Change your perspective: Time and trading psychologyExpand Your Time Scale
A significant 2% selloff like we saw today can sometimes feel like a buying opportunity-- "stocks are on sale!" We humans are extremely impatient, short-term thinkers. Especially when you're new to trading, it's tempting to rush in and buy every "dip."
But to win at investing over the long term, you've really got to develop a much larger sense of perspective. Real corrections unfold on a much larger time frame than a one-day, 2% market drop, and trading too frequently has pretty steep costs.
Lots of studies have shown that on average, the more frequently you trade, the lower your returns. Even in a zero-commission world, you still may lose a few cents on every trade due to "bid/ask spreads," especially if you're trading low-volume securities. Plus, any sale you make is going to be taxed, whereas if you leave that money in the market, your taxes are deferred until later. Those costs compound every year like negative interest, eating into your future returns.
Know Your Human Limitations
The first step to beating the market, frankly, is to understand that you are that easily distracted dog on the movie Up who's constantly shouting "squirrel," and you are always going to be that dog. In other words, the first step to recovery is acknowledging you have a problem.
Once you realize you have a problem, then you've got to create a plan to correct that problem and follow the plan religiously. In this case, you are never going to be able to reformat your brain to operate on geological time. That just isn't how the human brain works. What you can do is adopt tools and systems and habits of behavior to help you think bigger about investing. In this post I hope to give you a few.
Adopt Tools for Thinking Bigger
1. Simply zoom out.
I know a lot of folks are looking at the 5-minute time frame and trading every technical signal they see. If you're beating the market by a wide margin that way, then great. Otherwise, you're better off zooming out. Try using the weekly, or even the monthly chart. When you view equities on a longer time scale, you see different things on the chart. For instance, looking at the S&P 500 on a weekly time frame tells me that the one-year uptrend is still intact, and today's "correction" was nothing in the scheme of things.
On the monthly chart, frankly, there hasn't even been a dip:
2. Don't look at markets every day.
If you're trying to think on a larger time scale, frequent updates are just more opportunities for error. I learned pretty early on in my trading career that I performed better overall if I didn't check my investment account during the day. In fact, for most investors, the best thing they can do is probably dto buy an index and never look at it at all until they retire. Even if you like to be a little more active than that, I'd still suggest checking in no more than once a week.
This applies to consuming market news and analysis as well. Subscribe to only a few highly curated sources of investor news. There's so much information out there, and most of it is just noise. Paradoxically, more information often doesn't make you more informed; it may make you less informed if it's low quality. Let someone really competent filter the noise for you and only give you the most salient sound bites.
3. Set it and forget it.
I use a lot of alerts. I identify a price level I might want to buy or sell, and I set an alert and don't look at it again until my alert triggers. That way I'm not tempted to buy or sell too early. You have to be prepared to create a trading plan and then stick to your plan, no matter how long it takes.
I also use alerts for news. Most companies have an "investor relations" page where you can subscribe to press releases about the company. You don't need to know what the CEO is saying on his Twitter every day, but you probably should be subscribed to the press releases and quarterly earnings report so you'll see immediately if something really major changes about the fundamentals. To follow sector news, you can subscribe to a weekly industry newsletter or set up a Google news alert.
4. Consider setting limitations on yourself.
Think of yourself as a time traveler who's come back in time to prevent your future self from making a big mistake. A mistake like, for instance, buying a market top because you saw a one-day dip of 2%. You know your future self is stupid and you can't cure stupid, so the best you can do is put up obstacles to bad decision-making and hope they'll do the trick.
For instance, I don't much like mutual funds, but one reason to buy a mutual fund rather than an ETF is because they're far less tradeable. For instance, most mutual funds have rules in place that prevent you from withdrawing your funds too soon after depositing them.
Another strategy is simply to remove investment apps from your computer or phone. Make it that much harder to access, so you're not unconsciously opening up the app and compulsively checking your accounts all day. You might even consider locking yourself out of your account and giving the login information to someone you trust, with instructions to only give it back under very specific conditions.
