BEST Quandl Bitcoin Blockchain Health DashboardHello, my Best traders,
Did you do you can build your own BEST Bitcoin blockchain dashboard on TradingView?
(I certainly didn't until yesterday)
What is Quandl?
Quandl ( is the premier source for financial, economic, and alternative datasets, serving investment professionals.
Quandl’s platform is used by over 400,000 people, including analysts from the world’s top hedge funds, asset managers and investment banks
How can you access this dataset via TradingView?
- With the instrument/asset search
- With the pinescript Quandl function (introduced in April 2020 via a TradingView blog post:
For you'll need to create a FREE account to access their datasets.
To find the ticker IDs (ex: QUANDL:BCHAIN:HRATE), you can only find them on for now
How can you access this dataset via TradingView?
For me, this has nothing to do with technical analysis here. It's more about fundamental (or blockchain health) analysis
This dashboard is a proof of concept - that we can include on TradingView a lot of Bitcoin blockchain metrics such as:
- USD Exchange Trade Volume
- Hash rate
- Bitcoin mining difficulty
- Miners revenue
- Cost per Bitcoin Transaction
- Number of unique addresses used
- Full list of available Blockchain metrics here
Split screen
To get this view, I only split my screen in 6
TradingView tutorial for doing so here
Best regards
Trading Tools
Get your Fibonacci tool to auto draw the zones you wantThis is how my fib tool look now - only showing the background color of the levels I want. Neat!
I used to draw the zones between 50% - just over 61,8% fib retracement using rectangles. I figured out a little hack to make the fib retracement tool do it for me automagically. Check out a tutorial here:
How to Chart Futures Contracts and Crude Oil's Historic MoveCrude oil traded at -$40 per barrel and that is a historic move. It will go down in the history books.
In this video, we want to show everyone how to track and analyze futures on TradingView, specifically future contracts in crude oil CL1! and CL2!. On TradingView, it's possible to study any futures market and break that market down by each month. CL1!, for example, shows the current crude oil contract in front. CL2! shows the next contract in front. You can also dive into specific contracts that go as far as 2021 or 2022 or beyond.
This video tutorial is meant to be educational and we hope it helps anyone interested learn more about these markets. It's important to remember that most futures contracts trade based on an expiration date. Then, the contracts roll to the next month after that. As a platform, TradingView gives you the data and tools needed to analyze any of these contracts. The quickest way to getting started is to use the search bar to explore all the possible futures contracts that can be analyzed or visualized on a chart.
We hope this video tutorial helps the community get started. Please press like if you enjoyed it and, even better, please leave a comment to add to this discussion. Let's hear your opinion on futures market and the recent crash in crude oil.
Correlation between assetsWhile trading price action and patterns on the charts can alone be quite profitable. However, in this post I hope to stress the importance at looking at more than one chart and understanding the correlation between assets.
There are many cases in which foreign exchange assets for example are heavily influenced by indexes and commodities. Some important examples of this includes:
- Gold and CHF + JPY (when gold goes up, CHF and JPY gain strength. This means that the USD pairs will be inversely correlated and experience opposite moves (confusing i know))
- Oil and CAD
- Shanghai index and oil
There are many other examples out there for correlated markets and so it'In this case it can often be important to not only look at the charts of both assets but also to watch out for news in both cases. By staying on top of these correlations and watching them closely you can gain a highly valuable edge over the markets.
How To Chart Economic Data Like Jobless Claims or GDPCharting economic data can help you learn more about the macro world and see the bigger picture. This chart shows weekly Initial Jobless Claims in the US. In other words, it shows you how many people are filing for unemployment each week. The big spike, which has never been seen before in economic history, shows what the COVID-19 slowdown did to the economy in just one week. It is unprecedented.
You can chart Jobless Claims and much more. To get started, open a chart, go to the search box, open the dropdown menu, and then find the tab furthest to the right of the drop down called Economy. In this area, you will find many different types of economic data that you can chart from GDP to ISM and more. Most of the data comes from FRED and is US related, but please write us in the comments if you want to see other forms of data.
