Bill Williams Indicators
Bigbull AI ArrowBigbull AI Arrow is a trend-based reversal strategy designed for binary options and scalping. It combines Wies Waves Volume Oscillator (WWVO) with a 10-period SMA trend filter to detect high-probability trade setups. The strategy also includes a Doji/small candle filter to avoid false signals in choppy markets.
🔹 Key Features:
✅ Smart Swing Detection – Detects trend shifts using volume momentum.
✅ Trend Confirmation – Uses a SMA-10 filter to trade only in the prevailing trend direction.
✅ Chop Avoidance – Ignores red-green choppy patterns for cleaner entries.
✅ Doji & Small Candle Filter – Avoids signals after weak candles for better accuracy.
✅ Win/Loss Accuracy Tracker – Displays real-time stats of winning trades.
🔹 Entry Conditions:
📈 BUY Signal (Green Arrow) → When volume shifts bullish, trend confirms, and no doji/small candle is detected.
📉 SELL Signal (Red Arrow) → When volume shifts bearish, trend confirms, and no doji/small candle is detected.
💡 Works best in trending markets. Avoid using it in ranging or sideway conditions.
📩 DM me on Telegram: @bigbullamitfx for more strategies and trading insights! 🚀
WILLOops! Mon-Thu-FriSimple indicator for the Oops! technique: prints down arrow only on Thurdays and Fridays; up arrows only on Mondays (don't forget to check the Bonds...)
Ichimoku SP-RE LNQ97
indicator('Ichimoku SP-RE LNQ97', 'Ichimoku SP-RE LNQ97', overlay=true, max_bars_back=2000, max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500)
//◀─── Groups Setup ───►
//◀─── Constant String Declaration ───►
string obvstr = 'On Balance Volume'
string cvdstr = 'Cumulative Volume Delta'
string pvtstr = 'Price Volume Trend'
//◀─── Inputs ───►
i_src = input.source(close, 'Source', group=gsrc)
i_altsrc = input.string('(close > open ? high : low)', 'Alternative Source', options= , group=gsrc)
i_uha = input(true, 'Use Volume Heikin Ashi?', group=gsrc)
i_wmas = input.bool(true, 'Weighted Moving Average Smoothing?', group=gsrc)
i_showlabels = input.bool(true, 'Show Labels?', group=gichi)
i_showprice = input.bool(true, 'Show Tenkan-Sen/kijun-Sen Price Labels?', group=gichi)
i_showtenkan = input.bool(true, 'Tenkan-Sen', group=gichi, inline='tenkan')
i_tenkancolor = input.color(, 0), '', group=gichi, inline='tenkan')
i_tkminlen =, 'Tenkan Min Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='tenkanlength')
i_tkmaxlen =, 'Tenkan Max Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='tenkanlength')
i_tkdynperc = input.float(96.85, 'Tenkan Dynamic Length Adaptive Percentage', minval=0, maxval=100, group=gichi) / 100.0
i_tkvolsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume', group=gichi, inline='tenkanfilter')
i_tkatrsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volatility', group=gichi, inline='tenkanfilter')
i_tkchfilter = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter', group=gichi, inline='tenkanfilter')
i_showkijun = input.bool(true, 'Kijun-Sen ', group=gichi, inline='kijun')
i_kijuncolor = input.color(, 0), '', group=gichi, inline='kijun')
i_showkjhlabels = input.bool(true, 'Show Hidden Kijun-Sen Labels?', group=gichi)
i_showkjhsr = input.bool(false, 'Show Hidden Kijun-Sen Supports/Resistances?', group=gichi)
i_kjminlen =, 'Kijun Min Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='kijunlength')
i_kjmaxlen =, 'Kijun Max Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='kijunlength')
i_kjdynperc = input.float(96.85, 'Kijun Dynamic Length Adaptive Percentage', minval=0, maxval=100, group=gichi) / 100.0
i_kjdivider =, 'Kijun Divider Tool', minval=1, maxval=4, group=gichi)
i_kjvolsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume', group=gichi, inline='kijunfilter')
i_kjatrsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volatility', group=gichi, inline='kijunfilter')
i_kjchfilter = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter', group=gichi, inline='kijunfilter')
i_showchikou = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Span', group=gichi)
i_chbearcol = input.color(, 0), 'Bear', group=gichi, inline='chikoucolor')
i_chbullcol = input.color(, 0), 'Bull', group=gichi, inline='chikoucolor')
i_chconsocol = input.color(, 0), 'Consolidation', group=gichi, inline='chikoucolor')
i_chminlen =, 'Chikou Min Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='chikoulength')
i_chmaxlen =, 'Chikou Max Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='chikoulength')
i_chdynperc = input.float(96.85, 'Chikou Dynamic Length Adaptive Percentage', minval=0, maxval=100, group=gichi) / 100.0
i_chfiltper =, 'Chikou Filter Period', minval=1, group=gichi)
i_chlb =, 'Chikou Filter Percentage Lookback', minval=1, maxval=89, group=gichi)
i_chvolsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume', group=gichi, inline='chikoufilter')
i_chatrsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volatility', group=gichi, inline='chikoufilter')
i_chtfilter = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter', group=gichi, inline='chikoufilter')
I_ska = input.bool(true, 'Senkou-Span A', group=gichi, inline='senkou')
I_skb = input.bool(true, 'Senkou-Span B', group=gichi, inline='senkou')
I_skbear = input.color(, 0), 'Bear', group=gichi, inline='senkoucolor')
I_skbull = input.color(, 0), 'Bull', group=gichi, inline='senkoucolor')
I_skconso = input.color(, 0), 'Consolidation', group=gichi, inline='senkoucolor')
I_skminlen =, 'Senkou-Span Min Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='senkoulength')
I_skmaxlen =, 'Senkou-Span Max Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='senkoulength')
I_skperc = input.float(96.85, 'Senkou Dynamic Length Adaptive Percentage', minval=0, maxval=100, group=gichi) / 100.0
I_skoffset =, 'Senkou-Span Offset', minval=1, group=gichi)
I_skvolsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume', group=gichi, inline='sn_chks')
I_atrsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volatility', group=gichi, inline='sn_chks')
I_skchfilter = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter', group=gichi, inline='sn_chks')
I_kumofill = input.bool(true, 'Kumo Fill', group=gichi, inline='kumo')
I_kumofillt =, 'Transparency', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='kumo')
I_volsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume?', group=gadvset)
I_tkkjcross = input.bool(true, 'Tenkan-Sen/Kijun-Sen Cross?', group=gadvset)
I_atrvolatility = input.bool(true, 'Volatility?', group=gadvset)
I_tkeqkj = input.bool(true, 'Tenkan-Sen Equal Kijun-Sen?', group=gadvset)
I_chgtp = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Greater Than Price?', group=gadvset)