5. Remind yourself.
Set up a regular calendar reminder or put a sticky note on your computer to remind yourself to think on a larger time scale. Go back at the end of the year to revisit trades you entered or exited early, and see how much money you left on the table. Honestly, I think you'll be amazed.
Trading Tools
Meet Our New Drawing Tool: Price NoteWe created Price Note to make it even easier to attach notes at specific prices. We know how important it is to keep detailed notes on your favorite charts and our new drawing tool will help.
How to create your first price note 📝
1. Select the tool from the Annotation Tools panel. This is the same place where you find the Text tool.
2. Place two anchor points. The first point sets the price, and the second one is the coordinates of the price label.
3. Add text to appear along the Price Note by opening the settings dialog by double-clicking on the note. You can also change the line and text colors from the settings dialog.
Use keyboard shortcuts when working with Price Note!
1. Press Ctrl (Windows) or command ⌘ (Mac) while placing a point so that the point is drawn to the nearest symbol value. This keyboard shortcut turns on your Magnet.
2. Press the Shift key while placing a point to set the slope of the line in multiples of 45 degrees. Pro tip: this is especially helpful for placing Price Notes at perfect angles. Perfect angles = beautiful chart. 🎨
We hope you enjoy this new drawing tool. By the way, the chart above shows Bitcoin Dominance, S&P 500, and Tesla. We've placed price notes as examples for each symbol. Feel free share to share any charts you make with a Price Note below in the comments.
Please also share any questions or feedback below. Thanks for reading.
How To: Super simple placing Stock orders all inside TradingViewHi all, just for fun here is how you can place orders within TradingView for stocks.
Video covers the different order types:
Market Orders
Limit Orders
Stop Orders
Stop Limit Orders
As well as how to set Stop Losses and Take Profits as part of your order.
The system is super simple to use and highly visual.
If you like the video, feel free to give it a like. No charge :)
5 Tips For Faster ChartingHere are 5 tips that will speed up your charting. Each tip in this idea involves a simple keyboard shortcut: hold the command key on a Mac or Ctrl key on your PC. Mastering this keyboard shortcut will improve the way you select multiple drawings, apply bulk edits, and ultimately speed up your research process.
1. Select multiple drawings in an area by holding down the command key on a Mac or Ctrl key on a PC and then dragging the mouse over the area you want to select. This is one of the fastest ways to select multiple drawings at once. Hold command/Ctrl and then drag your mouse over a specific area.
2. You can also select multiple drawings one at a time. To get started, press and hold the command key (Mac) or Ctrl key (PC) and then click each drawing one by one. This is a helpful for selecting specific drawings that are spread out around the chart or hard to find.
3. Once you've learned to select multiple drawings on your chart, did you know you can apply bulk changes to them? For example, you can select multiple drawings on your chart and then change the color for each one with one click. Hold command/Ctrl, select each drawing, and then change the color in the floating toolbar that appears.
4. You can change more than just the color... You can also apply bulk changes to the line thickness, border, visual order, and font color. Select each drawing using command/Ctrl and use the floating toolbar to apply any necessary changes.
5. The command and Ctrl keys can also be used to clone a drawing. Hold command on a Mac or Ctrl on a PC and then drag the selected drawing. It will instantly clone. 🕺🕺
We hope you enjoyed these five quick tips. The key is to master the power of the command and Ctrl keys. With this keyboard shortcut you can select multiple drawings, apply bulk changes, and instantly clone drawings.
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about these tips! Our team reads the comments and will help you the best they can. You can also write feedback and suggestions.
P.S. We use the #TradingViewTips hashtag to share other helpful tips about using the platform. 🙌
Make profitable trading decisionsHi Fellow Traders
The greatest tool in your arsenal is your Risk/ Reward rules when evaluating the potential expencency and outcome of each scenario. By using this to protect your account it may help you to survive long enough to be profitable.
