Bitcoin Ninjas 'Ninja Signals' Buy & Sell Alert Trading ScriptBitcoin Ninjas 'Ninja Signals' Buy/Sell Alerts & Backtesting TradingView Script
(for Cryptocurrencies, Forex, GunBot, ProfitTrailer, automatic trading software, and more)
-Allows users to easily set automated buy and sell alerts on TradingView for use with automatic and manual trading of cryptocurrencies, Forex securities, and more (alerts are compatible with automatic trading software such as GunBot, ProfitTrailer, and more).
-Synthesizes many powerful indicators [e.g. Relative Strength Index (RSI), stochastic RSI, Money Flow Index (MFI), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), etc.) into one super script to generate very precise buy and sell signals in almost any market condition.
-Buy arrows (blue) and sell arrows (red) can be changed or hidden for ease of viewing.
-No lag EMA trendline featuring trend-reversal color-coding (white uptrend, black downtrend).
-Adjustable ‘calibration’ setting allows users to customize the script to work for any currency or security available through TradingView, on any exchange, simply by adjusting a number.
-Complete with backtesting strategy version of script which allows users to test various buy and sell strategies based on the alerts the script generates (see info and screenshots below).
-Backtesting strategy incorporates a user-defined adjustable date range, so users can estimate the script’s performance over specific periods of time, such as the last day, week, or month.
-Backtesting strategy utilizes a minimum protective gain setting to help you never sell for a loss. Simply adjust your minimum profit (%) per trade, and the test results will update.
-Backtesting strategy allows for pyramid buying to test various average down / double up buying strategies. Simply adjust the number of pyramid buys and the quantity of each buy.
-Free 7-day trial available for TradingView users who join our free BitcoinNinjas community.
-Free 24/7 support via BitcoinNinjas Telegram GunBot support group with script purchase.
-Fully compatible with GunBot automatic trading software (TradingView plugin is required).
-Special discount available for traders who purchase GunBot automatic trading software and the GunBot TradingView plugin from BitcoinNinjas, allowing for fully automatic trading.
-Contact us for more information, to request additional / custom screenshots, or to start your free trial.
DISCLAIMER: By viewing and/or using this TradingView script, you agree to the BitcoinNinjas 'Terms of Use', as presented on our website and as stated here. No sharing, copying, reselling, modifying, or any other forms of use, are authorized for this document. This document is strictly for individual use and informational purposes only. This is not financial or investment advice. Investments are always made at your own risk, and are ba
Bill Williams Indicators
Fractal HelperA spinoff from a previous script I published, this configurable indicator also selects highs and lows and then plots a trend line that bounces between them. In addition, it also iterates this up to two more times in a quasi-fractal manner, on larger time scales, and plots them on the same graph.
Of course this will not spit out Elliott waves, but with adjusting, it could aid in discerning one wave from another.
I may experiment with the security function again to get a better, longer L3 plot, although charts are limited in duration anyway.
Fractal Support ResistanceTroubleshooting this script.
The vertical lines are when the alerts fired in TradingView. Along the top a green F is LONG signal and red F is SHORT. Signals fire only after CLOSING for two consecutive bars above or below a fractal. Also there is a min delay of 12 bars between signals.
The alerts are configured identical to the F character plots. Not sure why the alerts are randomly firing. =(
Market Facilitation Index (BW MFI)Feasibility Window (squat = yellow, green =green, fake = red, fade = gray)
Fractal Breakout V2Version 2 of my fractal pattern aid ( Version 1 ).
I added a bouncing line between the high and low trend lines, connecting consecutive extreme points. I also chased down a pesky bug in the slope calculation...and for now I have disabled the ability to change resolution basis for extreme detection (e.g. 30m on a 1hr chart).
For fun, I added some shading to make it more apparent at a glance what is happening, but if you find it gimmicky, there's an option to turn that off.
I am inexperienced with pattern recognition, so please send feedback if you have any ideas that would make this more useful.
Fractal BreakoutFirst of all, huge credit to synapticEx , whose brilliant use of the security function inspired me to figure out a way to get quasi-shape boundaries automatically drawn on a chart.
This study draws upper and lower trend lines, based on configurable fractal*** reversal detection, calculates slope from the last two upper or lower reversal points, and then extends a dotted line along the same slope...until the next upper (or lower) reversal occurs. If the high (or low) breaks this extension, the dotted line becomes solid to aid visibility. Reversal detection is configurable to use any number of ticks, but probably four to eight will work best.
I made the inclusion of volume in the reversal logic optional (off by default) and left the existing SMA input found in synapticEx's code intact, albeit with a lower default. With the addition of trend lines, I found volume hindered identification of reversals, although I could try various other filters than the SMA included originally.
I have also left intact the very nice ability to change the period and use the requested period identify reversals, courtesy of synapticEx.
This could be used in a strategy, as the values plotted are actual values that are available to include in logic and do not include knowledge of the future. However , information is not available until the floor of half the number of ticks used in reversal detection (I then offset by that number to line things up visually). Having never heard of it until now, I just Googled the Bill Williams Alligator strategy, which looks interesting, so maybe I could see how this could be ported to that.
***As I typed this, I remembered that while making reversal detection configurable, I changed the detection logic simply to look for highest (or lowest) of the desired length of ticks. I don't know whether this is not strictly fractal anymore, but if desired, with a little work, I could make it require consecutive, consistent changes before and after each reversal again.
Here are a few screenshots from hourly ticks, using the "current" (hourly) period, with and without volume, and playing with the number of points used to identify reversals.
Not using volume
Using volume
Brandon: Fractals MKIICustom Indicator development published for customer verification and acceptance.
Generate buy / sell signals if x number of candles following a fractal are up/down.
Generate an early warning (background color change) if x - 1 candles following a fractal are up/down
Generate alerts for buy/sell signals and early warning.
Williams %R Indicator with EMA smoothingRun Williams %R through EMA to smooth it.
Strategy by LoneWolf345, code by sarcos
Crypto - Open Close Cross V6.3Focused on crypto.
Based on an Cpen Close Cross Strategy, augmented by AO and EMA 50/100 crosses.
Crypto - Open Close Cross With EMA - V6.3Designed around Crypto.
Based on an Open Close Cross strategy. Uses AO and EMA50 crosses to reduce risk.
ATRIXTRIX Alligator with main line of balance.
Part of Atrix trade system.
Highly recommend to use with TTC v2 (Cumulative TRIX Moving Averages oscillator. )
Bill Williams. Alligator, Fractals & Res/Sup combined (by vlkvr)Bill Williams indicators (each separately) are simple and quite self-sufficient, however, are most often used together. The key ones (Alligator and Fractals) are freely available and everyone can use them, but why use them on the chart separately, when "together more fun", and not conceivable, in my opinion, they are one without the other.
So, I present "split/copypasta" of two key indicators of Bill Williams, plus (as a bonus) visualization of "Support/Resistance" levels (and in fact, lines from extremes or the same fractals).
As a result, before you indicator "three-in-one".
Petes Wild OscillatorThis oscillator is a combo if different goodies i find useful (Maybe you will too) This is a color changing MACD combined with the Awesome Oscillator and also shows the colored sessions as well (Like London session, Asain, NY and Aussie) All MACD and session settings can be changed in the Format tab. I also writtin a decent strategy script for this as well but wanna see if people find it useful before i post garbage lol. I also had colored bars based on if CCI was over 0 but i took it out as this is just a oscillator. Any feedback is always welcomed!