I_chmom = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Momentum?', group=gadvset)
I_pgtk = input.bool(true, 'Price Greater Than Kumo?', group=gadvset)
I_pgttk = input.bool(true, 'Price Greater Than Tenkan-Sen?', group=gadvset)
I_pgtchf = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter?', group=gadvset)
I_volosctype = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volosctypetk = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type for Tenkan-Sen', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volosctypekj = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type for Kijun-Sen', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volosctypesk = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type for Senkou', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volosctypech = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type for Chikou', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volumelen =, 'Volume Length', minval=1, group=gvosc)
I_volzonelen =, 'Volume Zone Length', minval=1, group=gvosc)
I_volfastlen =, 'Volume Fast Length', minval=1, group=gvosc)
I_volslowlen =, 'Volume Slow Length', minval=1, group=gvosc)
I_rvolumetype = input.string(pvtstr, 'Relative Volume Strength Index Type', options= , group=gvrindex)
I_rvolumelen =, 'Relative Volume Strength Index Length', minval=1, group=gvrindex)
I_volpeak =, 'Relative Volume Strength Index Peak', minval=1, group=gvrindex)
i_emalen1 =, 'EMA 1 Length', minval=1, group=gvrindex)
i_emalen2 =, 'EMA 2 Length', minval=1, group=gvrindex)
i_atrfastlen =, 'Average True Range Fast Length', group=gatr)
i_atrslowlen =, 'Average True Range Slow Length', group=gatr)
i_showsr = input.bool(true, 'Show Supports/Resistances?', group=gsr)
i_rescol = input.color(, 0), 'Resistance Color', group=gsr, inline='srcol')
i_supcol = input.color(, 0), 'Support Color', group=gsr, inline='srcol')
i_maxline =, 'Maximum Lines', minval=1, maxval=500, group=gsr, inline='lines')
i_layout = input.string('Wick', 'Lines Type', options= , group=gsr, inline='lines')
i_linewidth =, 'Lines Width ', minval=1, maxval=3, group=gsr, inline='lines style')
i_linestyle = input.string('Solid', 'Lines Style', options= , group=gsr, inline='lines style')
i_extend = input.bool(true, 'Extend Lines', group=gsr, inline='lines style')
i_psylevels = input(false, 'Display Psychological Levels?', group=gpsylvl)
i_linescounter = input(4, 'Lines Above/Below', group=gpsylvl)
i_psylinescol = input.color(, 0), 'Lines Color', group=gpsylvl)
i_showbc = input.bool(true, 'Use Bar Color?', group=gbarcol)
i_bearbarcol = input.color(, 0), 'Bear', group=gbarcol, inline='barcolor')
i_bullbarcol = input.color(, 0), 'Bull', group=gbarcol, inline='barcolor')
i_consobarcol = input.color(, 0), 'Consolidation', group=gbarcol, inline='barcolor')
i_neutralbarcol = input.color(, 100), 'Neutral', group=gbarcol, inline='barcolor')
i_showtable = input(true, 'Show Panel?', group=gtable)
i_tablepresets = input.string('Custom', 'Presets', options= , group=gtable)
i_tableloc = input.string('Bottom Right', 'Position', options= , group=gtable)
i_tabletxtsize = input.string('Small', 'Text Size', options= , group=gtable)
i_tabletxtcol = input.color(, 0), 'Text Color', group=gtable)
i_tablebgcol = input.color(, 80), 'Background Color', group=gtable)
i_tabletkpc = input.bool(true, 'Display Tenkan-Sen Price Cross?', group=gtable)
i_tablekjpc = input.bool(true, 'Display Kijun-Sen Price Cross?', group=gtable)
i_tablechpc = input.bool(true, 'Display Chikou Span Price Cross?', group=gtable)
i_tablekumobr = input.bool(true, 'Display Kumo Breakout?', group=gtable)
i_tablekumotw = input.bool(true, 'Display Kumo Twist?', group=gtable)
//◀─── Volume Heikin Ashi Calculation ───►
//Constant Price Variables
haclose = i_uha ? ohlc4 : close
vol = volume
//Heikin Ashi Function
f_openha() =>
haopen = float(na)
haopen := na(haopen ) ? (open + close) / 2 : (nz(haopen ) + nz(haclose )) / 2
haopen = i_uha ? f_openha() : open
haboolean = f_openha()
//◀─── Price Variables Declaration ───►
open_ = open
high_ = high
low_ = low
close_ = close
bar_index_ = bar_index
//Alternative Price Variables Declaration
alternativesrc = i_altsrc == '(open + close +3 * (high + low)) / 8' ? (open + close +3 * (high + low)) / 8 :
i_altsrc == 'close + high + low -2 * open' ? close + high + low -2 * open :
i_altsrc == '(close +5 * (high + low) -7 * (open)) / 4' ? (close +5 * (high + low) -7 * (open)) / 4 :
i_altsrc == '(open + close +5 * (high + low)) / 12' ? (open + close +5 * (high + low)) / 12 :
i_altsrc == '(close > open ? high : low)' ? (close > open ? high : low) :
i_altsrc == 'Heiken-Ashi' ? (ohlc4 > haboolean ? high : low) :
altsrcres = i_wmas ? ta.swma(alternativesrc) : alternativesrc
//◀─── Global Functions ───►
//Color Call Function
fzonecolor(srcolor, _call) =>
c1 = color.r(srcolor)
c2 = color.g(srcolor)
c3 = color.b(srcolor)
color.rgb(c1, c2, c3, _call)
//Lines Styles String Function
f_i_linestyle(_style) =>
_style == 'Solid' ? line.style_solid : _style == 'Dotted' ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
//Volume Oscillator Functions
f_patternrate(cond, tw, bw, body) =>
ret = 0.5 * (tw + bw + (cond ? 2 * body : 0)) / (tw + bw + body)
ret := nz(ret) == 0 ? 0.5 : ret
f_volcalc(vol_src, _open, _high, _low, _close) =>
float result = 0
tw = _high - math.max(_open, _close)
bw = math.min(_open, _close) - _low
body = math.abs(_close - _open)
deltaup = vol_src * f_patternrate(_open <= _close, tw, bw, body)
deltadown = vol_src * f_patternrate(_open > _close, tw, bw, body)
delta = _close >= _open ? deltaup : -deltadown
cumdelta = ta.cum(delta)
float ctl = na
ctl := cumdelta
cv = I_rvolumetype == obvstr ? ta.obv : I_rvolumetype == cvdstr ? ctl : ta.pvt
ema1 = ta.ema(cv, i_emalen1)
ema2 = ta.ema(cv, i_emalen2)
result := ema1 - ema2
f_zone(_src, _type, _len) =>
vp = _src > _src ? _type : _src < _src ? -_type : _src == _src ? 0 : 0
z = 100 * (ta.ema(vp, _len) / ta.ema(_type, _len))
f_volzosc(vol_src, _close) =>
float result = 0
zLen = I_volzonelen
result := f_zone(_close, vol_src, zLen)
f_volosc(type, vol_src, vol_len, _open, _high, _low, _close) =>
float result = 0
if type == 'TFS Volume Oscillator'
iff_1 = _close < _open ? -vol_src : 0
naccvol = math.sum(_close > _open ? vol_src : iff_1, vol_len)
result := naccvol / vol_len
if type == 'On Balance Volume'
result := ta.cum(math.sign(ta.change(_close)) * vol_src)
if type == 'Klinger Volume Oscillator'
fastx = I_volfastlen
slowx = I_volslowlen
xtrend = _close > _close ? vol * 100 : -vol * 100
xfast = ta.ema(xtrend, fastx)
xslow = ta.ema(xtrend, slowx)
result := xfast - xslow