Risk/ reward is quite simple. If I risk $1 on a trade, I need to make on average $1.50 to be profitable. In other words, my risk is 1 and my reward 1.5, therefore it is a 1:1.5 risk/ reward ratio, which is acceptable to potentially enter a trade if it meets your criteria.
You want to try an average between 1:1.3 and 1:1.7 when looking for trade opportunities.
The Risk/ reward tool on Tradeview is excellent for evaluating and getting a proper picture of the potential upside and downside before making a decision.
I hope you enjoy the video and that I have been able to contribute to your potential success as a trader.
Please feel free to comment and reach out if you help.
Two New Tools to Improve Your ProcessProcess is important. It's how you stay disciplined. It's also how you focus on the ideas and strategies that you are best at. In this post, we'll show you two tools that may help your investing or trading process.
Our New Alerts
Create an alert and then sit back and wait. Get a notification delivered to your phone, email, and browser. Right-click on your chart to add an Alert or click the Alert icon ⏰ if you're on our free mobile app. Make the markets work for you by creating alerts at important price levels.
Our team is excited to show you our new alert feature that supports dynamic messages. This is a game changer for those who understand Pine Script and the importance of alerts. You can now code alerts to display messages that dynamically adjust based on price action or other factors. Our new script alerts use an `alert()` function, which works in both strategies and studies. To get started with this, open the Pine Editor at the bottom of your chart while on a desktop computer. To learn more about this, read our launch blog post here.
New Watchlist Features
We know how important your Watchlist is. That's why we recently launched Sections and made it easy to add symbols to your list. To get started, open TradingView on your desktop computer and then right-click on your Watchlist. Then select either of these two options: Add Sections or Add Symbol. Sections will create a divider on your Watchlist with a custom name. This tool will help you better organize your Watchlist. If you click Add Symbol you will be directed to add a symbol of your choice to that exact point on your list. By the way, if you're reading this from our mobile app, you can press and hold on any symbol to remove, flag or open a chart. Pro tip: your watchlist syncs perfectly between your mobile phone and computer. Take your watchlist anywhere.
We hope you enjoyed this post! If you have any questions or comments, please write them below. Our team wants to help and we listen to your feedback.
Implementing Heiken Ashi CandlesKEY POINTS:
Heikin-Ashi is a candlestick pattern technique that aims to reduce some of the market noise, creating a chart that highlights trend direction better than typical candlestick charts.
The downside to Heikin-Ashi is that some price data is lost with averaging, which could affect risk.
Long down candles with little upper shadow represent strong selling pressure. Long up candles with small or no lower shadows signal strong buying pressure.
When paired with risk management tools, trading indicators can give you a clear insight into price movements. Heiken Ashi candlesticks resemble a typical Japanese candlestick, but several details differ from the traditional candlestick chart.
Every Heiken Ashi candlestick has an upper candlewick, a shadow (lower candlewick) and a body – much like the Japanese candlesticks.
However, a bar in the Heiken Ashi starts from the middle of the one before it and not where the previous one closed-a significant distinction.
Each candle has a high, low, open and close, and thus the Heiken Ashi formula has four segments.The opening level is the midpoint of the previous bar; the Close of each bar is the average of high, low, open and close.
If you’re aiming to catch persistent trends, then Heiken Ashi will be valuable.
However, day traders who need to exploit quick price moves may find Heikin-Ashi charts are not responsive enough to be useful. Also, due to no price gaps within Heikin-Ashi candlestick charts, risk management is harder to monitor. Using additional methods to watch risk is advised.
The formula for calculating Heikin-Ashi candlesticks is as follows:
Open= (Open of previous bar+ Close of previous bar)/2
Close = (Open + Close + High + Low)/4
High = the Maximum Price Reached
Low = Minimum Price Reached
*Hope this helped refresh your knowledge of Heikin-Ashi candlesticks or showed you a new trading strategy to use.
