellow for long positions and white for short positions
10 : No26Grd means that base line shoud not be yellow for long positions and white for short positions
11 : 52Grd means that Lead2 line shoud be yellow for long positions and white for short positions
12 : No52Grd means that Lead2 line shoud not be yellow for long positions and white for short positions
13 : InCL means that our open position candle should be in ichimoku cloud
14 : OutCL means that our open position candle should not be in ichimoku cloud
- Static Exit (SL & TP)
- Sl Section has 6 Options:
1 : Middle26 sets the stop loss of the position on the middle of the box
2 : 9 Stop sets the stop loss of the position on the 9 candles box
3 : 26 Stop sets the stop loss of the position on the 26 candles box
4 : 52 Stop sets the stop loss of the position on the 52 candles box
5 : 26Double box sets the stop loss of the position on the Double of 26 candles box
6 : 52Double box sets the stop loss of the position on the Double of 52 candles box
- in TP we can set our targets from 1 to 20
- LogTp sets our target based on logarithm
- Multiple Enter:
in this section we can set our additional orders for open positions,for this you should turn on the "On" button and then set your orders base on box, for example:
when you put 50 on Enter2 and 10 on Enter2% ,then indicator sets an order on the 50 percent of box in 10% of your equity
- Multiple Exit:
in this section you can set your step exit of order, for this you should turn on the "on" button and set your steps on box targets, for example:
when you put 1 on Exit1 and 10 on Exit1% , then indicator exit 10 percent of your position on the target 1 of box
- RF Stands for risk free and you can risk free your positions using RF ,for example :
when you put 1 on RF and 10 on RF% ,then indicator place your stop on opening position candle when it touches the target 1 of the box and exits 10 percent of your position
- Ichi Numbers : in this section you can specify your ichimoku numbers
- C stands for Conv
- B stands for Base
- L stands for Lead2
- Visual Setting : in this section you can choose variable that you want to see on the chart
- Long TP/SL shows you the Long position target and stop
- Short TP/SL shows you the Short position target and stop
- Cloud shows you the ichimoku cloud
- Offset shifts the ichimoku clouds on 26 candles
- Conv shows you the conversion line
- Base shows you the base line
- Chiko shows you the chiko span line
- Pre shows you the point that conv prediction line and base prediction line cross each other and lead2 prediction line and lead1 prediction line cross too at the same time
- Cr shows you the cross point of conv and base lines
- PC shows the cross point of conv and base lines which has no cross up to 26 candles ago
- EqCr shows you the cross point of conv and base lines which the conv and base are equal
- Buy_Sell shows you the point that conv line and base line cross each other and lead2 line and lead1 line cross too at the same time
- Position Info shows you the information of position such as leverage and entry equity
- Enjoy :)
Volume Profile by QTECHtradingVolume Profile by QTECHtrading for the new year 2023
This is a simple version of Volume profile
- Volume Profile for day trading lower time frame, swing trading or investing with higher time frame
- POC, Developing POC Levels, Previous Levels
- Developing Value Area, VAH/VAL dynamic levels and Previous Levels
- Buy/Sell/Total volume modes
- Auto VWAP for day trading, swing trading, or investing
- Show/Hide all levels
- Custom Initial Balance with BOX
High/Low VolumeIn this indicator, I show you a better way to define high/low values of volume (or any other indicator).
Quite often, I get requests from my clients that an indicator level should be “high” or that it should be above a certain absolute level.
The first request is hard to interpret mathematically, but traders can easily spot it on the chart. The second one is not flexible, and it might not make sense in another market regime.
To solve that, you can compute dynamic high/low levels that represent unexpected extreme values that are adaptable to recent conditions.
There are two pretty simple methods I’m using quite often in my scripts percentiles and sigma (standard deviations).
Percentile looks back at X bars and computes the value under which a certain % of data points are located. So, for example, if we’re computing 90%tile and we’re looking at 100 bars, we’ll get a value under which we have values of precisely 90 bars for this indicator. It’s a good idea to use something like 5%tile for low level and 95%tile for high level.
Sigma(σ) is related to standard deviation. If we assume that our data is normally distributed, then 68% of data points should be in the range of mean +-1σ, 95% → mean +-2σ. So we can assume that something above 2σ is a pretty rare and extreme event.
In this script, I give you an example of how to compute both on volume, but you can easily change this to another indicator.
The issue with volume is that it’s not normally distributed, and your low level will be quite often too low to detect any low levels. Ideally, we have to use a more sophisticated formula that fits volume distribution better.
In this indicator, you can set the following parameters:
Choose type: Percentile or Sigma
Lookback Period
High/Low Percentiles
Sigmas #
You can also receive alerts for high/low volume events.
Please remember that past performance may not indicate future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as well as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
Strategy: Range BreakoutWhat?
In the price action, levels have a significant role to play. Based on the price moving above/below the levels - the underlying instrument shows some price-action in the direction of breakout/breakdown.
There are plenty of ways level can be determined. Levels are the decision point to take a trade or not. But if we make the level derivation complex, then the execution may get hamper.