if type == 'Cumulative Volume Oscillator'
result := f_volcalc(vol_src, _open, _high, _low, _close)
if type == 'Volume Zone Oscillator'
result := f_volzosc(vol_src, _close)
//Kijun V2 Function
f_kjv2(src, len) =>
var float result = 0.0
kijun = math.avg(ta.lowest(len), ta.highest(len))
conversionLine = math.avg(ta.lowest(len / i_kjdivider), ta.highest(len / i_kjdivider))
delta = (kijun + conversionLine) / 2
result := delta
//◀─── Relative Volume Strength Index calculation ───►
tksignal = f_volosc(I_volosctypetk, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
kjsignal = f_volosc(I_volosctypekj, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
sksignal = f_volosc(I_volosctypesk, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
chsignal = f_volosc(I_volosctypech, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
sumsignal = f_volosc(I_volosctype, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
//◀─── Volume Breakout Calculation ───►
tkbrvoldn = tksignal < I_volpeak
tkbrvolup = tksignal > I_volpeak
kjbrvoldn = kjsignal < I_volpeak
kjbrvolup = kjsignal > I_volpeak
skbrvoldn = sksignal < I_volpeak
skbrvolup = sksignal > I_volpeak
chbrvoldn = chsignal < I_volpeak
chbrvolup = chsignal > I_volpeak
signalbrvoldn = sumsignal < I_volpeak
signalbrvolup = sumsignal > I_volpeak
//◀─── Volatility Strength ───►
atrvolmeter = ta.atr(i_atrfastlen) > ta.atr(i_atrslowlen)
//Adaptive Chikou Function
f_chikou(float src, simple int len, float _high, float _low, color bull_col, color bear_col, color r_col) =>
var isup = bool(na)
var isdown = bool(na)
var _re = bool(na)
var sig = int(na)
var color _clr =, 0)
isup := src > ta.highest(_high, len)
isdown := src < ta.lowest(_low, len)
_re := src < ta.highest(_high, len) and src > ta.lowest(_low, len)
_clr := isdown ? bear_col : isup ? bull_col : r_col
sig := isup ? 1 : isdown ? -1 : 0
= f_chikou(altsrcres, i_chfiltper, high, low, i_chbullcol, i_chbearcol, i_chconsocol)
//Arrays Index Functions
f_boolean(chka, reference_a) =>
var result_bool = bool(na)
for i = 0 to array.size(chka) -1
if array.get(chka, i) == true
result_bool := array.get(reference_a, i)
for i = 0 to array.size(chka) -1
result_bool := array.get(chka, i) ? array.get(reference_a, i) and result_bool : result_bool
//Boolean Calculation
bool tkarray = array.from(i_tkvolsetup,
bool kjarray = array.from(i_kjvolsetup,
bool skarray = array.from(I_skvolsetup,
bool charray = array.from(i_chvolsetup,
bool tkvolarray = array.from(tkbrvolup,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
bool kjvolarray = array.from(kjbrvolup,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
bool skvolarray = array.from(skbrvolup,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
bool chvolarray = array.from(chbrvolup,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
//Boolean to Conditions
booltkup = f_boolean(tkarray, tkvolarray)
boolkjup = f_boolean(kjarray, kjvolarray)
boolchup = f_boolean(charray, chvolarray)
boolskup = f_boolean(skarray, skvolarray)
//Dynamic Length Function
f_dyn(bool para, float adapt_Pct, simple int minLength, simple int maxLength) =>
var dyna_len = int(na)
var float i_len = math.avg(minLength, maxLength)
i_len := para ? math.max(minLength, i_len * adapt_Pct) : math.min(maxLength, i_len * (2-adapt_Pct))
dyna_len := int(i_len)
//Dynamic Length Conditions
dyntk = f_dyn(booltkup, i_tkdynperc, i_tkminlen, i_tkmaxlen)
dynkj = f_dyn(boolkjup , i_kjdynperc, i_kjminlen, i_kjmaxlen)
dynsk = f_dyn(boolskup , I_skperc, I_skminlen, I_skmaxlen)
dynch = f_dyn(boolchup , i_chdynperc, i_chminlen, i_chmaxlen)
//◀─── Index Calculation ───►
tenkansen = f_kjv2(altsrcres, dyntk)
kijunsen = f_kjv2(altsrcres, dynkj)
senkoua = math.avg(tenkansen, kijunsen)
senkoub = math.avg(ta.highest(high, dynsk), ta.lowest(low, dynsk))
chikouspan = altsrcres
//Tenkan-Sen/kijun-Sen Boolean Conditions to Float
var float tkbool = na
if tenkansen
tkbool := tenkansen
var float kjbool = na
if kijunsen
kjbool := kijunsen
//◀─── Dynamic Type Calculation ───►
bearmomentum =, dynch - 1) < 0
bullmomentum =, dynch - 1) > 0
cloudhigh = math.max(senkoua , senkoub )
cloudlow = math.min(senkoua , senkoub )
pbk = altsrcres < cloudhigh
pak = altsrcres > cloudhigh
//Boolean Arrays Variables
bool indexarray = array.from(I_volsetup,
bool downvolumearray = array.from(signalbrvoldn,
tenkansen < kijunsen,
chikouspan < altsrcres ,
altsrcres < tenkansen,
chikoufiltersig == -1)
bool uppervolumearray = array.from(signalbrvolup,
tenkansen > kijunsen,
chikouspan > altsrcres ,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
//Conditions Calculation
bearfilterdn = f_boolean(indexarray, downvolumearray)
bullfilterup = f_boolean(indexarray, uppervolumearray)
bearcondition = I_tkeqkj ? tenkansen == kijunsen and tenkansen > kijunsen or bearfilterdn : bearfilterdn
bullcondition = I_tkeqkj ? tenkansen == kijunsen and tenkansen < kijunsen or bullfilterup : bullfilterup
isdown = bearcondition
isup = bullcondition
sell = isdown and not isdown
buy = isup and not isup
//Sig Calculation
var sig = 0
if sell and sig >= 0
sig := -1
if buy and sig <= 0
sig := 1
//Sig Conditions
shortcr = sig == -1 and sig != -1
longcr = sig == 1 and sig != 1
//Boolean Conditions to Float
var float ichibearprice = na
if shortcr
ichibearprice := bar_index
var float ichibullprice = na
if longcr
ichibullprice := bar_index
//Labels Calculation
if i_showlabels
l = ta.change(ichibearprice) ?, ichibearprice + 0.01, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(high)),, 0),, 0), style=label.style_label_down, yloc=yloc.abovebar, size=size.small) : ta.change(ichibullprice) ?, ichibullprice - 0.01, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(low)),, 0),, 0), style=label.style_label_up, yloc=yloc.belowbar, size=size.small) : na
//Volatility Coordination Constant Variable
atrxy = 0.85 * ta.atr(5)
//◀─── Plotting ───►
plotshape(i_showlabels and shortcr ? (high) + atrxy : na, style=shape.triangledown, color=i_rescol, location=location.absolute, size=size.small)
plotshape(i_showlabels and longcr ? (low) - atrxy : na, style=shape.triangleup, color=i_supcol, location=location.absolute, size=size.small)
plotshape(i_showlabels and sell ? high + atrxy : na,, color=i_rescol, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_showlabels and buy ? low - atrxy : na,, color=i_supcol, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotchikouspan = plot(chikouspan, title='Chikou', color=not i_showchikou ? na : chikou_clr, linewidth=1, offset=-dynch)
f_colorgradient(_source, _min, _max, _cbear, _cbull) =>
var float _center = _min + (_max - _min) / 2
color _return = _source >= _center ?
