Daily separator, Open, HTF candlesScript Overview
This TradingView script is designed to enhance market structure analysis by providing a clear visual representation of key trading elements. It integrates multiple technical features that help traders assess price action, trend direction, and potential trade setups efficiently.
Main Features & Functionality
1. Daily Separator
• A vertical line is plotted to clearly mark the start of each trading day.
• Helps traders visually differentiate daily sessions, making it easier to analyze price action over different periods.
2. Exponential Moving Average (EMA) with EMA Continuity Table
• The script calculates an EMA of choice and displays whether the price is above or below it across five customizable timeframes.
• Use Case:
• Identifies if the price is in a retracement or a trend continuation phase.
• Helps determine trend strength—if price is consistently above the EMA across multiple timeframes, the trend is bullish; if below, it’s bearish.
• Aids in making trading decisions such as whether to go long or short.
3. Higher Timeframe (HTF) Candles
• Plots candles from a higher timeframe (HTF) onto the current chart.
• Use Case:
• Provides a macro view of price action while trading on a lower timeframe.
• Helps traders see if the price is interacting with HTF support/resistance levels.
• Useful for confirming entries/exits based on the HTF trend.
4. Opening Line
• Draws a daily opening price level, allowing traders to track price movement relative to the open.
• Use Case:
• Useful for intraday traders who analyze whether price is holding above or below the daily open.
• Helps in identifying key price behaviors, such as breakouts, fakeouts, or potential reversals.
Additional Considerations
• Customization: The script allows traders to adjust key parameters such as the EMA length, timeframes for EMA continuity, and HTF candle settings.
• Market Structure & Decision Making: By combining EMAs, HTF analysis, and the daily open, the script assists traders in determining whether price action aligns with their trade thesis.
• Potential Enhancements:
• Adding alerts for EMA crossovers or when price crosses the daily open.
• Incorporating color coding for the EMA table to improve readability.
Use Case Summary
This script is particularly beneficial for trend-following traders, intraday traders, and swing traders who want to:
1. Confirm market direction with EMA-based trend analysis.
2. Monitor HTF price action while trading on lower timeframes.
3. Track intraday price movement relative to the daily open.
4. Differentiate trading sessions for better structure analysis.
Trend Analysis
Zippo Traffic v2Zippo Traffic v2
Fiyat hareketlerini analiz ederek trend yönünü belirleyen gelişmiş bir trend takip sistemidir. Alış ve satış sinyalleri üretmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda belirsiz dönemleri sarı barlarla göstererek, işlem yapılmaması gereken durumları da işaret eder.
Nasıl Çalışır?
Bu sistem bir trafik ışığı mantığıyla çalışır:
🟡 Sarı barlar: Piyasada belirsizlik – yeni pozisyon açmayın, mevcut pozisyonu koruyorsanız dikkatli olun.
🟢 Yeşil barlar: Long / Al sinyali – yükseliş trendi.
🔴 Kırmızı barlar: Short / Sat sinyali – düşüş trendi.
Alligator (3 EMA) parametreleri (JawLen, TeethLen, LipsLen) kullanıcı tarafından değiştirilebilir; diğer teknik göstergeler ve hesaplamalar sabittir.
Bu sayede aşırı optimizasyon ve yanlış sinyal alma riski azalır; sistemin temel mantığı korunur.
Öne Çıkan Özellikler:
Nötr Bölgeler: Klasik trend takip indikatörlerinden farklı olarak, sadece “Al” ve “Sat” sinyalleri değil, aynı zamanda piyasada nötr bölgeleri (sarı barlar) belirler.
Momentum + Trend Analizi: Piyasanın yönünü daha doğru analiz etmek için birden fazla kriteri bir arada kullanır.
Standart Fiyat Verisi: Hesaplamalar, standart OHLC değerlerine dayanır. Heikin Ashi veya diğer mum çeşitleri, sadece daha net görsellik amacıyla tercih edilebilir; sinyal üretiminde etkisi yoktur.
Nasıl Kullanılır?
🟢 Yeşil barlar: Güçlü yükseliş trendi (Long).
🔴 Kırmızı barlar: Düşüş trendi (Short).
🟡 Sarı barlar: Trendin belirsiz olduğu alanlardır; bu dönemlerde yeni pozisyon açmaktan kaçının.
Zaman Dilimi ve Kullanım Önerileri
Hacimsiz hisselerde veya düşük likiditeli varlıklarda sinyal kalitesi düşük olabilir.