We hope you enjoyed this quick chart and tutorial and we look forward to sharing more! Press like if you enjoyed it or please comment below to share your thoughts.
Commitment of traders reportWHAT IS IT
The Commitment Of Traders (CoT) is a report issued by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) , one of the most important trading insitutionsof the American government. The report has the purpose of transparently showing market dynamics to the all the people involved or interested in the matter.
The COT report show all currently open positions (open interest) of the future and options market, where 20 or more traders hold positions for an amount greater or equal to the minimum amount amount established by the CFTC .
The report is issued every Friday at 3:30 P.M. (Eastern Standard Time, hence UTC-5). Each report normally contains data until previous Tuesday. CFTC usually receives data on Wednesday morning from the reporting firms (i.e.: Future Commission Merchants, Financial Insititutions, Brokers or International Stock Exchanges). After some verifications, CFTC publish data the following Friday. For each market, data are provided in terms of existing (still open) LONG and SHORT positions.
There are 4 types of report:
1) Legacy
It contains data split by stock exchange. This report has two different variants: "futures only", that contains data related to the futures market only, and "combined", that contains aggregated data for futures and options market. All the reported positions in this report are split in two main market actors categories: Commercials (or Large Speculators) and Non-Commercials
2) Supplemental
It includes contracts related to 13 selected agricultural market commodities. This kind of report split positions in 3 market actors categories: Commercials (or Large Speculators), Non-Commercials and Index Traders. Differently from Legacy report, the Supplemental is provided in the "combined" format only, hence contains data for both futures and options market
3) Disaggregated
This report contains the same data issued in the Legacy report, but with a more detailed drill down in terms of representation. First of all, it presents data split in 5 macro-categories: Agriculture, Petroleum and Products, Natural Gas and Products, Electricity, Metals and Other. Moreover, the report shows open positions/interests of 4 market actors categories: Producer/Merchant/Processor/User, Swap Dealers, Managed Money e Other Reportables. Aggregating data of this report, it is possible to obtain same data of Legacy report, hence this is a detailed view of data contained in the Legacy report. The Disaggregated, as well as the Legacy one, is available as "futures only" and "combined" variants
4) Traders in Financial Futures (TFF)
This report includes contracts related to currencies, US Treasury Bonds, Eurodollar deposits, VIX shares and Bloomberg Index only. The reports shows open interests of 4 market actors categories: Dealer/Intermediary, Asset Manager/Institutional, Leveraged Funds e Other Reportables. Last, also this report is available as "futures only" and "combined" variants
Legacy and Disaggregated reports are provided in two formats: short (synthetic) and long (extended). Both these formats contain same data, but long format contains also the concentration of open positions in the hands of the major 4 and 8 market investors at the moment of data collection, while short format does not contains any data about concentration.
TFF report is available in long format only, while the Supplemental is available in the short format only.
Report type Scope Format
Futures Combined Long Short
Legacy ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Disaggregated ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
TTFF ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Supplemental X ✓ X ✓
Legacy report
As said above, market actors in Legacy report are divided in 2 categories:
Non-Commercials , or Large Speculators : they are market speculators as well as hedge funds. This category normally uses financial leverage to amplify variation of derivative asset and has an aggressive behavior in the market. They use rigid stop loss policies and, when the market falls below certain levels, they reverse positions on the other side. The main purpose of Large Speculators is not the asset they buy or sell, but to obtain a net profit from the buy/sell cycle. They normally have a trend following behavior.
Commercials buy futures just because they are interested in the underlying asset and try to hedge their financial exposition related to the commercial activity with the assets they are interested in. These market actors hold more than 50% of open positions in the US futures market and normally they go against the price trend: they sell when the market goes higher and they buy when the market goes lower. Their positions on underlying assets normally anticipate market trend, hence they should be carefully monitored
Non-Reportable : are the open position of small investors/traders that normally are on the wrong side of the market. This investors category is usually confused and not disciplined. They do not follow precise rules and are usually dragged by the trend, but they are slow to reverse positions when the market trend reverses.