color.from_gradient(_source, _min, _center,, 0),, 100)) :
color.from_gradient(_source, _center, _max,, 100),, 0))
skclr = (senkoua - senkoub) / altsrcres * 100
skfill = senkoua > senkoub ? color.from_gradient(ta.rsi(math.avg(senkoua , senkoub), 14) , 0, 100, I_skconso, I_skbull) :
senkoua < senkoub ? color.from_gradient(ta.rsi(math.avg(senkoua , senkoub), 14) , 0, 100, I_skconso, I_skbear) : I_skconso
plottenkansen = plot(tenkansen, title='Tenkan-Sen', color=not i_showtenkan ? na : i_tenkancolor, linewidth=1, offset=0)
plotkijunsen = plot(kijunsen, title='Kijun-Sen', color=not i_showkijun ? na : i_kijuncolor, linewidth=1, offset=0)
plotsenkoua = plot(senkoua, title='Senkou-Span A', color=not I_ska ? na : I_skbull, linewidth=1, offset=I_skoffset-1)
plotsenkoub = plot(senkoub, title='Senkou-Span B', color=not I_skb ? na : I_skbear, linewidth=1, offset=I_skoffset-1)
fill(plotsenkoua, plotsenkoub, color=not I_kumofill ? na :, I_kumofillt))
//Tenkan-Sen/kijun-Sen Price Plotting
if i_showtenkan and i_showprice
l1 =, tkbool, 'Tenkan-Sen - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(tkbool)),, 100),, 0), style=label.style_label_left, yloc=yloc.price, size=size.small)
label.delete(l1 )
if i_showkijun and i_showprice
l1 =, kjbool, 'Kijun-Sen - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(kjbool)),, 100),, 0), style=label.style_label_left, yloc=yloc.price, size=size.small)
label.delete(l1 )
//Bar Color Plotting
colbar(src, tenkansen, kijunsen) =>
vbarcolor =, 0)
vbarcolor := src > tenkansen and src > kijunsen? i_bullbarcol :
src < tenkansen and src < kijunsen ? i_bearbarcol :
src > tenkansen and src < kijunsen ? i_consobarcol :
src < tenkansen and src > kijunsen ? i_neutralbarcol : na
bc = colbar(close, tenkansen, kijunsen)
barcolor(i_showbc ? bc : na)
//◀─── Kijun-Sen Hidden Supports/Resistances ───►
//Smoothed MA Calculation
smma1 = 0.0
smma2 = 0.0
smakj1 = ta.sma(close, i_kjminlen)
smakj2 = ta.sma(close, i_kjmaxlen)
smma1 := na(smma1 ) ? smakj1 : (smma1 * (20 - 1) + close) / 20
smma2 := na(smma2 ) ? smakj2 : (smma2 * (60 - 1) + close) / 60
//Kijun-Sen Calculation
kjsmma = math.avg(ta.lowest(26), ta.highest(26))
hiddenbearkj = ta.crossunder(smma1, kjsmma) and kjsmma < smma2 and close < smma1
hiddenbullkj = ta.crossover(smma1, kjsmma) and kjsmma > smma2 and close > smma1
//Boolean Conditions to Float
var float bearhkj = na
if hiddenbearkj
bearhkj := high
var float bullhkj = na
if hiddenbullkj
bullhkj := low
//Labels Calculation
if i_showkjhlabels
l = ta.change(bearhkj) ?, bearhkj + 0.01, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(bearhkj)),, 0),, 0), style=label.style_label_down, yloc=yloc.abovebar, size=size.small) : ta.change(bullhkj) ?, bullhkj - 0.01, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(bullhkj)),, 0),, 0), style=label.style_label_up, yloc=yloc.belowbar, size=size.small) : na
plotshape(i_showkjhlabels ? hiddenbearkj : na, title='Bearish Hidden Kijun-Sen', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=i_rescol, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_showkjhlabels ? hiddenbullkj : na, title='Bullish Hidden Kijun-Sen', style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=i_supcol, size=size.tiny)
//Hidden Kijun S/R Variables Declaration
var int numberofline2 = i_maxline
var float upperphzone2 = na
var float upperplzone2 = na
var float lowerphzone2 = na
var float lowerplzone2 = na
var line upperphzonearr2 = array.new_line(0, na)
var line upperplzonearr2 = array.new_line(0, na)
var line lowerphzonearr2 = array.new_line(0, na)
var line lowerplzonearr2 = array.new_line(0, na)
var line upperphzoneline2 = na
var line upperplzoneline2 = na
var line lowerphzoneline2 = na
var line lowerplzoneline2 = na
var bool upperzonetestedarr2 = array.new_bool(0, false)
var bool lowerzonetestedarr2 = array.new_bool(0, false)
var bool upperzonetested2 = false
var bool lowerzonetested2 = false
var bool nobool2 = true
var color upperzonecolor2 =
var color lowerzonecolor2 =
var label labelpharr2 = array.new_label(0, na)
var label labelplarr2 = array.new_label(0, na)
var label labelph2 = na
var label labelpl2 = na
//Hidden Kijun Resistances Calculation
if i_showsr and i_showkjhsr and hiddenbearkj
upperphzone2 := high_
upperplzone2 := close_ < open_ ? close_ : open_
upperplzoneline2 := i_layout == 'Zone' ?, upperplzone2, bar_index, upperplzone2, width=i_linewidth) : na
upperphzoneline2 := nobool2 ?, upperphzone2, bar_index, upperphzone2, width=i_linewidth) :, (upperphzone2 + upperplzone2) / 2, bar_index, (upperphzone2 + upperplzone2) / 2, width=i_linewidth)
labelph2 := i_showsr ?, nobool2 ? upperphzone2 : (upperphzone2 + upperplzone2) / 2, text=str.tostring(bar_index - bar_index_), textcolor=upperzonecolor2, style=label.style_none) : na
if array.size(upperphzonearr2) > numberofline2
array.push(upperphzonearr2, upperphzoneline2)
array.push(upperplzonearr2, upperplzoneline2)
array.push(upperzonetestedarr2, i_extend ? true : false)
array.push(labelpharr2, labelph2)
if array.size(upperplzonearr2) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(upperplzonearr2) - 1 by 1
line tempupperline2 = array.get(upperphzonearr2, i)
line templowerline2 = array.get(upperplzonearr2, i)
label linepricelabel2 = array.get(labelpharr2, i)
bool tested2 = array.get(upperzonetestedarr2, i)
line.set_style(tempupperline2, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_style(templowerline2, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_color(tempupperline2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00), fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00)))
line.set_color(templowerline2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00), fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00)))
label.set_textcolor(linepricelabel2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00), upperzonecolor2))
label.set_text(linepricelabel2, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(tempupperline2))))
label.set_text(linepricelabel2, ' Hidden Kijun Resistance - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(tempupperline2))))
label.set_x(linepricelabel2, bar_index)
crossed = high > line.get_y1(tempupperline2)
if crossed and not tested2
array.set(upperzonetestedarr2, i, true)
else if i_extend ? tested2 : not tested2
line.set_x2(tempupperline2, bar_index)
array.set(upperphzonearr2, i, tempupperline2)
line.set_x2(templowerline2, bar_index)
array.set(upperplzonearr2, i, templowerline2)
//Hidden Kijun Supports Calculation
if i_showsr and i_showkjhsr and hiddenbullkj
lowerplzone2 := low_
lowerphzone2 := close_ > open_ ? open_ : close_
lowerphzoneline2 := i_layout == 'Zone' ?, lowerphzone2, bar_index, lowerphzone2, width=i_linewidth) : na
lowerplzoneline2 := nobool2 ?, lowerplzone2, bar_index, lowerplzone2, width=i_linewidth) :, (lowerphzone2 + lowerplzone2) / 2, bar_index, (lowerphzone2 + lowerplzone2) / 2, width=i_linewidth)
labelpl2 := i_showsr ?, nobool2 ? lowerplzone2 : (lowerphzone2 + lowerplzone2) / 2, text=str.tostring(bar_index - bar_index_), textcolor=lowerzonecolor2, style=label.style_none) : na
if array.size(lowerphzonearr2) > numberofline2
array.push(lowerphzonearr2, lowerphzoneline2)
array.push(lowerplzonearr2, lowerplzoneline2)
array.push(lowerzonetestedarr2, i_extend ? true : false)
array.push(labelplarr2, labelpl2)
if array.size(lowerplzonearr2) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(lowerplzonearr2) - 1 by 1
line tempupperline2 = array.get(lowerphzonearr2, i)
line templowerline2 = array.get(lowerplzonearr2, i)
label linepricelabel2 = array.get(labelplarr2, i)
bool tested2 = array.get(lowerzonetestedarr2, i)
