Bill Williams Indicators
Backtest PREMIUM Suite+ (Plug & Play)Hello traders
1. For the trial request access, they have to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
Due to the new scripts publishing house rules, I won't mention the URL here directly. As I value my partnership with TradingView very much, I prefer showing you the way for finding them :)
3. Many video tutorials explaining clearly how all our indicators work are available on our website > guides section.
4. You may also contact me directly for more information
II. 🔎 Backtest PREMIUM Suite+ (Plug & Play) 🔎
2.1 Forewords
This indicator is available only to our PREMIUM 12 months users. YES! I said indicator, and not strategy or backtest for an excellent reason.
We wanted to make it as generic as possible and allow anyone to connect any indicator of his/her choice in a few clicks only.
This is NOT possible (in TradingView) with a strategy/backtest, but only with an indicator - that's why we worked on recoding the whole backtest logic as an indicator.
The PRO edition does not handle any pyramiding/re-entry - as such enters only once per trend by design. This feature is reserved for our PREMIUM users.
2.2 Concept
This is an indicator that I saw on TradingView and was introduced by the @Pinecoders account on TradingView.
I inspired myself from his Backtest Engine to offer a version more adapted to my vision - The benefits of connecting yourself any indicator to our Backtest engine are amazing and huge.
The concept can't be more simple. Imagine using any indicator and connecting to a backtest system in a single click.
You may connect your Algorithm Builder also to this complete backtesting system in a single click.
What's better between paying thousands for each backtest, or connecting yourself your indicators to your backtest with a click?
That was a rhetoric question, but you can still share your answer with me if you want to :)
III. The amazing benefits of our🔌&🕹️ (Plug&Play) system
Hiring a developer to code a custom indicator is costly. For a custom backtest it's even more expensive as those scripts are very often way more complicated.
Now imagine, that now that you see your idea live on a chart, you'll realize you'll have to finance another backtest system, as the one you have is not compatible with your new idea.
just because it won't be needed to hire someone else for each of your trading idea.
We will never guarantee your success on the market, but THIS I stand by it any day any hour.
You can connect any indicator or your choice by updating your indicator slightly and connecting it to our Backtest engine. We send the tutorial for doing it to all our customers.
Even if someone is doing all the coding for you, it might require days/weeks depending on your overall trading strategy/idea.
Without even counting the time for you to test/validate the work done and all the back-and-forth to fix all the issues.
I wish it could be as easy as going from weeks of coding to "1 single click" :)
I did the heavy-lifting, but you'll have to make the last effort the cross the finishing line. I made it easy for you to play with it and find a configuration that makes sense to YOU and for your strategy/asset/timeframe
Someone did a backtest code for you, but... you can't update it because you either :
- don't know anything in programming
- ... and don't have time to learn (most of us have a job/family/
- The system you have is way too specific for one of your previous idea, but can't be updated easily for your next trading ideas. I see a lot of traders nodding right now thinking "that's soooooo true !!!!"
Solution #3 🎉 WE MADE IT EASY AND FUN 🎉
Our goal is to externalize the technical stuff that you don't want to take care of - so that you can finally focus on your trading and optimizing your ideas. #bold #statement
In case you're wondering, no we're not reading your mind :), but we're also traders who didn't know how to code before and had to hire external programmers to do the heavy work for us.
You can be sure that most of the frustrations (trading, technical, ...) you have/had, we had them also and that's why we created this backtest indicator.
III. 🔌&🕹️
Hope you're ready to be impressed. Because, what I'm about to introduce, is my best-seller feature - and available across many of my indicators.
In TradingView, there is a feature called "Indicator on Indicator" meaning you can use an external indicator as a data source for another indicator.
I'm using that feature to connect any external indicator to our Backtest PREMIUM Suite+ (Plug & Play) - hence the plug and play name. Please don't make it a plug and pray :) it's supposed to help you out, not to stress you even more
Let's assume you want to connect your Algorithm Builder Multiple Trends+ to your Backtest PREMIUM Suite+
I mentioned an Algorithm Builder but you may connect any oscillator (MACD, On balance volume, stochastic RSI, True Strenght index, and many more..) or non-oscillator (divergence, trendline break, higher highs/lower lows, candlesticks pattern, price action, harmonic patterns, ...) indicators.