En iyi sonuçlar için 30 dakika ve üzeri zaman dilimleri önerilir.
Özellikle 4 saatlik, 8 saatlik ve günlük grafiklerde başarılı sonuçlar alınmıştır.
Daha kısa zaman dilimlerinde de kullanılabilir, ancak fiyat oynaklığı yüksek olduğundan sinyallerin doğruluğu düşebilir.
Önemli Uyarı..
Bu indikatör, teknik analiz amaçlı geliştirilmiştir ve yatırım tavsiyesi içermez. Piyasa koşulları hızla değişebilir; tek bir mum bile destek veya direnci kırabilir. Sarı barlar, mevcut pozisyonu kapatıp beklemenizi veya trendin netleşmesini takip etmenizi sağlar. Tüm yatırım kararlarınızı kendi araştırmalarınız ve risk yönetimi stratejileriniz doğrultusunda vermelisiniz.
Zippo Traffic v2
Zippo Traffic v2 is an advanced trend-following system that analyzes price movements to determine market direction. Not only does it generate buy and sell signals, but it also highlights uncertain market periods with yellow bars, signaling when new positions should not be opened.
How It Works
This system operates on a traffic light principle:
🟡 Yellow Bars: Indicate market uncertainty – refrain from opening new positions and exercise caution if you are already in a trade.
🟢 Green Bars: Signal a Long/Buy – indicating an uptrend.
🔴 Red Bars: Signal a Short/Sell – indicating a downtrend.
The Alligator (3 EMA) parameters (JawLen, TeethLen, LipsLen) are the only inputs that users can modify; all other technical indicators and calculations are fixed. This minimizes the risk of over-optimization and false signals, preserving the system’s core methodology.
Key Features
Neutral Zones: Unlike conventional trend-following indicators that only provide buy and sell signals, this indicator also identifies neutral areas (yellow bars) in the market.
Momentum + Trend Analysis: It combines multiple criteria to more accurately analyze the market direction.
Standard Price Data: All calculations are based on standard OHLC values. While Heikin Ashi or other candlestick styles may be used solely for enhanced visual clarity, they do not affect signal generation.
How to Use
🟢 Green Bars: Indicate a strong uptrend (Long).
🔴 Red Bars: Indicate a downtrend (Short).
🟡 Yellow Bars: Represent uncertain market conditions; avoid opening new positions during these periods.
Timeframe and Usage Recommendations
Signal quality may be poor in low-volume or illiquid securities.
For optimal results, it is recommended to use timeframes of 30 minutes or higher.
It has proven particularly effective on 4-hour, 8-hour, and daily charts.
Although it can be applied to shorter timeframes, increased price volatility may reduce signal accuracy.
Important Notice
This indicator is developed solely for technical analysis purposes and does not constitute investment advice. Market conditions can change rapidly— even a single candle can break through support or resistance levels. Yellow bars indicate that you should close your existing position and wait, or monitor for trend clarification, but do not necessarily signal an imminent trend reversal. All investment decisions should be made based on your own research and risk management strategies.
Black Tie Report Market StructureA simple Market Structure Indicator with alerts for Market Structure Shifts (MSS) and Break of Structure (BOS).
Perfect for using alongside my other indicator to anticipate where price is likely to go after hitting a key level.
WAVE시그널(추세)WAVE 시그널(추세) - SuperTrend 기반 트렌드 지표
🔹 개요
WAVE 시그널(추세)은 ATR(평균 진폭)과 SuperTrend 알고리즘을 기반으로 시장의 상승 및 하락 추세를 분석하는 지표입니다.
ATR을 활용한 변동성 조절 기능과 매수/매도 신호를 제공하여 트레이더들이 보다 정확한 진입 및 청산을 결정할 수 있도록 돕습니다.
🔹 주요 기능
✅ SuperTrend 기반 추세 감지: 상승/하락 추세를 ATR을 이용하여 효과적으로 탐지
✅ 매수/매도 신호 표시: 추세 전환 시 매수(초록) 및 매도(빨강) 라벨을 표시하여 진입 타이밍 제공
✅ 변동성 반영 가능: ATR 계산 방식을 선택하여 사용자 맞춤형 조정 가능
✅ 시각적 강조 효과: 상승/하락 추세에 따른 차트 하이라이팅 기능
✅ 알림(Alert) 기능: 추세 전환 및 매수/매도 신호 발생 시 알람 전송
🔹 활용 방법
📌 추세 매매: SuperTrend 선이 상승할 때 매수, 하락할 때 매도 신호로 활용
📌 변동성 매매: ATR 값을 조절하여 변동성이 높은 구간에서도 대응 가능
📌 알림 설정: 매매 신호 또는 추세 변화를 감지하는 자동화된 트레이딩 전략에 적용
💡 본 스크립트는 단독으로 사용하기보다 다른 보조 지표와 함께 활용하면 더욱 효과적입니다.