line.set_style(tempupperline2, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_style(templowerline2, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_color(tempupperline2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00), fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00)))
line.set_color(templowerline2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00), fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00)))
label.set_textcolor(linepricelabel2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00), lowerzonecolor2))
label.set_text(linepricelabel2, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(templowerline2))))
label.set_text(linepricelabel2, ' Hidden Kijun Support - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(templowerline2))))
label.set_x(linepricelabel2, bar_index)
crossed = low < line.get_y1(templowerline2)
if crossed and not tested2
array.set(lowerzonetestedarr2, i, true)
else if i_extend ? tested2 : not tested2
line.set_x2(tempupperline2, bar_index)
array.set(lowerphzonearr2, i, tempupperline2)
line.set_x2(templowerline2, bar_index)
array.set(lowerplzonearr2, i, templowerline2)
//◀─── Table Calculation ───►
//Constant Colors Variables
itablestrongbearcol =, 0)
itablebearcol =, 0)
itableneutralbearcol =, 0)
itablestrongbullcol =, 0)
itablebullcol =, 0)
itableneutralbullcol =, 0)
itableconsocol =, 0)
//Boolean Dynamic Settings To Integer Conditions
var int dyntkint = 0
if dyntk
dyntkint := dyntk
var int dynkjint = 0
if dynkj
dynkjint := dynkj
var int dynskint = 0
if dynsk
dynskint := dynsk
var int dynchint = 0
if dynch
dynchint := dynch
//Global Functions
donchian(len) =>
math.avg(ta.lowest(len), ta.highest(len))
f_presets(p) =>
if p == 'Custom'
else if p == '9/26/52/26 - 6D Markets (Default)'
else if p == '8/22/44/22 - 5D Markets'
else if p == '9/30/60/30 - 24h/7D Markets (Crypto)'
else if p == '20/60/120/60 - 24h/7D Markets (Slow Version)'
f_tablestringpos(p) =>
p == 'Bottom Right' ? position.bottom_right : p == 'Top Right' ? position.top_right : p == 'Bottom Left' ? position.bottom_left : p == 'Top Left' ? position.top_left : p == 'Top' ? position.top_center : p == 'Right' ? position.middle_right : p == 'Bottom' ? position.bottom_center : p == 'Left' ? position.middle_left : na
f_tablestringdirsym(trend) =>
trend == 1 ? '▲ Strong' : trend == 2 ? '▲ Neutral' : trend == 3 ? '▲ Weak' : trend == -1 ? '▼ Strong' : trend == -2 ? '▼ Neutral' : trend == -3 ? '▼ Weak' : '■ Consolidation'
f_tablestringcolor(trend, c_up, c_down, c_consolidation) =>
trend > 0 ? c_up : trend < 0 ? c_down : c_consolidation
f_tablestringcolordir(trend, c_up, c_down) =>
trend > 0 ? c_up : c_down
f_tablecloudtrend(l1, l2) =>
l1 > l2 ? 1 : -1
f_tabletrendsum(sum, count) =>
sum == count ? 1 : sum == -count ? -1 : 0
f_tablestrengthconditions(pos, uptrend) =>
uptrend ? pos == 1 ? 1 : pos == 0 ? 2 : 3 : pos == -1 ? -1 : pos == 0 ? -2 : -3
//Presets Calculation
= f_presets(i_tablepresets)
//Presets Conditions
i_conversion = donchian(i_conversion_len)
i_base = donchian(i_base_len)
i_lead1 = math.avg(i_conversion, i_base)
i_lead2 = donchian(i_lagging_len)
i_cloud_top2 = math.max(i_lead1, i_lead2)
i_cloud_bot2 = math.min(i_lead1, i_lead2)
//Constant Array Variable
tablearrindex = array.new_int(0)
//Signals Conditions Function
f_tableconditions(enabled, signal) =>
if enabled
array.push(tablearrindex, signal)
i_lead1_current = i_lead1
i_lead2_current = i_lead2
i_cloud_top = math.max(i_lead1_current, i_lead2_current)
i_cloud_bot = math.min(i_lead1_current, i_lead2_current)
table_base_position = i_base > i_cloud_top ? 1 : i_base < i_cloud_bot ? -1 : 0
table_base_breakout = close > i_base ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_base_position, true) : f_tablestrengthconditions(table_base_position, false)
table_cloud2_trend = f_tablecloudtrend(i_conversion, i_base)
table_cloud2_top = math.max(i_base, i_conversion)
table_cloud2_bot = math.min(i_base, i_conversion)
table_cloud2_position = table_cloud2_bot > i_cloud_top ? 1 : table_cloud2_top < i_cloud_bot ? -1 : 0
table_cloud2_cross = table_cloud2_trend == 1 ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_cloud2_position, true) : f_tablestrengthconditions(table_cloud2_position, false)
table_lagging_lead1 = i_lead1_current
table_lagging_lead2 = i_lead2_current
table_lagging_cloud_top = math.max(table_lagging_lead1, table_lagging_lead2)
table_lagging_cloud_bot = math.min(table_lagging_lead1, table_lagging_lead2)
table_lagging_high = high
table_lagging_low = low
table_lagging_trend = close > table_lagging_high ? 1 : close < table_lagging_low ? -1 : 0
table_lagging_position = close > i_cloud_top ? 1 : close < i_cloud_bot ? -1 : 0
table_lagging_cross = table_lagging_trend == 1 ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_lagging_position, true) : table_lagging_trend == -1 ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_lagging_position, false) : 0
table_cloud_breakout = close > i_cloud_top ? 1 : close < i_cloud_bot ? -1 : 0
table_cloud_trend = f_tablecloudtrend(i_lead1, i_lead2)
table_lead_cross = table_cloud_trend == 1 ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_cloud_breakout, true) : f_tablestrengthconditions(table_cloud_breakout, false)
//Conditions Functions
f_tableconditions(i_tablekjpc, table_base_breakout)
f_tableconditions(i_tabletkpc, table_cloud2_cross)
f_tableconditions(i_tablechpc, table_lagging_cross)
f_tableconditions(i_tablekumobr, table_cloud_breakout)
f_tableconditions(i_tablekumotw, table_lead_cross)
table_signal_max = array.max(tablearrindex)
table_signal_min = array.min(tablearrindex)
table_signal = table_signal_min > 0 ? table_signal_max : table_signal_max < 0 ? table_signal_min : 0
table_changed = table_signal != table_signal
table_downtrend = table_changed and table_signal == -1
table_uptrend = table_changed and table_signal == 1
table_consolidation = table_changed and table_signal == 0
table_consolidation_downtrend = table_consolidation and table_signal == -1
table_consolidation_uptrend = table_consolidation and table_signal == 1
//Colors String Function
f_tablecolors(t) =>
t == 1 ? itablestrongbullcol : t == 2 ? itableneutralbullcol : t == 3 ? itablebullcol : t == -1 ? itablestrongbearcol : t == -2 ? itableneutralbearcol : t == -3 ? itablebearcol : itableconsocol
//String to Variable
i_panel_c_signal_text = f_tablecolors(table_signal)
//Table Text Size String Function
tabletxtwi = i_tabletxtsize == 'Tiny' ? size.tiny : i_tabletxtsize == 'Small' ? size.small : i_tabletxtsize == 'Normal' ? size.normal : i_tabletxtsize == 'Large' ? size.large : size.normal
var table i_panel = na
insertRow(i, text_1, trend, col) =>
table.cell(i_panel, 0, i, text_1, text_color=col, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=tabletxtwi)
table.cell(i_panel, 1, i, f_tablestringdirsym(trend), text_color=f_tablecolors(trend), text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=tabletxtwi)
i + 1
if i_showtable and array.size(tablearrindex) > 0
i_panel :=, columns=2, rows=20, bgcolor=i_tablebgcol, border_width=0)
i = 0
if i_tabletkpc
i := insertRow(i, 'Tenkan-Sen Price Cross', table_cloud2_cross, i_tabletxtcol)
if i_tablekjpc
i := insertRow(i, 'Kijun-Sen Price Cross', table_base_breakout, i_tabletxtcol)
if i_tablechpc
i := insertRow(i, 'Chikou Span Price Cross', table_lagging_cross, i_tabletxtcol)
if i_tablekumobr
i := insertRow(i, 'Kumo Breakout', table_cloud_breakout, i_tabletxtcol)
if i_tablekumotw
i := insertRow(i, 'Kumo Twist', table_lead_cross, i_tabletxtcol)
table.cell(i_panel, 0, i, 'Status', bgcolor=i_tablebgcol, text_color=i_panel_c_signal_text, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=tabletxtwi)