The following example contains data about "futures only" market for BUTTER, coming from Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| NON-REPORTABLE
0 2,473 453 10,401 8,149 10,854 11,075 743 522
0 -127 101 675 796 776 770 -23 -17
0.0 21.3 3.9 89.7 70.3 93.6 95.5 6.4 4.5
0 12 10 28 22 38 34
It is possible to see as in the report is provided the total amount of LONG and SHORT positions for Non-Commercial, Commercial and Non-Reportable actors. Variations from previous week are moreover reported.
In addiction to LONG and SHORT positions, Legacy report contains also the SPREAD amount, that is available for Non-Commercial only, and refers to contracts that are opened LONG and SHORT at the same time. Normally a growing SPREAD value means a high level of uncertainty.
If we calculate NET POSITIONS (NP) for the 3 actors categories, as it's easy to check, the report show a zero-sum scenario:
NP Non-Comm = 0 – 2,473 = - 2,473
NP Comm = 10,401 – 8,149 = 2,252
NP Non-Rept = 743 – 522 = 221
NP Non-Comm + NP Comm + NP Non-Rept = -2,473 + 2,252 + 221 = 0
OPEN INTEREST value is the grand total resulting as the sum of LONG, SHORT and SPREAD positions:
Open Interest = 0 + 453 + 10,401 + 743 = 11,597
Supplemental report
Even the Supplemental report (called also Commodity Index Traders - CIT) shows data in the same manner of Legacy report, but the market actors are 3: Non-Commercial, Commercial and Index Traders.
Non-Commercial and Commercial actors are the same, while Index Traders category has appeared for the first time in January 2007. Before that date, investors that are now reported in this category were scattered in the two existing categories (Non-Commercial and mostly in the Commercial). The creation of Index Traders category has had the purpose to separate that category from Commercials, because Index Traders are not involved in the buy/sell cycle of underlying assets, and are usually managed funds, institutional investors or swap dealers. Index traders are normally interested in passive and longstanding LONG positions, while are not interested in the short-term price fluctuations. It's not unusual that this category start buying when price is falling and technical analysis says that the price falling will be even more deep. Index Traders are hence a counter-part of speculators, who have usually a contrarian habit.
Supplemental report is provided for 13 commodities:
Disaggregated report
Market actors of Disaggregated report are:
Producer/Merchant/Processor/User : they are involved in production, handling, packaging or transport of physical assets that is underlying to the future instrument or option. These actors use futures to cover/hedge risks associated to the activities they are involved in that are strictly related to the production of the assets
Swap Dealers : they are subjects that are involved in trading swap contracts related to the commodity and uses futures market to cover/hedge risks associated with swap transactions. The counterpart of a Swap dealer could be a speculative traders, as well as an hedge fund, or a more traditional Commercial subject that is interested in managing risks associated with the commerce activities of the asset
Money manager : to this category belong Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA), Commodity Pool Operator (CPO) or an unregistered fund identified by the CFTC. These subjects are delegated from their clients to do financial operations in their behalf
Other Reportable : all speculative traders that are not belonging in the three previous category are included in this category
Even in this case, the report shows LONG, SHORT and SPREAD positions.
Comparing this kind of report with Legacy, we can see that:
This explains why the report is called "disaggregated". It shows the same data but with a more level of detail especially regarding the actors that hold open positions.