EUR/AUD 15M Enhanced Trend Strategy, GROK versionGrok !
Run on the EUR AUD 15M Enhanced Trend Strategy developed by Grok,
TREND OVERLAY📈 TREND OVERLAY – Folge dem Haupttrend mit Leichtigkeit!
Dieser Indikator visualisiert die Marktstruktur basierend auf dem 200 EMA und hebt Trendzonen farblich hervor. So kannst du schnell erkennen, ob der Markt sich in einem bullischen oder bärischen Trend befindet, ohne ständig Linien und Indikatoren zu analysieren.
🔍 Funktionen:
✅ Dynamischer Trendbereich – Ein Overlay, das die aktuelle Marktphase visualisiert
✅ 200 EMA als Grundlage – Filtert kurzfristige Rauschen heraus & zeigt den Haupttrend
✅ Farbcodierte Trendzonen – Grün für bullische Trends, Rot für bärische Trends
✅ Automatische Anpassung – Passt sich dem Marktverhalten in Echtzeit an
✅ Ideal für Scalping, Daytrading & Swingtrading
💡 Pro-Tipps für die Anwendung:
🔹 Trade mit dem Trend – Longs nur in grünem Bereich, Shorts nur in rotem Bereich
🔹 Nutze den Trend als Unterstützung/Widerstand – Rücksetzer zum Overlay als Entry-Möglichkeiten
🔹 Kombiniere mit anderen Indikatoren – Perfekt mit Marktstruktur, BOS/CHoCH & Orderblocks
COT DATENANALYSE📊 COT (Commitments of Traders) – Marktstrukturen besser verstehen!
Dieser Indikator zeigt dir die Netto-Positionen der wichtigsten Marktteilnehmer im COT-Report direkt in deinem TradingView-Chart. Die Daten helfen dir, die Positionierung von Smart Money, Retail Traders und Commercials zu analysieren und bessere Handelsentscheidungen zu treffen.
🔍 Funktionen:
✅ COT-Daten direkt im Chart – Sieh auf einen Blick, wie große Marktteilnehmer positioniert sind
✅ Smart Money vs. Retail vs. Commercials – Verstehe, wie verschiedene Marktgruppen agieren
✅ Farbcodierte Darstellung – Grün (Smart Money), Blau (Retail), Orange (Commercials)
✅ Dynamische Visualisierung – Verfolge Veränderungen in den Netto-Positionen im Zeitverlauf
✅ Automatische Aktualisierung – Wöchentliche COT-Daten immer auf dem neuesten Stand
📈 Warum ist COT wichtig?
Der COT-Bericht zeigt, wie sich institutionelle Händler, Hedger und Spekulanten im Markt positionieren. Während Retail-Trader oft auf der falschen Seite stehen, gibt dir die Analyse der Smart Money-Bewegungen einen wertvollen Einblick in mögliche Trendänderungen.
🔹 Smart Money (Grün) – Institutionelle & Hedgefonds, die langfristige Strategien fahren
🔹 Retail Traders (Blau) – Kleinanleger, die oft in die falsche Richtung traden
🔹 Commercials (Orange) – Unternehmen, die Absicherungen im Markt tätigen
50% Drop Finder - @iDavinderKIn Stage 4, Most of stocks take a break at 50% drop and tend to rise from there. This indicator capture the swing move between a high price and low price made between Jan 1st, 2024 till today.
Pipnotic Supply and DemandPipnotic Supply & Demand
The Pipnotic Supply & Demand Indicator for TradingView, is a sophisticated tool designed to transform your trading by high-lighting buy and sell zones and associated supply and demand. Go beyond conventional supply and demand analysis with Pipnotic's proprietary algorithms, meticulously crafted to pinpoint high-probability trading zones based on real-time price behaviour analysis.
Key Features
Proven Legacy, Enhanced for TradingView : Built upon the foundation of Pipnotic's original 2011 software, inspired by Chris Lori's teachings, this TradingView indicator brings years of refined analysis directly to your charts.