table.cell(i_panel, 1, i, f_tablestringdirsym(table_signal), bgcolor=i_tablebgcol, text_color=i_panel_c_signal_text, text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=tabletxtwi)
//◀─── Support/Resistance Lines Variables Declaration ───►
var int numberofline = i_maxline
var float upperphzone = na
var float upperplzone = na
var float lowerphzone = na
var float lowerplzone = na
var line upperphzonearr = array.new_line(0, na)
var line upperplzonearr = array.new_line(0, na)
var line lowerphzonearr = array.new_line(0, na)
var line lowerplzonearr = array.new_line(0, na)
var line upperphzoneline = na
var line upperplzoneline = na
var line lowerphzoneline = na
var line lowerplzoneline = na
var bool upperzonetestedarr = array.new_bool(0, false)
var bool lowerzonetestedarr = array.new_bool(0, false)
var bool upperzonetested = false
var bool lowerzonetested = false
var bool nobool = true
var bool showprice = true
var color upperzonecolor = i_rescol
var color lowerzonecolor = i_supcol
var label labelpharr = array.new_label(0, na)
var label labelplarr = array.new_label(0, na)
var label labelph = na
var label labelpl = na
//Resistance Lines Calculation
if i_showsr and shortcr
upperphzone := high_
upperplzone := close_ < open_ ? close_ : open_
upperplzoneline := i_layout == 'Zone' ?, upperplzone, bar_index, upperplzone, width=i_linewidth) : na
upperphzoneline := nobool ?, upperphzone, bar_index, upperphzone, width=i_linewidth) :, (upperphzone + upperplzone) / 2, bar_index, (upperphzone + upperplzone) / 2, width=i_linewidth)
labelph := showprice ?, nobool ? upperphzone : (upperphzone + upperplzone) / 2, text=str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(bar_index - bar_index_)), textcolor=upperzonecolor, style=label.style_none) : na
if array.size(upperphzonearr) > numberofline
array.push(upperphzonearr, upperphzoneline)
array.push(upperplzonearr, upperplzoneline)
array.push(upperzonetestedarr, i_extend ? true : false)
array.push(labelpharr, labelph)
if array.size(upperplzonearr) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(upperplzonearr) - 1 by 1
line tempupperline = array.get(upperphzonearr, i)
line templowerline = array.get(upperplzonearr, i)
label linepricelabel = array.get(labelpharr, i)
bool tested = array.get(upperzonetestedarr, i)
line.set_style(tempupperline, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_style(templowerline, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_color(tempupperline, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00), fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00)))
line.set_color(templowerline, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00), fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00)))
label.set_textcolor(linepricelabel, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00), upperzonecolor))
label.set_text(linepricelabel, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(tempupperline))))
label.set_text(linepricelabel, ' Resistance - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(tempupperline))))
label.set_x(linepricelabel, bar_index)
crossed = high > line.get_y1(tempupperline)
if crossed and not tested
array.set(upperzonetestedarr, i, true)
else if i_extend ? tested : not tested
line.set_x2(tempupperline, bar_index)
array.set(upperphzonearr, i, tempupperline)
line.set_x2(templowerline, bar_index)
array.set(upperplzonearr, i, templowerline)
//Support Lines Calculation
if i_showsr and longcr
lowerplzone := low_
lowerphzone := close_ > open_ ? open_ : close_
lowerphzoneline := i_layout == 'Zone' ?, lowerphzone, bar_index, lowerphzone, width=i_linewidth) : na
lowerplzoneline := nobool ?, lowerplzone, bar_index, lowerplzone, width=i_linewidth) :, (lowerphzone + lowerplzone) / 2, bar_index, (lowerphzone + lowerplzone) / 2, width=i_linewidth)
labelpl := showprice ?, nobool ? lowerplzone : (lowerphzone + lowerplzone) / 2, text=str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(bar_index - bar_index_)), textcolor=lowerzonecolor, style=label.style_none) : na
if array.size(lowerphzonearr) > numberofline
array.push(lowerphzonearr, lowerphzoneline)
array.push(lowerplzonearr, lowerplzoneline)
array.push(lowerzonetestedarr, i_extend ? true : false)
array.push(labelplarr, labelpl)
if array.size(lowerplzonearr) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(lowerplzonearr) - 1 by 1
line tempupperline = array.get(lowerphzonearr, i)
line templowerline = array.get(lowerplzonearr, i)
label linepricelabel = array.get(labelplarr, i)
bool tested = array.get(lowerzonetestedarr, i)
line.set_style(tempupperline, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_style(templowerline, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_color(tempupperline, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00), fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00)))
line.set_color(templowerline, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00), fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00)))
label.set_textcolor(linepricelabel, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00), lowerzonecolor))
label.set_text(linepricelabel, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(templowerline))))
label.set_text(linepricelabel, ' Support - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(templowerline))))
label.set_x(linepricelabel, bar_index)
crossed = low < line.get_y1(templowerline)
if crossed and not tested
array.set(lowerzonetestedarr, i, true)
else if i_extend ? tested : not tested
line.set_x2(tempupperline, bar_index)
array.set(lowerphzonearr, i, tempupperline)
line.set_x2(templowerline, bar_index)
array.set(lowerplzonearr, i, templowerline)
//◀─── Psychological Levels ───►
//Constant Variable
var incr = syminfo.type == 'cfd' ? syminfo.mintick * 5000 : syminfo.type == 'crypto' ? syminfo.mintick * 5000 : syminfo.mintick * 500
if i_psylevels and barstate.islast
for counter = 0 to i_linescounter - 1 by 1
incrup = math.ceil(close / incr) * incr + counter * incr
incrdown = math.floor(close / incr) * incr - counter * incr
//Plotting, incrup, bar_index - 1, incrup, xloc=xloc.bar_index, extend=extend.both, color=i_psylinescol, width=1, style=line.style_solid), incrdown, bar_index - 1, incrdown, xloc=xloc.bar_index, extend=extend.both, color=i_psylinescol, width=1, style=line.style_solid)
//◀─── Alerts ───►
if sell ? high + atrxy : na
alert('Sell Condition! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(sell ? high + atrxy : na, 'Sell Condition!', 'Sell Condition!')
if buy ? low - atrxy : na
alert('Buy Condition! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(buy ? low - atrxy : na, 'Buy Condition!', 'Buy Condition!')
if shortcr ? (high) + atrxy : na
alert('Sell Continuity/Reversal! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(shortcr ? (high) + atrxy : na, 'Sell Continuity/Reversal!', 'Sell Continuity/Reversal!')
if longcr ? (low) - atrxy : na
alert('Buy Continuity/Reversal! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(longcr ? (high) + atrxy : na, 'Buy Continuity/Reversal!', 'Buy Continuity/Reversal!')
if i_showtable and table_downtrend
alert('Panel : Bearish Trend! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(i_showtable and table_downtrend, 'Panel : Bearish Trend!', 'Panel : Bearish Trend!')
if i_showtable and table_uptrend
alert('Panel : Bullish Trend! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(i_showtable and table_uptrend, 'Panel : Bullish Trend!', 'Panel : Bullish Trend!')
if i_showtable and table_consolidation
alert('Panel : Trend Consolidation! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(i_showtable and table_consolidation, 'Panel : Trend Consolidation!', 'Panel : Trend Consolidation!')