If we take the Disaggregated report about BUTTER for the "futures only" market coming from Chicago Mercantile Exchange (equivalent to the previous example that is showed under the Legacy report section, we see:
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :
: Producer/Merchant : : : :
: Processor/User : Swap Dealers : Managed Money : Other Reportables :
: Long : Short : Long : Short : Spreading : Long : Short : Spreading : Long : Short : Spreading :
CFTC Code #050642 Open Interest is 11,597 :
: Positions :
: 8,893 6,326 1,048 1,363 460 0 301 180 0 2,172 273 :
: :
: Changes from: March 10, 2020 :
: 244 648 324 41 107 0 -12 -8 0 -115 109 :
: :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader :
: 76.7 54.5 9.0 11.8 4.0 0.0 2.6 1.6 0.0 18.7 2.4 :
: :
: Number of Traders in Each Category Total Traders: 47 :
: 24 18 . . 4 0 . . 0 10 9 :
If we take the categories Producer/Merchant/Processor/User and Swap Dealers and we sum all LONG positions and then subtract all SHORT positions, we obtain an overall NET positions like this:
NP = (8,893 +1,048 + 0 + 0) - (6,326 + 1,363) = 2,252
Now, if we do the same calculation for Commercial category of the correspondent Legacy report (see above) we obtain:
NP = 10,401 - 8,149 = 2,252
This is the confirmation that Disaggregated report contains the split of data reported in the Legacy report, where Commercial category is divided in Producer/Merchant/Processor/User and Swap Dealers. Same calculation would demonstrate that Non-Commercial category in the Legacy report is spitted here in Managed Money and Other Reportable categories.
If we now consider the Disaggregated report and we sum all LONG positions and then we subtract all SHORT positions for each actors category, we obtain:
(8,893 + 1,048 + 0 + 0) – (6,326 + 1,363 + 301 + 2,172) = 9941 - 10162 = -221
Given that the grand total should represent a zero-sum scenario, e can deduce from Disaggregated report that net position of Non-Reportable subjects should be +221, hence a net LONG of 221 contracts, and that is correct, in fact it is possible to obtain the same result from correspondent Legacy report (see above) by subtracting net SHORT position for Non-Reportable actors to the amount of net LONG positions for the same actors. Hence Disaggregated report allow us to calculato also net position of Non-Reportable, even if the data do not explicitly report the value.
Traders in financial futures report
This report is a further view on the market and split market actors in two sides (SELL and BUY) and 4 categories:
Dealer/Intermediary : are financial intermediaries who earn by the commissions related to the sell of financial products. Big banks and other financial entities are involved in this activities
Asset Manager/Institutional : they are insitutional investors, including pension funds, insurance companies and investment portfolio managers whose clients are mainly institutional entities
Leveraged funds : these are typically speculative funds (hedge funds) and various types of money managers, including the Commodity Trading Advisors (CTA) and the Commodity Pool Operators (CPO) not necessarily registered by CFTC. These subjects can be involved in hedging strategies and arbitrages on their own capital, or even third parties capital
Other reportable : these are all the traders that are not included in previous categories
Differently from Disaggregated report, the TFF report the positions of the mentioned actors categories are not an exact disaggregation of Commercial and Non-Commercial positions reported in the Legacy report. Here each actor belonging to one of the categories mentioned above could belong to the Commercial or the Non-Commercial category in the Legacy report, basing on the decision that CFTC takes during the report creation, that can be different time after time (i.e.: a subject that has already been considered a Commercial one in the beginning, can be shifted to Non-Commercial after a while, depending on the specific activities he is involved during the time, that can change as well). The TFF report is moreover available only in the LONG format
If we properly analyze data in the Commitment of Traders legacy report, we can determine the expectations of each market actor category regarding the market future.
The possibility to know the net positions of Commercial subjects (institutional investors) is the basis to understand the market sentiment. Their influence is, in fact, between 50% and 75% of the entire futures market of S&P500 and from 40% and 60% of Nasdaq100.
It is useful to point out that Commercial subjects, as well as the Non-Commercial, can take arbitrage or hedging positions, or, alternatively, put in place an active management of their portfolios by buying or selling futures on foreign (not US) markets, or, again, have open position on the futures' underlying assets and protect themselves from risks of price variations by taking opposite positions on the futures market. Hence the Commitment of Traders Report is an important thermometer to measure US stock exchange sentiment, but it isn't a tool that, alone, can allow us to predict how financial markets will move. It should be used (as usual) together with other indicators, tools, analysis and perspectives to have a better understanding of what is happening and a good approximation of what is going to happen (most likely).