Automated Precision : Experience the ease of automated zone detection, eliminating the guesswork and allowing you to focus on strategic execution.
Liquidity-Centric Advantage : Align your trades with the powerful forces of institutional order flow, gaining insight into where the "smart money" is moving.
Seamless TradingView Integration : Enjoy a smooth, intuitive experience within the platform you love, with fully customizable settings and real-time alerts.
Multi-Timeframe Mastery : Track potential market-maker activity across multiple timeframes, providing a comprehensive view of market dynamics.
Intelligent Zone Combination : Pipnotic's algorithm simplifies your chart by qualifying and updating zones on your charts, changing their appearance based on prices interaction with them.
About Pipnotic
Pipnotic was founded in 2011 by Sarid Harper. Sarid helped companies, many of which were banks, figure out how hackers get in and how to keep them out. His work with financial institutions is what sparked his interested in things related to trading.
Learn more: pipnotic.org
KJ RangesMTF Ranges by KJ PVP Trading
Weekly/ Daily/ H4/ H1:
- Opening Price
- Previous Range
- Pivot Points
- Time Rotation
Candlestick Pattern:
- Engulfing bar
- Pin bar
- Inside bar
Trader Notes:
- allow traders list out notes
Pipnotic Supply and DemandPrecision Liquidity Zones for Informed Decisions
Institutional Trading with Pipnotic's Liquidity-Driven Zones
Introducing the Pipnotic Supply & Demand Indicator for TradingView, a sophisticated tool designed to transform your trading approach. Go beyond conventional supply and demand analysis with Pipnotic's proprietary algorithms, meticulously crafted to pinpoint high-probability trading zones based on real-time liquidity distribution. This isn't just an indicator; it's your strategic advantage in understanding market-maker activity.
Why Pipnotic on TradingView?
Proven Legacy, Enhanced for TradingView : Built upon the foundation of Pipnotic's original 2011 software, inspired by Chris Lori's teachings, this TradingView indicator brings years of refined analysis directly to your charts.
Automated Precision : Experience the ease of automated zone detection, eliminating the guesswork and allowing you to focus on strategic execution.
Liquidity-Centric Advantage : Align your trades with the powerful forces of institutional order flow, gaining insight into where the "smart money" is moving.
Seamless TradingView Integration : Enjoy a smooth, intuitive experience within the platform you love, with fully customizable settings and real-time alerts.
Multi-Timeframe Mastery : Track potential market-maker activity across multiple timeframes, providing a comprehensive view of market dynamics.
Intelligent Zone Combination : Pipnotic's algorithm simplifies your chart by intelligently merging overlapping zones, highlighting the most critical areas of interest.
Clear Visual Cues : Leverage retest and break labelling to visualize potential trade triggers and capitalize on market movements.
Join the Thriving Pipnotic Community
When you choose Pipnotic, you're not just getting a tool, you're joining a community of like-minded traders. Access exclusive insights, refine your strategies, and stay ahead of market trends with ongoing education and expert guidance.
Who is Pipnotic?
Pipnotic is a leading developer of advanced data analysis and trading tools, specializing in algorithmic solutions for the financial markets. We are committed to providing traders with cutting-edge indicators and automation tools that identify high-probability trading opportunities.
By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data-driven analysis, Pipnotic empowers you to navigate the complexities of modern financial markets with greater precision and confidence.
Transform your trading with Pipnotic Supply & Demand on TradingView. Learn more and take your trading to the next level at pipnotic.org
ORB Sessions w/ MidlineORB Sessions with Midline – Customizable Opening Range Breakout Indicator
📌 Overview:
This indicator allows traders to visualize Opening Range Breakout (ORB) sessions with customizable high, low, and midline levels. It supports both predefined ORB sessions and user-defined custom sessions. The ORB levels update in real-time and are automatically hidden on higher timeframes.
🔹 Features:
✅ Predefined ORB Sessions – Toggle commonly used ORB periods to match your strategy.
✅ Custom ORB Sessions – Define up to three additional ORB sessions with custom start and end times.
✅ Live ORB Updates – ORB high, low, and midline update dynamically as bars close within the session.
✅ Customizable Colors & Labels – Set unique colors for high, midline, and low levels, and enable/disable price labels.
✅ Smart Timeframe Filtering – ORB lines automatically hide on higher timeframes when they exceed the ORB duration.
✅ Futures Market Adjustments – Automatically shifts ORB session times for NQ, ES, YM, RTY, and M2K to align with market hours.