Ultimate Scalping Strategy - Enhanced VisualsUltra-Clean Scalping Strategy + Enhanced RSI Box
This is a high-performance scalping strategy designed for 1-minute to 5-minute charts, with a focus on maximizing profitability and reducing false signals. It combines a series of advanced technical indicators to provide clean, actionable buy and sell signals for quick and efficient trading.
Key Features:
EMA Setup (Fast, Medium, Slow): Utilizes multiple EMAs to track the trend and identify optimal entry points.
RSI (Relative Strength Index): Includes an enhanced RSI box that visually displays the current RSI, with color-coding indicating overbought or oversold conditions.
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): Integrates the MACD for additional trend confirmation and helps filter out weaker signals.
Volume Filter: Filters trades based on volume spikes, ensuring that trades are supported by increased market activity.
Clean and Simple UI: The strategy provides clear buy and sell signals, along with a floating RSI box for quick reference.
Optimized for Scalping: Perfect for quick, short-term trades, maximizing profits while minimizing false signals.
Trade Logic:
Long Signal (Buy): Generated when the fast EMA crosses above the medium EMA, the price is above the slow EMA, RSI is under the overbought level, MACD is bullish, and volume spikes.
Short Signal (Sell): Generated when the fast EMA crosses below the medium EMA, the price is below the slow EMA, RSI is above the oversold level, MACD is bearish, and volume spikes.
Alerts: Set alerts for both buy and sell conditions to never miss a high-probability trade.
MACD Support & FTR Signal//@version=5
indicator("MACD Support & FTR Signal", overlay=true)
// تنظیمات مکدی
= ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
// شرط کراس نزولی مکدی
bearishCross = ta.crossover(signalLine, macdLine)
// منطقه اشباع فروش برای هیستوگرام
histOversold = hist < -0.02 // مقدار -0.02 را میتوان تغییر داد
// تعیین سطح حمایت قوی
supportLevel = ta.lowest(low, 50) // کمترین قیمت 50 کندل اخیر
priceSupported = low <= supportLevel * 1.01 // بررسی نزدیکی قیمت به حمایت
// شرط کلی برای سیگنال خرید
buySignal = bearishCross and histOversold and priceSupported
// رسم سیگنال خرید روی چارت
plotshape(buySignal, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, size=size.small, title="Support Buy")
// شناسایی سطح شکست معتبر
breakoutHigh = ta.highest(high, 50)
breakoutLow = ta.lowest(low, 50)
breakoutOccurred = high > ta.highest(high , 50) or low < ta.lowest(low , 50)
// بررسی اینکه قیمت بعد از شکست برنگشته باشد
priceNotReturned = ta.barssince(high >= breakoutHigh) > 20 or ta.barssince(low <= breakoutLow) > 20
// شرط صدور سیگنال FTR
ftrSignal = breakoutOccurred and priceNotReturned
// رسم سیگنال FTR روی چارت
plotshape(ftrSignal, location=location.abovebar, color=color.yellow, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.small, title="FTR Signal")
// نمایش اطلاعات مکدی
hline(0, "Zero Line", color=color.gray)
plot(macdLine,, title="MACD Line")
plot(signalLine,, title="Signal Line")
plot(hist, color=color.purple, style=plot.style_histogram, title="Histogram")
Lumora 1.0prova mia personale ok apposto, sto parlando a caso perché ei l ione frbgirfef crfb eroi worehough oweigo ergo hgorhgo rg o3h go3hg3 h4o og3 oi4g 3b3o 34og b34obg b34 b34b g3 bob iu33 giu iguana 4iufiug3 y3i4i 34ig ifg3ug3iugfyu 3 fiumi gugewdyer vfjyjfy vyfyvy fuf w wgwiwywiuwfwfgiuwf. ugfgreiu fiu.
EMA 10/20/30/50/100/200 - @sozuxIntroducing the EMA Multi Indicator by @sozux – a comprehensive tool that displays the 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, and 200 period Exponential Moving Averages simultaneously. This indicator is designed to help traders quickly visualize both short-term and long-term trends on one chart. Whether you're analyzing potential support and resistance levels or looking to identify trend reversals, this tool provides a clear, consolidated view of market dynamics. Its multi-EMA overlay simplifies decision-making by highlighting key levels that are crucial for effective technical analysis. Enjoy a streamlined, powerful approach to market analysis with the EMA Multi Indicator.
Will Daily SentimentSimple oscillator to show WIlliam Sentiment for the daily timeframe according to the formula:
* 100
Level lines are at 65 and 35 (changeable)
Suggested period is 14 days (changeable)
Seems to get the lows pretty correctly and even anticipate the highs.
Double RSI"El indicador Double RSI (D-RSI) combina dos cálculos de RSI (Índice de Fuerza Relativa) con diferentes longitudes y tipos de medias móviles para proporcionar señales de sobrecompra o sobreventa más precisas. El primer RSI utiliza un MA configurable, mientras que el segundo aplica una media móvil adicional y Bollinger Bands. Este indicador es ideal para detectar condiciones extremas en el mercado y generar posibles puntos de reversión basados en la interacción de ambos RSI y sus bandas de Bollinger.
Configuraciones personalizables:
Longitud de RSI 1 y RSI 2
Fuente de RSI 1 y RSI 2 (puedes elegir entre 'Close', 'Open', etc.)
Tipo de media móvil (SMA, EMA, WMA, etc.) para ambos RSI
Bandas de Bollinger configurables para ambos RSI
Uso recomendado:
Este indicador es útil para traders que buscan identificar sobrecompra o sobreventa a través de un enfoque doble de RSI, lo que aumenta la fiabilidad de las señales de trading."
Moving Average ExponentialDie EMA 200 (Exponential Moving Average 200) ist ein gleitender Durchschnitt, der die letzten 200 Kerzen eines Charts berücksichtigt und dabei aktuelle Preise stärker gewichtet als ältere. Sie dient als eine der wichtigsten Trendlinien im Trading und wird häufig zur Identifikation langfristiger Trends genutzt.
Über der EMA 200: Der Markt befindet sich in einem Aufwärtstrend.
Unter der EMA 200: Der Markt ist tendenziell in einem Abwärtstrend.
Viele Trader nutzen die EMA 200 als dynamische Unterstützung oder Widerstand. In Kombination mit anderen Indikatoren kann sie starke Handelsentscheidungen untermauern.
Predictive Buy/Sell IndicatorĐây là mã Pine Script dự báo tín hiệu BUY/SELL trước khi nến chạy, dựa trên Fibonacci, Order Block, RSI và EMA. Chỉ báo sẽ:
✅ Hiển thị tín hiệu BUY (mua) khi giá phá vỡ Order Block, RSI thấp và nằm trên EMA.
✅ Hiển thị tín hiệu SELL (bán) khi giá giảm dưới Order Block, RSI cao và nằm dưới EMA.
✅ Tự động đặt Take Profit (TP) & Stop Loss (SL) dựa trên ATR.