THE SKY IS (or more likely your imagination) is the limit :)
Fear no more. The Plug&Play technology allows you to connect it and use it the backtest calculations.
This is not magic, neither is sorcery, but certainly is way beyond the most awesome thing I've ever developed on TradingView (even across all brokers I know). #bolder #statement
TradingView is the best trading platform by far and I'm very grateful to offer my indicators on their website.
To connect your external indicator to ours, we're using a native TradingView feature, which is not available for all users.
It depends on your TradingView subscription plan ( More info here )
If you intend to use our Algorithm Plug&Play indicator, and/or our Backtest Plug&Play suites, then you must upgrade your TradingView account to enjoy those features.
We value our relationship with our customers seriously, and that's why we're warning you that a compatible TradingView account type is required - at least PRO+ or PREMIUM to add more than 1 Plug&Play indicator per account.
We go in-depth on our website why the Plug&Play is an untapped opportunity for many traders out there - URL available on my profile status and signature
IV. 📊 Make it nice! 📊
Now we're getting right into the fun stuff.
Let's explore briefly each display option (symbolized by an 👁️🗨️ in the Backtest UI) :
- Color Traded Background : Color the chart background is green when in a BUY trade, in red when in a SELL trade. If the Backtest is not in a trade, then the background won't be colored.
- Show Entry/Exit Markers : Displays the entries (Enter Long/Enter Short), and exits (Exit Long/Exit Short) labels.
- Show Entry Level : Displays a blue level line to easily identify the entry price of a trade.
- Show Take Profit Level : Display a purple line to visualize where the Take Profit level is (we'll explain below how to set it up).
- Show In-Trade Stops : Display the stop-loss
V. Backtesting filters
A backtest should have some filters helping the traders testing a few hypotheses. Well.... we included a ton of them.
Once again, thank you @Pinecoders for the help and support you gave me
5.1 ↑ Trade Direction ↓
- Both: The backtest takes the BUY, and SELL trades.
- Longs only/Short only: To be used if the trader wants to take the trades in a unique direction only
5.2 ▲🔷Pyramiding🔷▼
The Backtest PRO allows 1 entry per identified trend
Pyramiding has many names such as Re-entry, secondary trend, Additional entry, ...
Basically, it refers to entering multiple times in the same trend.
Maximum Number of Pyramiding Entries: Literally the max number of re-entries in the same trend.
For instance, if set to 2, then depending on the signals, you'll get at most 2 re-entries in the same trade direction.
- Position Size Multiple of Original Entry Position: Option to add X multiples of the original position size for the re-entries.
Example: Position size multiple = 2, and First entry size is $100. Then, the re-entries position sizes will be ($100 X 2 = $200).
5.3 ▄ █ Position sizing █ ▄
- 1. % of Equity: If selected, the position size used is the input to the right of 1. % of Equity.
Example: The trader starts with a capital of 100K. After a winning trade, your total capital is $103K - for the next trade the position size will be 3% of $103K
- 2. % of Capital: If selected, the position size used is the input to the right of 2. % of Capital.
In other words, the position size will always be the same position size as calculated on the initial capital.
Example: The trader starts with a capital of 100K. After a winning trade, your total capital is $103K - for the next trade the position size will be 5% of $100K. (As 100K is the initial capital used in our dummy example)
5.4⛔ Entry Stops and In-Trade Stops ⛔
We didn't reinvent the wheel here. Any good backtest should offer an entry stop-loss and an in-trade stop-loss.
Giving only here also an example among all the use cases. For instance, the trader sets a stop-loss 2% at the time of entry on your trade, but once the trade moves in the desired direction, the trader might want a trailing stop-loss using a 4% input.