Three Ways To Make Better Decisions in MarketsBefore we dive in, it’s important to share a few more words about who we are. We empower traders and investors with professional-grade tools, charts, news, and global data that was once only available to select groups. Our tools are available to everyone on desktop or mobile. Our goal is to empower traders and investors to grow over the long run. 💪
The key driver behind this post is that you don’t want to rush anything before understanding what's at risk, your goals and long-term plan. We realize that in spite of our efforts and intentions, sometimes people get swayed by irresponsible posts across social media, inevitably leading to unmet expectations. We want to help people avoid this. So let's talk about three ways to make better decisions in markets. Remember, this post is strictly for education in a very fascinating time in market history! Keep reading... 👇
1) Do not blindly follow someone else’s opinion without doing your own research. Use the tools available to you to learn, study, and analyze markets.
Our social network is big and growing. We encourage everyone to publish their first idea, try chats, and follow others. It's never been a better time to meet fellow traders, learn with them, and grow. But as social media converges with markets, there are several important risks to discuss. Avoid picking up bad habits, being swayed by popular opinion, and succumbing to peer pressure. Avoid doing something you have not given critical thought to, objectively analyzed or evaluated yourself. These risks can include trading before you are ready, overtrading due to the abundance of ideas, putting up bigger positions than your account can handle, and changing your mind mid-trade. Keep calm and think first. Take advantage of the tools available to you whether that's backtesting, paper trading, or looking for other opinions that challenge your thesis.
2) Do not expect easy profits just because everyone is talking about it. Instead look for peer review, meaningful connections, and ways to test your own ideas.
No matter how many likes an idea receives, no matter how confident its author may appear or how many chat messages are being shared, there is no guarantee markets will play out as planned. It makes more sense to first review, study, and research an idea yourself to see if it fits your long-term plan. The bottom line is this: someone else’s view should never be relied upon as a substitute for you doing your own analysis before making actual trading decisions. Our social network is best used for peer-review, new connections, and critical feedback to help develop your strategies and understanding of markets. We have a education section dedicated to this. We also have a community of Pine Coders coding the markets. The community here is meant to help you with feedback, ideas, and new concepts.
3) Do not ask for blind real-time signals in chats or comments aiming for easy gains. Instead focus on building your long-term strategy and maintaining a realistic approach.
As social media and financial markets converge, more and more people are expecting easy answers on when to buy or sell. In our public chats (you can find them on the right-hand side of the platform) we encourage people to keep this mind and dig deeper. You won’t learn anything from asking buy or sell questions. You have to study, research, and examine price action beforehand. Our social networking tools offer great opportunities to talk in real-time and exchange opinions, views, and research. Using them the right way will help you grow as a trader and learn from others over the long haul. But making hurried trading decisions based on flimsy trade calls is rarely a good idea. Just don’t do it!
There’s no better way to learn than by immersing yourself in an environment that exposes you to many different ideas, conversations, and strategies. We hope that our platform boosts your knowledge of markets while allowing you to perfect your craft. Insights from others can also help you make better decisions, but only if used in a thoughtful manner that focuses on patience, process, and education. In addition, always remember that you have the tools right in front of you to perform your best research.
Thank you for reading! We look forward to hearing your thoughts below. 🙏
How To Follow Earnings and News From Your ChartIn this video we show you the basics of following earnings and news from your chart. This is especially helpful for equity investors and traders, but it also applies to those interested in crypto, forex, and futures because you will learn how to follow breaking news directly from your chart. All TradingView members have access to high quality news by clicking the News icon 📰 on the right-side toolbar.
Here are the three key features we cover in this video:
1. Read breaking news about any ticker symbol by clicking the News icon 📰 on the right-side toolbar. This news is real-time and will update instantly when big events happen. Additionally, the news will automatically update and reflect the ticker on your chart. When big price movements happen, open your newsfeed to see what's happening.
2. You can chose to show the Earnings icon on your chart. This Earnings icon will reveal when a company reports earnings and some basic facts about that earnings report including date and EPS estimates. To show or hide your Earnings icon right-click on the chart, click Events, and then select "Show Earnings on Chart."