Zona Momentum Strategysilakan dipakai sepuasnya untuk hasil maksimal. jadikan momentum buy dan sell dengan baik dan jangan bingung
Enhanced CM_Williams_Vix_Fix for CryptoVERSION2
逻辑运算符调整:把 sd and upperBand 改成 sd ? upperBand : na,hp and rangeHigh 改成 hp ? rangeHigh : na 等,以此确保条件判断是布尔类型的。
支撑阻力线绘制:用 替代 hline 来绘制动态的支撑和阻力线,避免 hline 函数参数类型不匹配的问题。
OBV Reversal//@version=6
indicator('OBV Divergence Indicator On Balance Vol Reversal', shorttitle = 'TFlab OBV Divergence', overlay = true, max_bars_back = 5000, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500)
// User Inputs
n = = 'Fractal Periods', defval = 4, minval = 2, group = 'Logic Setting')
emaLength =, title = 'EMA Length', minval = 1, group = 'Trend Settings')
Show_Table = input.string('Yes', 'Show Table', options = , group = 'Display Setting')
Show_Label = input.string('Yes', 'Show Label', options = , group = 'Display Setting')
// Indicators
ATR = ta.atr(55)
Hist = ta.obv
EMA = ta.ema(close, emaLength)
// Trend Identification
up_trend = close > EMA
down_trend = close < EMA
// Fractal Detection (Fix: Use `not na` to check valid pivots)
UpPivot = ta.pivothigh(n, n)
DownPivot = ta.pivotlow(n, n)
upFractal = not na(UpPivot)
downFractal = not na(DownPivot)
// Bearish Divergence Calculation (Sell Signal Fix)
High_Last_Price = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, high, 0)
High_Per_Price = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, high, 1)
High_Last_Hist = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, Hist, 0)
High_Per_Hist = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, Hist, 1)
High_Last_Bar = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, bar_index, 0)
High_Per_Bar = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, bar_index, 1)
Time_Condition_Bear = High_Last_Bar + 30 > bar_index
Last_Bearish_Divergece = if Time_Condition_Bear and High_Last_Bar - High_Per_Bar < 30
High_Last_Price > High_Per_Price and High_Last_Hist < High_Per_Hist
// Bullish Divergence Calculation (Buy Signal)
Low_Last_Price = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, low, 0)
Low_Per_Price = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, low, 1)
Low_Last_Hist = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, Hist, 0)
Low_Per_Hist = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, Hist, 1)
Low_Last_Bar = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, bar_index, 0)
Low_Per_Bar = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, bar_index, 1)
Time_Condition_Bull = Low_Last_Bar + 30 > bar_index
Last_Bullish_Divergece = if Time_Condition_Bull and Low_Last_Bar - Low_Per_Bar < 30
Low_Last_Price < Low_Per_Price and Low_Last_Hist > Low_Per_Hist
// ✅ Fixed: Plot Divergence Lines & Labels
plotDivergence() =>
if Last_Bullish_Divergece = Low_Per_Bar, y1 = Low_Per_Price, x2 = Low_Last_Bar, y2 = Low_Last_Price, color =, width = 2)
if Show_Label == 'Yes' = Low_Last_Bar, y = Low_Last_Price, text = '+RD', color =, textcolor = color.white, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_up)
if Last_Bearish_Divergece = High_Per_Bar, y1 = High_Per_Price, x2 = High_Last_Bar, y2 = High_Last_Price, color =, width = 2)
if Show_Label == 'Yes' = High_Last_Bar, y = High_Last_Price, text = '-RD', color =, textcolor = color.white, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_down)
OBV Divergence Indicator [TradingFinder] On Balance Vol Reversal//@version=6
indicator('OBV Divergence Indicator On Balance Vol Reversal', shorttitle = 'TFlab OBV Divergence', overlay = true, max_bars_back = 5000, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500)
// User Inputs
n = = 'Fractal Periods', defval = 4, minval = 2, group = 'Logic Setting')
emaLength =, title = 'EMA Length', minval = 1, group = 'Trend Settings')
Show_Table = input.string('Yes', 'Show Table', options = , group = 'Display Setting')
Show_Label = input.string('Yes', 'Show Label', options = , group = 'Display Setting')
// Indicators
ATR = ta.atr(55)
Hist = ta.obv
EMA = ta.ema(close, emaLength)
// Trend Identification
up_trend = close > EMA
down_trend = close < EMA
// Fractal Detection (Fix: Use `not na` to check valid pivots)
UpPivot = ta.pivothigh(n, n)
DownPivot = ta.pivotlow(n, n)
upFractal = not na(UpPivot)
downFractal = not na(DownPivot)
// Bearish Divergence Calculation (Sell Signal Fix)
High_Last_Price = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, high, 0)
High_Per_Price = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, high, 1)
High_Last_Hist = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, Hist, 0)
High_Per_Hist = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, Hist, 1)
High_Last_Bar = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, bar_index, 0)
High_Per_Bar = ta.valuewhen(upFractal, bar_index, 1)
Time_Condition_Bear = High_Last_Bar + 30 > bar_index
Last_Bearish_Divergece = if Time_Condition_Bear and High_Last_Bar - High_Per_Bar < 30
High_Last_Price > High_Per_Price and High_Last_Hist < High_Per_Hist
// Bullish Divergence Calculation (Buy Signal)
Low_Last_Price = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, low, 0)
Low_Per_Price = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, low, 1)
Low_Last_Hist = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, Hist, 0)
Low_Per_Hist = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, Hist, 1)
Low_Last_Bar = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, bar_index, 0)
Low_Per_Bar = ta.valuewhen(downFractal, bar_index, 1)
Time_Condition_Bull = Low_Last_Bar + 30 > bar_index
Last_Bullish_Divergece = if Time_Condition_Bull and Low_Last_Bar - Low_Per_Bar < 30
Low_Last_Price < Low_Per_Price and Low_Last_Hist > Low_Per_Hist
// ✅ Fixed: Plot Divergence Lines & Labels
plotDivergence() =>
if Last_Bullish_Divergece = Low_Per_Bar, y1 = Low_Per_Price, x2 = Low_Last_Bar, y2 = Low_Last_Price, color =, width = 2)
if Show_Label == 'Yes' = Low_Last_Bar, y = Low_Last_Price, text = '+RD', color =, textcolor = color.white, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_up)
if Last_Bearish_Divergece = High_Per_Bar, y1 = High_Per_Price, x2 = High_Last_Bar, y2 = High_Last_Price, color =, width = 2)
if Show_Label == 'Yes' = High_Last_Bar, y = High_Last_Price, text = '-RD', color =, textcolor = color.white, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_down)
OBV Divergence Indicator [TradingFinder] On Balance Vol ReversalWhy Are Sell Signals Not Appearing?
The main reasons why bearish divergences (sell signals) are missing in your script:
Fractal Detection Issue:
ta.pivothigh(n, n) returns a series float, not a boolean.
You are using bool(UpPivot), which is incorrect for checking pivots.
Fix: Use not na(UpPivot) instead.
Trend Condition Issue for Bearish Divergence:
Your condition upFractal = bool(UpPivot) and up_trend
If the trend condition is not met, no sell signal is generated.
Fix: Remove strict trend dependence and allow divergence to be detected even if trend is neutral.
Bar Index Misalignment (valuewhen() Issue)
valuewhen(upFractal, high , 0) may not be fetching the correct price.
Fix: Use high instead of high (same for OBV and bar index).
OBV Divergence Indicator [TradingFinder] On Balance Vol ReversalALSFKJGDGFJHSADGFHGDHFGhgfjhsagfjhasgdgasdgjhsagdhjasgdhjasgdgasdg
Session Breaks, Market OpenSimple day breaker. Market Open with dashed lines for day and weekly breaks. Enjoy everyone!! Trade Safe Lads
Price Action and Key LevelsThe Price Action and Key Levels indicator is a powerful tool designed to help traders identify key price action patterns and significant support/resistance levels on their charts. It automatically detects swing highs and swing lows based on a user-defined lookback period and plots dynamic support and resistance levels. This indicator is ideal for traders who rely on price action and key levels for making informed trading decisions.