Example: A trader goes LONG on only 1 "ABC" stock evaluated $10 per share.
1) The entry-stop loss will be 2% away so set at $8
2) A candle
3) The trailing stop will activate, and move the stop-loss from the entry stop-loss level (=$8) to $8.32 (=4% move up from $8) - and so on, and so forth for each time the price moves 4% up
The entry and in-trade stop losses can absolutely be identicals. There is no universal rule, and as always you know the drill - all depends on your backtest, and trading strategy as a whole.
5.5 ❌ Hard Exits ❌
⚠️The Backtest PRO Suite offers the hard exit on MACD only.
Our Backtest PREMIUM Suite offers 2 more indicators to invalidate your trades on :
2. Trend Direction
3. RSI divergence (Regular, and Hidden)
The hard exit (or invalidation) is a fundamental part of my trading method.
I explained numerous times on TradingView, our website, and social media channels why I "love" this concept so much, and how it saved my trading account numerous times from getting savagely wrecked by the market.
5.6 💲💲 Take Profit 💲💲
We only included 1 level of Take Profit so far. We'll work on adding at least one more soon.
You can set your Take Profit level based on either a:
1- Fixed value
2 - Percentage value
5.7 📆 Date Range Filtering 📆
If enabled, the backtest only uses the data between the starting and the ending dates of the defined range.
5.8 ⏱️ Hourly Range Filtering ⏱️
Please note that the hours filtering is based on the broker time - not on your chart time.
In other words, if your chart is UTC+1, but you're trading an asset from a US EAST COAST broker, then the timezone used is the UTC-4 timezone.
You'll must be wary of this when filtering and probably do a quick (but simple) calculation before setting up this option.
The easiest would be to set your chart timezone on the broker local timezone (and no math is needed).
Let's add a quick note that the hourly filter is also included in our Algorithm Builders PRO/PREMIUM 12 months. #shameless #self #advertising
5.9 ❗❗ Fees and Slippage ❗❗
Too often completely ignored by many traders, the fees can eat gains out quickly/deepen one's capital faster than expected.
⚠️The fees vary between brokers, and asset traded - it could be recommended to check on your broker page what are the fees for the asset on your chart, and insert that percentage number.
Another cost ignored, even more, is the Slippage.
i.e. think about a Stop-Loss being hit, and we're so confused because we see on the chart that NEVER the price came even close to your SL level, but... it got hit anyway.
Yes! we know how frustrating it is, but that's the game we're playing, and trading should never be about blaming the game, but only blaming the players/traders/ourselves.
Blaming the game constantly is likely to not end with good performance results, but accounting for this "risk", and being able to quantify it is an incredible hedge. #bold #statement #level #10000
5.10 🔔 Alerts 🔔
By design, the alerts aren't available for strategy scripts. But this script is an... indicator so why should we not enjoy all the cards in our hands the fullest.
We enabled the alerts on the:
1. Main BUY/SELL Entry
2. Pyramiding BUY/SELL Entries
3. Exit Signals such as stop-loss, take-profit, hard-exits
You're welcome :)
VI. 📝 Where are the backtest results? 📝
Answer: in the Data Window section of your TradingView
Now the cherry on the cake if we might say so. A backtest is cool, but visualizing results is actually the end goal here.
Our PREMIUM users benefit from way more analytics than the PRO users.
More info available on our website.
The Data Window is dynamic - it means whenever you'll mouseover at a give time on your chart, the data on that panel automatically updates.
Let's assume you're backtesting your idea between Sept 1st, 2019, and Oct 1st, 2019.
If your mouse cursor is located (or hovered) at a candle on Sept 14th, 2019 (data chosen randomly for this example), then the data displayed only includes the results between Sept 1st, and Sept 14th.
More info available on our website with a nice tutorial video. Data window metrics and filters explained on our website
Here's what the data window looks like:
If you have any doubt or question, please hit me up directly or ask in the comments section of this script.
I'll never claim I have the best trading methodology or the best indicators.