3. The Earnings Calendar 📆 is a way for you to see who is report earnings, when, and what their EPS Estimates are. Never miss another earnings report. Open your Earnings Calendar daily and quickly scan for upcoming reports so you don't get caught off guard. In the Calendar you can also see upcoming Economic Events. Pro tip: we also have a dedicated Earnings Page that gives you even more details into upcoming earnings.
We hope this video helps you get started with earnings, news, and other events! Please leave any questions or comments below. Our team appreciates your feedback, support, and questions.
The Broker Awards - Bringing More Transparency to MarketsOur first-ever Broker Awards are here. Together, we can bring more transparency to financial markets. Connect a broker of your choice to your TradingView account, research markets, and manage orders seamlessly based on your research. Then rate, review, and follow your favorite broker. Your reviews will help others find a perfect broker for their needs whether it's equities, forex, futures or crypto. Visit our Top Brokers page to see all of the brokers available.
We launched our Broker Awards to congratulate the best brokers based on your reviews. Real traders who write and rate brokers with verified reviews. We're creating a marketplace that brings more transparency to financial markets. By building this marketplace we can reduce bad experiences, give people a chance to share their opinions, and connect customers with the perfect broker for them. Remember - these awards are based on a combination of your reviews, ratings, comments, and overall usage.
Now let's get to the awards! 🎉
Drum roll please... 🥁🥁🥁🥁
Broker of the Year : TradeStation
Connect your TradingView account to TradeStation and access their ultimate trading services across equities, equity/index options, futures, and cryptocurrencies markets. Follow them here.
Most Popular Broker : OANDA
Founded in 1996, OANDA is a leading online trading broker, regulated in all key global markets. Specializing in Forex and CFD trading, OANDA offers tight pricing on a full portfolio of products. Follow them here.
Social Champion : FXCM
FXCM's purpose remains unchanged over its 20-year history. FXCM is a leading provider of online foreign exchange trading. Follow their social posts here.
Most Innovative Tech : TradeStation
For those who connect their TradingView account to TradeStation, you've noticed the upgrades and made that clear in your reviews.
Best Multi-Asset Broker : TradeStation
Crypto, equities, options, and futures are all available to you with a single connected account.
Best Futures Broker : Tradovate
Tradovate is a modern, cloud-based futures broker offering unlimited, commission-free trading for a flat price. No per-trade commissions, platform licensing fees or order routing fees. Follow them here.
Best Forex Broker : OANDA
With nearly 6,000 verified reviews, your votes made it clear about who you wanted to nominate as the best forex broker. Read every review here.
Best Crypto Broker : Gemini
Gemini offers an industry-leading suite of crypto-native products and advanced tools for individuals and institutions. Buy, sell, and store cryptocurrency with world-class security. Follow them here.
Congratulations to the winners! Special thank you to all of the brokers who work with us and the community of traders who rate and review their broker. We believe this level of transparency will help more people find the perfect broker for their needs. Let's keep it going and please remember to rate and review your broker. Your reviews make a difference. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If you would like to request a broker to add to TradingView, please write the name in the comments below and also send them a message. Your support will help us get in contact with them and let them know this is an important connection. Once again, thank you to our broker partners and the community for writing their reviews.
Who wants to trade like this now markets are back open ❓💲Hello fellow traders
Quick idea as the markets open up for the week I just wanted to show you all how I traded GBPUSD last week.
I am working the 30M time frame here using our 'EDGE' strategy.
As you will see from the chart there was four trades last week on this time frame and three were winners! 138 pips banked.
Our strategy is a follow trend strategy and can be used on any time frame but also with any instrument.
The strategy sits in your tradingview and when all confluences are met a simple alert appears on the chart. At this point we enter the trade.
When an alert presents all the trade information is presented too, take profit target, stop loss, entry points etc.
The confidence in the way we trade comes from the built in strategy tester. This enables us too back test the way we intend to trade.
No one can predict the future but this is a great marker on how trading a pair could perform going forward.
The strategy tester data for this pair can be found at the foot of this idea.