This strategy script, developed in PineScript v5, is our attempt at solving this problem at the core by providing this simple, yet elegant solution to this problem.
It's essentially an attempt to Trade Simple by drawing logical (horizontal) lines in the chart and take actions, after multiple associated parameters confirmation, on the breakout / breakdown of the levels.
Let us explain how we are drawing the levels.
We are depending on some of the parameters as described below:
Open Range : During intraday movement, often if prices move beyond a particular level, it exibits more movement in the same swing in same direction. We found out, through our back testing for Indian Indices like NSE:NIFTY , NSE:BANKNIFTY or NSE:CNXFINANCE the first 15m (i.e 09:15 AM to 09:30 AM, IST) is one of such range. For Indian stocks, it is 9:15 to 9:45. And for MCX MCX:CRUDEOIL1! it's 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. There are our first levels.
PDHCL : Previous Day High, Close, Low. This is our next level
VWAP : The rolling VWAP (volume weighted average price)
In the breakout/breakdown of the Open Range and Previous Day High/Low, we are taking the trade decisions as follows using CEST principle:
C onditions :
If current bar's (say you are in 5m timeframe) closing is broken out the Open Range High or Previous Day High, taken a Buy/Long decision (let's say buying a Call Option CE or selling a Put Option PE or buying the future or cash).
If current bar's (say you are in 5m timeframe) closing is broken down the Open Range Low or Previous Day Low, taken a Sell/Short decision (let's say buying a Put Option CE or selling a Call Option PE or selling the future or cash).
Additionally, and optionally (default ON, one can turn off): we are checking various other associated multiple confirmations as follows:
1. Momentum : Checking 14-period RSI value is more than 50 or less than 50 (all parameters like period, OB, OS ranges are configurable through settings)
2. Current bar's volume is more than the last 20 bars volume average. How much more - that multiplier is also configurable. (default is 1)
3. The breakout candle is bullish (green) or bearish (red).
E ntry :
All of these happens only on the closing of the candle . Means: Non Repainting! .
Clearly in the chart we are showing as green up arrow BO (breakout for buy) and red down arrow BD (breakdown for sell) to take your decision process smooth.
So, on the closing of the decision BO/BD candle we are entering the trade (with a thumping heart and nail biting ...)
S top Loss :
We are relying on the time tasted (last 40 years) mechanism of Average True Range (ATR) of default 14 period. This default period is also configurable.
So for Long trades: the 14 period ATR low band is the SL.
For Short trades: the 14 period ATR high band is the SL.
T arget :
We are depending on the thump rule of 1:2 Risk Reward. It's simple and effective. No fancy thing. We are closing the trade on double the favorable price movement compared to the SL placed. Of course, this RR ratio is confiurable from the settings, as usual.
What's Unqiue in it?
The utter simplicity of this trading mechanism. No fancy things like complex chart pattern, OI data, multiple candlestick patterns, Order flow analysis etc.
Simple level determination,
Marking clearly in the chart.
Making each parameter configurable in Settings and showing tooltip adjacent to the parameter to make you understand it better for your customization,
Wait for the candle close, thus eliminating the chances of repainting menace (as much as possible)
Additional momentum and volume check to trade entry confirmation.
Works with normal candlestick (nothing special ones like HA ...)
Showing everything as a Summary Table (which, again can be turned off optionally) overlaying at the bottom-right corner of the chart,
Optionally the Summary Table can be configured to alert you back (say you get it notified in your email or SMS).
That way, a single, simple, effective trade setup will ease your journey as smooth sail as possible.
There are plenty of friends from whom time to time we borrowed some of the ideas while working closely together over last one year.
From tradingview community, we took the spirit of @zzzcrypto123 awesome work done long back (in 2020) as the indicator "ORB - Opening Range Breakout". (We tried to reach him for his explicit consent, unable to catch hold of him).
Some other publicly available materials we have consulted to get the additional checks (like RSI, volume).
Lat word
Use it please and thank you for your constant patronage in following us in this awesome platform. Let's keep growing together.
Disclaimer :
This piece of software does not come up with any warrantee or any rights of not changing it over the future course of time.
We are not responsible for any trading/investment decision you are taking out of the outcome of this indicator.
Wavechart v2 ##Wave Chart v2##
For analyzing Neo-wave theory
Plot the market's highs and lows in real-time order.
Then connect the highs and lows
with a diagonal line. Next, the last plot of one day (or bar) is connected with a straight line to the
first plot of the next day (or bar).
EMA DEMA Cross Study - KBThis script is created to check cross of two EMAs after their DEMA cross (for Nifty and BankNifty). It also has an option to show the cross as it happens in the 30 min timeframe on the lower timeframe chart.
Pls Note - This is for study purpose only and one shouldn't open a trade based on the cross. This script was created keeping 15 min timeframe as the default.
This script gives visual sign for a crossover and crossunder. It has 4 options
1. DEMA cross
2. EMA cross
3. EMA cross only after DEMA cross in the same direction. See the attached snapshot. First cross is as expected EMA (green shades line) after DEMA (purple shade lines), however second cross is not valid as EMA cross happened before DEMA in that direction - hence this wont be a valid scenario for this option.