You only will judge and I'll appreciate all the questions and feedback you're sending my way.
They help me a ton to develop indicators based on all the requests I received.
Kind regards,
Double Trend Market FlowArea Green and pink is moneyflow per candle
line green and red is wave per candlle
blue is true volume
and histogram is volume
Mid line is Neutral
below Mid line is Bearish Zone
above Mid line is Bullish Zone
Line dot 53-60 at above or below is become Manipulated if opposite to true volume
moneyflow cross up in bearish zone is not safe
moneyflow cross down in bullish zone is correction
Volume-supported Fractal SRModified version of SynapticEX's Volume-supported Fractal S/R with EMA instead of SMA, pinescript 4 port, and EMA20/EMA50 defaults for support and resistance.
EMA20 = red/green
EMA50 = orange/yellow
Double Gaussian Awesome Oscillator by KviateqThis is an experimental indicator based on Bill Williams' Awesome Oscillator, however this one is coded using Gaussian Smoothed MAs, and showing both short and long-term trend.
The bright line histogram shows short term trend, the columns show long term trend.
To be used the same way as Bill William's strategy for AO, with added confirmation of longer trend.
Gaussian Acceleration/Deceleration by KviateqBill Williams' AC (Acceleration/Deceleration), made using Gaussian-smoother Moving Averages and a 5-period EMA instead of the usual SMA.
Since Gaussian MA's are faster reacting than the typical SMAs values have been adjusted accordingly.
See also Gaussian Alligator and GaussianAO for a complete gaussian chaos trading system.
These scripts are made to honor Bill and his amazing work and my humble attempt at contributing to his work
Gaussian Awesome Oscillator by KviateqBill Williams' Awesome Oscillator, made using Gaussian-smoother Moving Averages.
Since Gaussian MA's are faster reacting than the typical SMAs values have been adjusted accordingly.
See also Gaussian Alligator and GaussianACDC for a complete gaussian chaos trading system.
These scripts are made to honor Bill and his amazing work and my humble attempt at contributing to his work
Gaussian Alligator by KviateqBill Williams' Alligator, made using Gaussian-smoother Moving Averages.
Since Gaussian MA's are faster reacting than the typical SMAs values have been adjusted accordingly.
See also GaussianAO and GaussianACDC for a complete gaussian chaos trading system.
These scripts are made to honor Bill and his amazing work and my humble attempt at contributing to his work
Fractal Framer added buy sellThis script was written by Brobear and published. I only modified by adding buy and sell signal when price crossover fractal channel.
buy_breakout=crossover(close,fracLevelHigh) and OsMA >OsMA and emaRSI >emaRSI
sell_breakout=crossunder(close,fracLevelLow) and OsMA <OsMA and emaRSI <emaRSI
SmartSARSAR signal filtered by 3 indicators: MACD, AC, RVI.
This combination of trend indicator(SAR), 2 oscillators (MACD, RVI) , and 1 Bill Williams (AC) give us good Enter point.
Recommended timeframes: from 30 min and higher.
[MBY]Support Your Trading(Trend ver)Hi, this is Yong.
This indicator Support Your Trading,
based on Trend channel & etc.,
this version only for test.
Trend Direction Helper (ZigZag and S/R and HH/LL labels)Hey everyone
First of all, I'd like to thank Ricardo Santos, Backtest Rookies for the inspiration for this script.
Actually, most of it is coming from them and I only mixed them up (and added my secret sauce ^^). If some of you are not thinking about a trading secret sauce, please get serious for a moment :)
Some of you asked me how I do to set the trend direction. You all understood that if you get an UP label, then the price should go up and vice-versa for down.
But it's not so easy to define the good signals for each asset and each timeframe. I'm going to repeat what I said yesterday because ... well... that's what trading is about
So quoting myself here "The inputs set by default will have to be changed for your asset/timeframe and can't be generic for everything. You have to play with the inputs until the signals will make sense to you
The indicator/strategy with a unique configuration that you'll never check or update according to the market condition DOES NOT exit. "
BUT... a bit of patience and practice and you might do wonders.