🛠️ How to Use:
1️⃣ Enable ORB Sessions – Select which predefined sessions you want to track.
2️⃣ Customize Your Own ORBs – Define up to three custom ORB sessions with specific start and end times.
3️⃣ Adjust Visualization – Modify ORB colors and labels for better chart clarity.
4️⃣ Trade ORB Breakouts – Use these key levels to identify potential breakouts, reversals, and trend continuation setups.
SENEE momentum indicator Ver#2Use the method of finding the difference between the current and previous closing prices and then sum the values in a given period.
In ver2, Demand and Supply zone and Greed and Fear zone have been added to help in decision making.
Good luck
ใช้หลักการหาส่วนต่างระหว่างราคาปิดปัจจุบันกับราคาปิดก่อนหน้า แล้วหาผลรวมในช่วงเวลาที่กำหนด
ในเวอร์ชัน 2 ได้เพิ่ม Demand & Supply zone และ Greed and Fear zone เข้ามาเพื่อช่วยในการตัดสินใจ
Machine Learning + IchimokuIchimoku Cloud + Machine Learning Levels is an advanced indicator that merges a classic trend tool with machine-learned supply & demand zones. Combining the two can help traders identify trends and key price zones with greater confidence when both signals align!
How it Works
The Ichimoku Cloud component identifies the trend direction and momentum at a glance – it shows support/resistance areas via its cloud (Kumo) and signals potential trend changes when the Tenkan-sen and Kijun-sen lines cross. Meanwhile, the Machine Learning module analyzes historical price data to project potential support and resistance levels (displayed as horizontal lines) that the algorithm deems significant. By combining these, the script offers a two-layer confirmation: Ichimoku outlines the broader trend and equilibrium, while the ML levels pinpoint specific price levels where the price may react. For example, if price is above the Ichimoku Cloud (uptrend) and also near an ML-predicted support, the confluence of these signals strengthens the case for a bounce.
How to Use
Apply the indicator to a chart like any other TradingView script. It works on multiple asset classes (see supported list below). Once added:
Ichimoku Lines
Tenkan-sen (Blue): Short-term average reflecting recent highs/lows.
Kijun-sen (Red): Medium-term baseline for support/resistance.
Senkou Span A (Green) & Senkou Span B (Orange) form the “Cloud” (Kumo). Price above the Cloud often signals a bullish environment; price below it can signal a bearish environment.
Chikou Span (Purple): Plots current closing price shifted back, helping gauge momentum vs. past price.
ML-Predicted Support/Resistance Lines (Green/Red Horizontal Lines)
Green Horizontal Lines – Potential support zones.
Red Horizontal Lines – Potential resistance zones.
These dynamically adjust based on the specific asset and are updated as new historical data becomes available.
Password (for Advanced Features)
In the indicator’s Settings, there is an input field labeled “Password.” The password corresponds to the ticker(s) listed below.
(If you attach the indicator to any unlisted ticker, you will only see the Ichimoku Cloud.)
Why It’s Unique
This script is a fresh take on market analysis – it’s original in fusing Ichimoku’s visual trend mapping with machine learning. The Ichimoku framework provides time-proven trend insight, and the ML levels add forward-looking context specific to each asset. By uniting them, the indicator aims to filter out false signals and highlight high-probability zones. No repainting occurs: Ichimoku values are based on closed data, and ML levels are computed from historical patterns (they do not retroactively change).
Ichimoku Cloud + Machine Learning Levels offers an informative blend of old and new analysis techniques. It clearly shows where price is relative to trend (via Ichimoku) and where it might react in the future (via ML levels). Use it to gain a richer view of the market’s behavior. I hope this indicator provides valuable insights for your trading decisions. Happy trading!
Média Biweight de Tukey indicador "Média Biweight de Tukey" é uma média móvel robusta que utiliza a função Biweight de Tukey para suavizar a série de preços, minimizando a influência de outliers. Em vez de tratar todos os valores com a mesma importância, ele atribui pesos diferenciados a cada preço dentro do período definido, de modo que os pontos mais distantes do centro (valores extremos) têm menor influência no cálculo da média.
Principais Características
Robustez aos Outliers:
Utiliza uma função de peso baseada na distância dos preços em relação à média e ao desvio padrão. Valores que se afastam muito da média (acima de um limiar definido) recebem peso zero, reduzindo o impacto de movimentos bruscos e anômalos.
Parâmetros Ajustáveis:
O usuário pode definir o período de cálculo (por exemplo, 20 barras) e uma constante (c) que determina a sensibilidade do indicador aos outliers. Além disso, é possível escolher a fonte dos dados (como o preço de fechamento).