Commercial subjects are active actors in the futures' underlying asset market and generally sell when the market (price) grows and buy when the price is more convenient (low), hence their activities are contrarian to the logic of speculators. For this reason the Commercial actors are often responsible of market moves and trends. They drag prices and the market with their activities, hence they anticipate and determine the market trends.
Non-Commercial subjects, viceversa, have opposite interests. They want to make money by price variations, hence they buy when the market shows growing prices and sell in the opposite conditions. This behavior is what we call "trend following" approach.
Here are some typical scenarios that we can find by analyzing the Commitment of Traders report:
1) If Non-Reportable actors (small/retail traders) are LONG and Commercial are SHORT, the Non-Reportable actors are most likely going to loose money because the price will go to to the side where Commercial are pushing it (down)
2) On the maximum levels of an asset price (i.e. near significant RESITANCE levels), Non-Reportable are likely pushed to SELL their positions. Then stop loss levels are likely hit and only after the price starts his falling stage
3) If Non-Commercial are LONG and Non-Reportable are SHORT, we are likely in the middle of an UPTREND and there is more space for the price to gro further
4) If Non-Commercial are LONG and also Non-Reportable are LONG, we are likely in the "euphoric" phase of the trend, hence the trend is going to finish soon
5) If Non-Commercial are SHORT, Non-Reportable are upgrading their SHORT positions and Comemrcial slow down their LONG positions, e re likely in the terminal phase of a downtrend
If we accept the hypothesis that Commercial traders hold better information on the market than the others just because they are active actors of the futures' underlying assets (it's their own business!), it is very important to monitor their behaviour in order to understand how they are evaluating the situation related to the specific commodity that is at the center of our interest.
Commitment of Traders Index
An interesting approach to have effective insights from the Commitment of Traders report can be obtained by calculating an index using the report data. Normally Comemrcial net positions are used to calculate the index as follows:
NP (Net Position) = Long Positions – Short Positions
Usually, an interval of 26 periods (weeks) is selected and the calculation to determine the index value is:
COT Index = * 100
The index, expressed as a pecentage value from 0 to 100, reflects net position of Commercials on the basis of last 26 periods. It can be used as an indicator of overbought and oversold zones and can be a good tool to understand where investors are moving.
The index can be also calculated for Non-Commercial or Non-Reportable positions.
Last, but not least, remember that Commitment Of Traders report is released every Friday evening, but contains data up until previous Tuesday, hence a "lagging" effect should be seriously considered in all the analysis that involves it.
The content of this article has solely education purposes and should be not considered trading or investement advise.
How To Find The Correlation Coefficient For Any Two AssetsThis chart shows Bitcoin (candlestick chart) and the Correlation Coefficient between Bitcoin and the S&P 500 (white graph).
You can find the Correlation Coefficient between any two assets in seconds -- it's easy. First, head to Indicators & Strategies and then search for Correlation Coefficient. When you find it, click it, and a box will appear asking you to type in the asset you want to compare. Press Enter and the chart will calculate the correlation immediately.
Correlation Coefficients are important because they can show you how two assets are moving together. For example, are they moving in lockstep or in opposite directions? A correlation of 1 means a perfect positive correlation and a correlation of -1 means a perfect negative correlation.
We hope this quick guide helps you with your analysis. Please press like if you enjoyed it and write in the comments for other tips or tricks.
Lessons about ultimate ignorance, survivor bias, exp. growthHello,
I wanted to write about these 3 subjects, I have alot on my mind but I'll try keeping it compact and clean.
1- Ultimate Ignorance
* People are persuaded the stock market will always go up. Why? They expect to all become rich with absolutely no effort like magical money will just appear in their pockets.
Even a woldwide index isn't completely safe, global markets have dropped and stagnated for more than 100 years in the past and stock markets are only 500 years old. Concerning individual countries there has never been one that lasted forever... So it's pretty irrational as Einstein would say to expect a different outcome this time.
And money doesn't just magically grow on trees forever what are those people thinking...