The Method
I never realized until now but by connecting the higher highs/lower lows, I was drawing zigzag lines.
The Zig Zag Master is Ricardo Santos . Please give him a follow, he's awesome
For those who don't want to draw on the chart or (my preferred choice) need some inspiration to define your trend directions, this script is for YOU (and your family, your pet, your girlfriend/boyfriend, ...)
I think that each asset/timeframe chart has its own history. What worked in a post could work in the future.
In that regard, if a trend direction worked in the past, that's the parameter that I'll use to trade with it in a demo account and make sure it's relevant. If not then I will adjust
If you're trading with new indicators or a new method right away on your real trading account, you're gonna have a bad time
The script draws the classical horizontal pivots + the zig zag lines + the Higher Highs/Lower Lows label in just 1 script. I'm very excited to share a script (on which I coded 100 lines out of 500) but no one else did it
The horizontal pivots part are coming from Backtest Rookies
For more security, you can add a pullback on a moving average after getting a signal. Pullbacks are necessary to limit any eventual loss or maximize your gains by getting in the trend sooner.
I really give you a solid method and a great script in my opinion. 6 years of experience given away for FREE :p (when Dave will start thinking as a business man instead :O)
Does it repaint ?
Getting this question twice a day. You guys are obsessed with the repainting :)
Short answer, yes because it will calculate the pivots and zig zags whenever new higher highs/lower lows will be formed.
However, the trend direction code is based on the candle close so it shouldn't repaint. If it does, please let me know
See you all on Monday
Love you all
Be sure to hit the thumbs up. Building those indicators take a lot of time and likes are always rewarding for me :) (tips are accepted too)
- If you want to suggest some indicators that I can develop and share with the community, please use my personal TRELLO board
- I'm an officially approved PineEditor/LUA/MT4 approved mentor on codementor. You can request a coaching with me if you want and I'll teach you how to build kick-ass indicators and strategies
Jump on a 1 to 1 coaching with me
- You can also hire for a custom dev of your indicator/strategy/bot/chrome extension/python
Trading involves a high level of financial risk, and may not be appropriate because you may experience losses greater than your deposit. Leverage can be against you.
Do not trade with capital that you can not afford to lose. You must be aware and have a complete understanding of all the risks associated with the market and trading. We can not be held responsible for any loss you incur.
Trading also involves risks of gambling addiction.
Please notice I do not provide financial advice - my indicators, strategies, educational ideas are intended to provide only some source code for anyone interested in improving their trading
The proprietary indicators and strategies developed by Best Trading Indicator, the object of intellectual property rights are and remain the exclusive property of Best Trading Indicator, at the exclusion of images and videos and texts free of rights or provided by the Company or external legal or physical person.
No assignment of intellectual property rights is carried out through these Terms and Conditions.
Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of these properties for any reason whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express written authorization of the Company.
Hoang_dep_trai//Created by user Hoang Dep Trai
//Forex Session Templates Based on EST-New York Time Zone
//Special Thanks to TheLark AKA The Coding Genius for helping me with the "On - Off" CheckBoxes in the inputs tab
study(title="Hoang_dep_trai",shorttitle="Hoang_dep_trai", overlay=true)
timeinrange(res, sess) => time(res, sess) != 0
//Change true to false = You have to turn on, won't show up by default
//****Always use lowercase letters
doEurOpen = input(defval=true, type = bool, title="Euro Open On")
doEurSession = input(defval=true, type = bool, title="Euro Session On")
doEurClose = input(defval=true, type = bool, title="Euro Close On")
//You can copy and paste these colors. white - silver - gray - maroon - red - purple - fuchsia - green - lime
// olive - yellow - navy - blue - teal - aqua - orange
europeSession = #1E90FF
//****Note ---- Use Military Times --- So 3:00PM = 1500
bgcolor(doEurSession and timeinrange(period, "0815-1215") ? europeSession : na, transp=75)