The data is based on £5000 starting capital and risking 2% a trade. Data shown is tested from Jan 2020 to present time.
The strategy tester shows gains from trading this way along with, win rate, number of trades and draw down.
Feel free to press the sub menus and in doing so you will see a performance overview and all 409 trades individually logged.
All of the above allows our traders to trade with confidence and emotions firmly in check.
For any more information on the strategy shown please feel free to drop me a message.
Five Tips for New Traders and InvestorsWhether you are new or have been trading for 20+ years, this post is a reminder about having realistic expectations when it comes to markets. Patience, the desire to learn, and a positive outlook toward the future, especially over the long run, will help you on your journey. Here are some tips to get you started!
1. Code the markets
Financial markets attract smart people who run strategies, indicators, and analytics to make better decisions. The Pine Script community is a perfect example of this - head over to the Pine Script Editors' Picks page to see for yourself. With Pine Script, you can code and create your own indicator or strategy. More importantly, you can learn the intricacies of price action and the underlying mechanics of specific indicators.
2. Paper Trade to test your ideas
All members have access to our free Paper Trading tools. This means you can trade, invest, and study your ideas in a simulated environment. Do you think you can outperform the market? Open a chart on your desktop, click Trading Panel at the bottom, and connect your account. Place trades and study your performance over the next several days, weeks or months. Let's see how good you really are before risking any real money. 😁
3. Follow others, use chats, and be open minded
Traders and investors from around the globe share ideas here. They also participate in chats and the comment sections. This is not only an opportunity to learn and meet others, but it is also a reminder of who else is participating in markets. You can get instant feedback by asking questions, following their profile or contributing to various chats. It's never been easier to network and work with others to learn about the markets. It's also a reminder that markets are competitive. So get started by exploring the community, meeting others, and learning new concepts.
4. Backtest, backtest, backtest
The Strategy Tester makes it easy to backtest your trades over a period of time. You can test different strategies in the Public Library by opening the indicators menu and selecting a strategy. Strategies are shown with a down red arrow and an up green arrow at the end of its title. It will look something like this: "Momentum Strategy 🔻▲." Add a strategy to your chart and use the Strategy Tester to follow its performance. For those looking for a simpler way to backtest, the Bar Replay tool can take you back in time to test your ideas on a specific ticker. Press the Rewind ⏪ button on the top of your chart.
5. Make a plan
Many new traders and investors forget to make a plan. Instead, they start trading without testing their ideas or learning from others. Use the tools available to you and make a long-term plan! Draw your plan directly on the chart, use the Text Notes tool located at the bottom of the chart as a personal blog or diary, create indicator layouts, save specific chart layouts to never lose your plan, and create alerts for quick reminders. All of these tools can enhance your process and long-term plan. Visit our Help Center to learn more and everything available to you including any questions you may have about your account.
We hope you enjoyed this post and please leave any questions or comments below! Our team is always reading for your feedback. Stay tuned, we have more posts like this coming.
Meet the new Highlighter and Signpost drawing toolsWe recently added two new tools that are available to everyone. The Highlighter is an easy way to highlight price levels, notes, and events on your chart. The new Signpost is a fast way to place notes that connect to specific price levels or events. In the chart above, you can see both of these tools in action. Below, we will give you a little more detail about how to use these tools and where to find them.
We've all used a highlighter before to add emphasis to important words or text. Our new Highlighter tool works in the same way. You can highlight price levels, text or other objects on the chart by simply selecting the tool and then highlighting an area on the chart. To get started with the Highlighter tool, find and open the Geometric Shapes menu on the left side menu. This is the same menu where you can find the Brush, Path, and Rectangle tools. Use the Highlighter tool to add additional emphasis to your research and charting.
You can find the the Signpost tool on the left side menu under Annotation Tools. This is the same place where Text and Arrows are found. Once you've selected the Signpost tool just click a point on the chart to place it. You can then drag the Signpost up or down and change its distance from the selected point. The Signpost is an effective way to write notes or reminders at specific price levels. You could even make your own Timeline. 😉
We hope you enjoyed this post about our two new tools Highlighter and Signpost. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or feedback for us. Our team is always listening! Feel free to share some examples of how you use the Highlighter or Signpost tools in the comments below. You can share a link to your charts.