4. 30 Min 10/20 EMA cross. Usually to see a crossover in 30 min one has to select 30 min time on chart. In this option script is taking the 30 min close price to calculate EMA to check the cross even if you are on 15 min chart
In case labels are behind the price bars, just change the visual order to bring them to front for better readability
RSI Overbought/Oversold + Divergence IndicatorDESCRIPTION:
This script combines the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ), Moving Average and Divergence indicator to make a better decision when to enter or exit a trade.
- The Moving Average line (MA) has been made hidden by default but enhanced with an RSIMA cloud.
- When the RSI is above the selected MA it turns into green and when the RSI is below the select MA it turns into red.
- When the RSI is moving into the Overbought or Oversold area, some highlighted areas will appear.
- When some divergences or hidden divergences are detected an extra indication will be highlighted.
- When the divergence appear in the Overbought or Oversold area the more weight it give to make a decision.
- The same color pallet has been used as the default candlestick colors so it looks familiar.
The prerequisite is that we have some knowledge about the Elliot Wave Theory, the Fibonacci Retracement and the Fibonacci Extension tools.
Wave 1
(1) When we receive some buy signals we wait until we receive some extra indications.
(2) On the RSI Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator we can see a Bullish Divergence and our RSI is changing from red to green ( RSI is higher then the MA).
(3) If we are getting here into the trade then we need to use a stop loss. We put our stop loss 1 a 2 pips just below the lowest wick. We also invest maximum 50% of the total amount we want to invest.
Wave 2
(4) Now we wait until we see a clear reversal and here we starting to use the Fibonacci Retracement tool. We draw a line from the lowest point of wave(1) till the highest point of wave (1). When we are retraced till the 0.618 fib also called the golden ratio we check again the RSI Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator. When we see a reversal we do our second buy. We set again a stop loss just below the lowest wick (this is the yellow line on the chart). We also move the stop loss we have set in step (3) to this level.
Wave 3
(5) To identify how far the uptrend can go we need to use the Fibonacci Extension tool. We draw a line from the lowest point of wave(1) till the highest point of wave (1) and draw it back to the lowest point of wave (2). Wave (3) is most of the time the longest wave and can go till it has reached the 1.618 or 2.618 fib. On the 1.618 we can take some profit. If we don't want to sell we move our stop loss to the 1 fib line (yellow line on the chart).
(6) We wait until we see a clear reversal on the Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator and sell 33% to 50% of our investment.
Wave 4
(7) Now we wait again until we see a clear reversal and here we starting to use the Fibonacci Retracement tool. We draw a line from the lowest point of wave(2) till the highest point of wave (3). When we are retraced till the 0.618 fib also called the golden ratio we check again the RSI Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator. When we see a reversal we buy again. We set again a stop loss just below the lowest wick (this is the yellow line on the chart).
(8) If we bought at the first reversal ours stop los was triggered (9) and we got out of the trade.
(9) If we did not bought at step (7) because our candle did not hit the 0.618 fib or we got stopped out of the trade we buy again at the reversal.
Wave 5
(10) To identify how far the uptrend can go we need to use the Fibonacci Extension tool. We draw a line from the lowest point of wave(2) till the highest point of wave (3) and draw it back to the lowest point of wave (4). Most of the time wave 5 goes up till it has reached the 1 fib. And that is the point where we got out of the trade with all of our investment. In this trade we got out of the trade a bit earlier. We received the sell signals and got a reversal on the Overbought/Oversold + Divergence Indicator.
We are hoping you learned something so you can make better decisions when to get into or out of a trade.
If you have any question just drop it into the comments below.
• You can show/hide the RSI .
• You can show/hide the MA.
• You can show/hide the lRSIMA cloud.
• You can show/hide the Stoch RSI cloud.
• You can show/hide and adjust the Overbought and Oversold zones.
• You can show/hide and adjust the Overbought Extended and Oversold Extended zones.
• You can show/hide the Overbought and Oversold highlighted zones.
• Etc...
• Favorite the script and add it to your chart.
• This advice is NOT financial advice.
• We do not provide personal investment advice and we are not a qualified licensed investment advisor.
• All information found here, including any ideas, opinions, views, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, or stock picks, expressed or implied herein, are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal investment advice.
• We will not and cannot be held liable for any actions you take as a result of anything you read here.
• We only provide this information to help you make a better decision.
• While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies.
Good Luck and have fun,
The CryptoSignalScanner Team
Stablecoins DominanceStablecoins Dominance
The purpose of the script is to show Stablecoin's strength in the crypto markets.
5 Largest Stablecoins divided by Total Market Cap
Altcoin Dominance (without ETH) Excluding Stablecoins UnsymetricAltcoin Dominance (without ETH) Excluding Stablecoins Unsymetric
The purpose of the script is to show Altcoin's strength without Ethereum once we exclude stablecoins.
So we look into all altcoins besides eth and besides stablecoins divided by a value of eth+btc