They are going to learn a harsh lesson.
* Certain people are completely stupid and out of this world. I have no word. The type of person crying because Bernie is not the dem frontrunner.
One of those said, and it seemed it wasn't a troll, that "rich" bloomberg was so rich he could give every single american citizen $1 million which would change the life of most americans. And when people tried explaining how stupid that claim was, that person defended it "bla bla bla the point is he could give 1 million to every one and he wouldn't notice".
The kind of people that watch clown news network every day and believe what they say.
Even in congress alot fail basic maths taught to 6 yos. And of course they think infinite money can be printed and make every one rich. And if need money for free stuff always simple solution "just tax the rich". All of their idiotic ideas are traumatising. And on top of that it has been tried and failed.
I lost all hope for the human race...
Might be living in noisy stressful big towns making people lose their minds. We need to end wageslavery and have an exodus back to rural areas asap, but this is an idea for another post.
* 2 years ago Paul Singer (the Argentina Vulture Capitalist managing a few dozen billions in a fund) had this to say about Bitcoin in a letter sent to investors, unlike Warren Buffet he does not try to look nice and friendly not hurt anyone feelings and just says it how it is:
“This is not just a bubble. It is not just a fraud. It is perhaps the outer limit, the ultimate expression, of the ability of humans to seize upon ether and hope to ride it to the stars...
But is it not glorious that when the equivalent of nothing attracts priests and parishioners who run up the price, the very willingness of the mob to buy it at higher and higher prices is seen as validation of the thing, rather than an indication of the limitless ignorance of swaths of the human race?”
I completely agree. And like this person, I just say it how it is no point sugar coating it, Warren does it and crypto victims are still hating the guy so what is the point?
He admitted there was genius in Bitcoin, when he called it a "Brilliant scam". I completely agree.
Crypto HAS to be the ultimate never seen before super scam, the biggest ponzi in history. They can't ever have been any scam this big. Social security and debt are different so I'd count them separately. Bitcoin is one of the biggest mass delusion the dumbest the peak of human ignorance.
"The outer limit" yes, this must be it, how can it possibly get dumber?
2- Survivor bias
How ignorant are you?
Here is a little test, got this from a recent video on youtube about prediction:
This is an image extracted from the damaged planes the air force has in their hangar (I think it was the RAF but it doesn't matter):
Command wants to armor the plane. Where should they place the armor? (can't full armor the plane makes it heavy and costs money & a nation cannot print or tax itself into wealth)
The red areas represent where the planes took bullets on average.
Well what does this tell us?
It tells us that the planes in the hangars have this composite.
In other words, the planes that made it home.
I know alot of people ("just tax the rich make everything free") that would instantly say "armor the red area" but it is so wrong.
This is why natural selection favors the smartest, and why wars are won by smarter faster thinking commands (cough cough france germany ww2).
The reason why their planes had very little impacts in the mid fuselage engines and cockpit is really obvious... Those ones did not make it home.
So all they get back are the survivors... That didn't get hit in the priority areas.
Understanding survivor bias is important.
In this video it was a class lesson and about half the students gave the wrong answer. Of the other half I am willing to bet they were mostly just afraid to look stupid or sleeping.
3- Exponential Growth
The graph is a classic.
Some examples:
- Bacteria Colonies: the stagnate when food rarefies then just die of hunger/eat each other
- Virusses (Corona...)
- Internet Virusses
- Ponzi Schemes (you know one...)
- Product Life Cycle (the radio was introduced - Lag Phase, grew till every one had one, stagnated at 90% adoption or so, and has been dying with tv the internet smartphones)
- Bubbles ("back to normal" is stagnation)
- And more
What is great about maths is how you learn that everything is correlated and works the same. And add finance which also does that, your brain goes boom.
By the way, in Asia the coronavirus so many nuts are so afraid of, is in the decline phase.
In Europe and NA I think we are at stagnation phase but there has been a spike in case, probably from all the people testing for it.
What a joke. Idiocy to the limit "outer limit". Peak ignorance.