Setting up and utilize tradingview (layout, drawing panel)Hello everyone:
Welcome back to a quick video on tradingview setups. Many of you have asked me about how you should set up your charts, your settings, customizations, watchlist..etc. So I will make a quick explanation video on this.
-Create a blank chart
-Save under different names for different purposes
Drawing Panels:
-favorite the ones you're gonna use the most.
-create watchlist
-set only the ones with high probability potential, do need to set like 30 alarms.
As always, any questions, comments or feedback please let me know.
Thank you
The importance of having a plan and sticking to it!Hello traders
Before I log off for the day (I'm in UK and heading to bed!)
I wanted to share an idea on having a trading plan with an 'EDGE' but also having the trading psychology to stick with a trading plan.
I'm lucky enough along with our fellow traders to run a script that has given us an 'EDGE' in the markets.
This has enabled us to trade freely without emotional constraints. I simply place trades that appear on my charts then let them play out.
I do this with no anxiety, no worry and no constant checking of the charts or my trading account.
Here we have a short trade on EURAUD working the one hour time frame.
This trade present last Thursday the 7th and I simply entered. I was then alerted by TradingView when the trade hit take profit on Tuesday the 12th.
I've only just checked the charts now on how the trade played out candle by candle.
As you will you see from the chart the trade played out with a good drop towards the take profit target before retracing back to near entry.
After another little drop and another retrace to near entry the trade then headed down to take profit target.
All of this happened with out me knowing! In my opinion this how trading should be!
On this pair I have the script I use set to a take profit target of 1:3.4 and I always use a stop loss because realist among us will know not every trade lands.
The script presents all the trade information on the chart when the algorithm sees everything is met accordingly to my settings.
I simply take the trade and get on with the rest of my day.
I'm able to do this as I know trading the pair in question by the manner describe above is profitable.
How do I know this? The built in strategy tester tells me. At the bottom of this screen is the data from the strategy tester for the last 39 trades. This data is from two full years of trade data on the pair in question. Feel free to press the sub menus which show the performance overview and the list of the 39 trades. All data is based on 2% risk and a £1000 starting capital.
No one can predict the future but this level of back test data gives me the confidence to go and trade in this manner.
All of what I have described above is what has given not just me but all our traders an 'EDGE' in the markets.
With that edge has come the ability to control emotions accordingly. Sticking to a structured plan is now easy and we trade emotionless with no fears or anxiety.
I have left descriptions on the chart showing not only the entry and exit points of the trade but also a pointer where the old me would have been feeling regret, anger, anxiety and all the other bad feelings that can come with trading. Those feelings all used to come as a result of not having an 'EDGE' in the market to the level that I have now with using this script.
For any more questions on the script in use feel free to ask any questions.
How to connect a brokerage and join the Broker AwardsIn this video we show you how to connect a brokerage to your account. We also talk about rating your favorite brokerage and participating in our upcoming Broker Awards. 🏆
When you connect a brokerage you can trade, invest, and follow markets with advanced tools built directly into our platform. To get started, find and click the Trading Panel button at the bottom of your chart. Once your brokerage is connected, you can use the Order Panel to create orders and manage risk including take profit targets and stop losses. When you place an order, it will appear on your chart. This is one of the biggest advantages of trading with a connected brokerage - see your trades directly on the chart. Make a plan and then visualize the risk and reward.
As a TradingView member with a connected brokerage you are allowed to rate and review your favorite brokerage. Your reviews will help others find the perfect brokerage for their needs. Together, we can build a transparent marketplace with real reviews by real traders. Get started by visiting our Top Brokers page.