Cálculo Baseado em Valores Absolutos:
O indicador calcula a média simples e o desvio padrão dos preços dentro do período selecionado para estabelecer um ponto de referência.
Plotagem no Gráfico:
A média ponderada resultante é plotada sobre o gráfico dos candles. Como o indicador opera com valores absolutos de preço, ele permanece ancorado ao nível de preço, ou seja, mesmo que a escala dos candles seja modificada (dilatação ou contração), a linha da média mantém sua posição relativa ao preço e não se ajusta visualmente ao tamanho dos candles.
Esse indicador é útil para:
Suavizar a série de preços, ajudando a identificar tendências subjacentes.
Reduzir o ruído causado por flutuações abruptas e valores extremos.
Fornecer um suporte mais robusto para análise técnica, principalmente em mercados voláteis.
Em resumo, a "Média Biweight de Tukey" oferece uma alternativa mais resiliente às médias móveis tradicionais, focando em um cálculo que filtra distorções causadas por outliers e proporciona uma visão mais consistente da tendência de preço.
Multi Indicator Buy/Sell with BacktestThis backtest indicator allows you to configure up to 4 different indicators and set buy/sell levels for each one, then back test how well your strategy would have worked over a given time period.
Sessions pro v1 that visualizes multiple trading sessions on a chart. Here's a brief summary of its functionalities:
- **Session Visualization**: It defines up to four trading sessions (Session A, B, C, and D), which are customizable and correspond by default to major global markets:
- **Session A**: New York (`1300-2200` UTC)
- **Session B**: London (`0700-1600` UTC)
- **Session C**: Tokyo (`0000-0900` UTC)
- **Session D**: Sydney (`2100-0600` UTC)
- **Customization Options**:
- **Session Names**: Each session can be named as desired.
- **Time Ranges**: Custom time ranges can be set for each session.
- **Colors**: Users can choose specific colors for each session's visual elements.
- **Dashboard Display**:
- Shows a table on the chart indicating whether each session is currently active based on the real-time clock.
- The dashboard's position and size are customizable (e.g., Top Right, Bottom Center, Small, Large).
- Displays the status (`Active` or `Inactive`) for each session with color indicators (green for active, black for inactive).
This indicator helps traders:
- **Visual Analysis**: Easily see when major market sessions start and end.
- **Price Action**: Observe how prices move during different global trading hours.
Daily Dividers
Core Functionality
Visual Separation of Days: Draws dashed vertical lines at the start of each trading day to clearly separate daily sessions.
Day Labels: Displays the name of the day (e.g., Monday, Tuesday) at the top of the chart for quick reference.
Purpose: Helps traders identify the beginning of new trading days and organize price action analysis by day.
Ideal for: Traders who need a clear visual structure for daily price movements.
Daily and Weekly Change Tracking: 1D change / 1W change
Monitors and displays percentage changes in price for daily (1D) and weekly (1W) timeframes.
Color-Coded Visualization: Uses color coding to indicate positive (green) and negative (red) changes, enhancing quick visual analysis.
Historical Data Retrieval: Fetches past closing prices to calculate percentage changes, providing context for current price movements.
Dynamic Table Display: Presents changes in a structured table format, allowing for easy comparison across different symbols and timeframes.
Overbuy/Oversell Dashboard
Core Functionality
Aggregates 19 Technical Indicators: Combines signals to calculate Overbuy and Oversell conditions.
Real-Time Signal Counting: Displays the total number of Overbuy/Oversell signals in a clean, color-coded table.
Key Features:
Overbuy: Green highlight with total signals.
Oversell: Red highlight with total signals.
Purpose: Helps traders identify potential reversal points by showing the strength of conditions across multiple indicators.
Ideal for: Quick market sentiment analysis and confirming trend reversals.
Multi-Timeframe Trend Analysis:
Displays trends across various timeframes (1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, Daily, Weekly, Monthly).
User Customization: Users can choose which timeframes to display trends for, enhancing flexibility.
Real-Time Updates: Automatically updates trend status (Up/Down) based on the latest price movements.
Visual Dashboard: Presents trends in a table format for easy interpretation, with color-coded indicators for quick analysis.
This indicator is a tool for market analysis and should **not be used alone** for trading decisions. Always combine its signals with other technical analysis methods, risk management strategies, and fundamental analysis to make informed and balanced trading choices.