People are fighting for toilet paper. I don't even understand.
Some numbers.
Worldwide cases of CoronaHoax: 150,000. Probably a bit more with the infected people that don't even notice it LOL!
H1N1 2009 (swine flu) cases: 700,000,000 to 1,500,000,000. Half a million deaths.
There was like easilly 1 billion cases of H1N1.
It is still good that government try to limit the spread of the virus, to protect their elders.
But all these ignoramus panicking, and whining Trump didn't do enough (Obama did nothing for 1 billion infected H1N1...).
Oh and by the way an analysis was done on 1 billion infected H1N1... It was a smaller deal than the common flu THAT HAPPENS EVERY YEAR.
The pathetic little common cold known as Covid-19 (it is a common cold) is on the decline already :)
Mass hysteria over this... so this is it... Clown world. The exponential spread of idiocy is at max now right? Ah right we keep helping them out rather than let natural selection do its job so the decline won't ever happen.
"You have to be a contrarian to make money". Yup. When the herd panics "CO2" (makes so much sense) "CoronaPoop" (sad) or gets all excited "Bitcoin moon soon" (reptilian brains) you know it is time to consider thinking the opposite.
Interesting how everyone that makes money consistantly, all the big time billionaire financeers, all think the same.
90% are going to have this mob mentality to varying degrees. SHEEP. Illogical irrational ignorant sheep.
Understand how the reptilian herd behaves, profit from it, rince and repeat.
No one ever made money being a sheep (ok there were a few but they got lucky).
Always stay rational. This gets repeated so often via "do not be emotional", but those that repeat this number 1 tip do not always understand it and think it means you should avoid going completely berserk (clearly they don't trade and just repeat something they read), it means BE RATIONAL (as opposed to emotional).
And this is the 1 exception, the 1 free meal. In this case there is a very simple way (well maybe not for everyone, but simple on paper) to make alot of money.
By simply being rational you already beat 90% of the competition. It is magical.
The VIX at 50 and Using Custom Trend Line TextThis chart shows the VIX since 2018. Between now and then, two significant moves have occurred. In both instances, the VIX went as high as 50 before topping out and then dropping back down. Will that happen again today?
What's also cool about this chart is we're demonstrating our new Custom Text for Trend Line tool. You can now draw any line on your chart and then easily add text alongside that line. The line can go sideways, up, down or at an angle and the text will follow it.
To try it for yourself, open a chart and follow these steps:
1. Open your line Settings by double-clicking on the line or right-clicking and going to Settings.
2. Check the Show Text box and then type anything you want.
3. Adjust the alignment of the text of your choice.
You can read more here on the official TradingView blog:
Let us know if you have any questions or want to chime in on your thoughts about the VIX today.
Auto-delivering TradingView Alerts into MT4, MT5Check out TradingConnector (dot_com), an integration tool, which enables auto-delivery of TradingView Alerts in to MT4 and MT4, to trade Forex, commodities and indices!
Delivery time is below 1 second, so it can be even used for scalping, as well as higher timeframe trading.
Disclaimer: This is no financial advice nor any financial service. Remember – 95%+ traders lose money. You are trading at your own risk.
Introduction to the BEST Trade ManagerHello traders
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The Trade Manager adds another layer to your own systems, enabling custom user-defined stop-loss/take-profits and real-time analysis with risk-to-reward ratios.
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- How to connect your own indicator(s)
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Links are in my signature for more information about it
Wishing you all the BEST for your trading using it.
Tradingview Drawing Tools (part 1)In this tutorial, I show you where the different drawing tools are located, how to show/hide them, and how to delete them. I also begin showing you how to change their individuals settings so that they are only visible on specific time frames and how to change their individual styles.
Tradingview Color Themes and Indicator TemplatesIn this tutorial, I show you the basics of changing your chart's color theme, including how to save and recall it. I also show you how to change the color theme of your indicators as well as how to save your indicators as a template for easy recall any time you open a new chart. This two tips will save you endless hours and help you personalize your charting experience.