Remember, your reviews are important because they will determine our first-ever Broker Awards. Here are the awards we will be giving out based on what you say:
• Broker of the year
• Most popular broker
• Social champion
• Most innovative tech
• Best multi-asset broker
• Best futures broker
• Best forex broker
• Best crypto broker
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. We look forward to seeing your reviews and announcing the awards on Jan 20, 2021.
Weekly Institutional COT Analysis (Majors 1) 🎥🎯 This is weekly overview to the institutional positions of the commercials and non-commercials which is big part of the decision making for my strategies next to the technicals.
Subscribe, this video is released every saturday.
⏬add this script to your charts
✅ Unfortunately due to data limitation I cant import my complete indicator to trading view so this is just limited for last 10 weeks.
Wish you good hunt in next week !!
Dave FX Hunter ⚔
❗❗ This is Pre-plan
That means my view can change, depends on how the price will arrive to the level and what will be happening on the M30 in my level of interest for entry. Then I will decide if I will enter or not. So please don't just blindly follow this. FX market is quickly changing environment and it requires full focus on the levels for the precise entry with low risk.
We are the only one person who is responsible for our health, relationships, success and money in our life's. So taking a risk on the markets based on this idea is only and only your decision. You deserve the profit and you are responsible for your potential loss. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices or other information discussed in this presentation or linked to from this presentation are provided as general market commentary and do not constitute investment advice. Author of the analysis does not accept liability for any loss or damage.
❗❗ Legal Risk Disclosure
Trading foreign exchange or CFD on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors.
The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. The possibility that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose.You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor.
Using the new SignPost ToolI love the new Signpost tool that was released this week... i was all set to put in a feature suggestion when I realized I could already do it: make the signpost go DOWN as well as up!
I am a stickler for documenting your trades - EVERY single trade: the winners but ESPECIALLY the losers - so you can learn, reinforce, and EMBED your trading system into your subconscious. (See link to a previous article on that very subject below!)
Hope you enjoy this video... let me know what you think!
Trade well...
How To Download Divergence+ I get a lot of private messages about divergence+, a divergence indicator that also gives insanely accurate buy and sell signals. It is so accurate the creator charges a monthly subscription for the indicator.
It cost $15 a month and for me personally, with the gains I have made... It is has already paid itself off for the remainder of my life and I am young!
Here are instructions on how to download
1. View my account [Myantman101}
2. View who I am following and click on Market Scriptors
3. Send them a private message requesting access to D+
4. Follow their instructions and use as desired
Hope this indicator helps everyone in their analysis/trading decision making
We've added 100+ years of price history for gold and silverThe team at TradingView is committed to building a platform that gives you the best charts, data, and visualizations for better decision making. Today, we're happy to show you two new data feeds that we've expanded for those who want to see the history of gold and silver.
You can now chart over 100 years of price history for gold and silver. As two of the oldest precious metals and essential to the evolution of currencies and trade, we believe these additional years will be invaluable for long-term precious metal traders and enthusiasts. See gold or silver in short-term time frames or long-term time frames going back as far as 1915.
To get started, type GOLD or SILVER into your search box. You can also use the two links we've included below for quick viewing:
• See a live gold chart
• See a live silver chart
We hope you enjoy these expanded datasets and if you want us to add even more data for a specific ticker, please write it in the comments. Our team will do their best to add it for you. Thanks for reading!
The Ace Spectrum as a Template for Support ProjectionDemonstrating the big idea: That straight lines in log-space form exponential curves.
This property of the log chart is useful for examining assets with exponential growth (like high-growth stocks, cryptos, etc).
Because the log scale asymptotically approaches the absolute scale as y slice decreases, this indicator is really applicable to any time scale.
This indicator samples a distribution of lines from the past and projects them into the future, these projected lines form indicators of prior support.
The idea is longer support at those specific lines is indicative of support strength, which this indicator approximately captures.
My initial goal was to capture this intuition about exponential growth in log spaces by applying a monte-carlo style sampling approach to visualize the latent support lines.
After I had captured that in a slightly more complex version of this indicator, my goal was to distill the concept into the simplest possible implementation.