Global Net Liquidity - SPX Fair ValueThis is similar to the SPX Fair Value Bands indicator.
It currently only displays the fair value.
The original SPX Fair Value formula only includes the Fed balance sheet data.
This indicator incorporates the following central bank assets:
This is currently experimental. Feel free to explore using different formula constants.
Fundamental Analysis
ONCHAIN: BTC HOLDERS/RETAIL Assets RatioThis indicator is based on on-chain data developed exclusively for Bitcoin
This indicator measures the ratio of Hodlers' assets to Retails' assets based on the On-chain data of Intotheblock platform (you can find it on Sources). This is consistent with Wyckoff's theory of accumulation and distribution. At the top of the market, Hodlers have sold most of their assets to retailers, so this ratio is at its lowest. At market bottoms, Hodlers accumulates the asset at low prices. The uptrend and downtrend of this indicator can also be used to confirm the uptrend or downtrend of the Bitcoin market.
Kitti-Playbook request.earnings R0.0Date: Feb 5 2023
Objective :
Display Earnings per share
Calculation :
Get Earning value by use Function "request.earnings "
Display :
Plot Earnings Data
Earnings History Tab
Financials - Comparing CompaniesHello All
For a while I have been working on this indicator to compare financials of the companies and sort them accordingly. Finally I completed and published it. I preferred using new object type feature in Pine language™ and I hope it might be an example and helpful for the developers.
First of all, as we have limitation on security calls, the indicator can get and compare financials for 5 companies only. also Chart time frame must be 1Day or higher! ( I recommend 1Day time frame ). if not then the indicator stops and shows the error message: "Please set the time frame 1Day or higher" . More important than others: You should choose the companies from the same sector! Compare apples to apples :)
The Financials in the indicator:
Earnings Per Share
Price to Earnings Ratio
Price to Sales Ratio
Price to Book Ratio
Profit Margin
Dept to Equity
Current Ratio
Market Capitalization
Also more information shown for each stocks:
Closing Price, sets the color accordingly
2 Simple/Exponential moving average, you can set the length, also it checks if it is rising/falling and sets the color accordingly
Volume info
Average volume (20 days), you can set the period
Currency for each security
Lets see some features in it:
it sorts the companies according to the financials:
If you move the mouse onto any header then it shows explanation about the financial:
You can change location and text size:
You can set the type of Moving averages as SMA or EMA and you can also set the length for both . Headers for both are changed automatically by MA type and length
Colors for Closing price and MA cells are set automatically:
For new Objects in Pine language click here
P.S. You can use this indicator while analyzing the financials of the companies in same sector/industry. So please don't ask for the alerts :)
Kitti-Playbook request.dividends R0.0 Date Feb 5 2023
Objective : Display Dividends Amount per Share
Calculation :
Use function ==> request.dividends(ticker, field, gaps, lookahead, ignore_invalid_symbol, currency )
Display : The value get from " request.dividends "
AIO Key LevelsAll In One Key Levels - Displays key levels for any type of chart.
Over 30 levels at your complete disposal.
Filled with a host of features that allow you to customise the appearance and display of the indicator to suit your individual trading style.
The result is a clear and concise indicator that helps traders easily identify key levels.
- The indicator is easy to use and does not need a detailed description.
- With customisable input parameters such as display style, line style, font style, offset, threshold and index.
- The colours for the key levels can also be customised.
- The script uses a 'switch' function and selected input parameters to set display, line and font styles.
- The key levels are constructed using the data received and the selected styles and colours.
- A unique cycle helps to improve the readability of the levels without "polluting" the graph with multiple labels
- In addition, I have left hints in the indicator to help you understand it better.
For Pine coders.
Why did I create it when there are many counterparts?
Simply because counterparts have very large and complex code and modest functionality and flex.
Here I have managed to fit it into 100 lines still readable.
You can learn how to call lots of lines and marks with just one function.
I also created a unique loop that connects labels if they are too close together for better visibility on a plot.
I have left detailed comments for each action.
I would be glad if someone could tell me how to make it more easier.
Global LiquidityPlots the sum of the balance sheets of the world's major central banks - FED, ECB, BoE, PBoC, BOJ, India and Switzerland - in a currency of your choice. Defaults to USD.
Also shows FED net liquidity (balance sheet - tga - rrp) for comparison. Uses a configurable multiplier to make the two lines viewable on the same price scale.
TemelWith this indicator, you can follow the basic ratios of stocks after the balance sheet periods.
This indicator , make it easier for a quick glance of overall company financial health without switching tabs for every single stocks.
Gösterilen Finansal Veriler. (data shown)
* Satışlar ve Net Kar (Revenue & PAT (Profit after Tax)
* Net Kar Marjı (Net Profit Margin (%))
* Brüt Kar Marjı (Gross Profit Margin (%))
* Hisse Başına Kar (Earnings Per Share)
* Özkaynak Karlılığı (RETURN ON EQUITY)
* Aktif Karlılık (RETURN ON ASSETS)
* Temettü Verimi (DIVIDENDS YIELD)
* F/K
* PEG Rasyosu
* Cari Oran (QUICK RATIO)
Toggle between Quarter/Annual Financial Data
The accuracy of the data subject to Tradingview's source, but from my observation it's accurate 95% of the time
(Verilerin doğruluğu Tradingview'in kaynağına tabidir, ancak benim gözlemime göre, zamanın %95'i doğrudur.)
Recently published data might not be available immediately
(Yakın zamanda yayınlanan veriler hemen mevcut olmayabilir.)
Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
My opinions and research are my own and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever.
Nothing published by me constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or Content published by me be relied upon for any investment/trading activities.
I strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a qualified investment professional before making any financial decisions.
(Geçmiş performans gelecekteki sonuçların bir göstergesi değildir.
Görüş ve araştırmalarım bana aittir ve hiçbir şekilde finansal tavsiye niteliği taşımaz.
Tarafımdan yayınlanan hiçbir şey bir yatırım tavsiyesi teşkil etmez ve yayınladığım hiçbir veri veya İçeriğe herhangi bir yatırım/ticaret faaliyeti için güvenilmemelidir.
Herhangi bir finansal karar vermeden önce kendi bağımsız araştırmanızı yapmanızı ve/veya kalifiye bir yatırım uzmanıyla konuşmanızı şiddetle tavsiye ederim.)
edjj NewYork Option Strikesedjj NewYork Option Strikes is a membership-only weekly issued pinescript that displays New York option strikes and their amounts, including: USDJPY , EURUSD , GBPUSD , AUDUSD , NZDUSD , USDCAD , EURGBP , etc. Over 1 billion strikes are automatically highlighted. To get access, follow the instruction below.
Peer Performance - NIFTY36STOCKSI have created a peer performance dashboard for:
36 stocks from:
5 sectors of Nifty 100
This kind of dashboard is very useful for traders when they are planing to trade in a stocks and like to see how that is stocks is performing against other stocks in the same sector . Picking outperforming stocks will always give outstanding results when market starts moving. os having view on teh complete sector will always be good for traders before picking a specific stock.
Sectors covered in this indicators are:
Indian Auto Sector
Banking Sector
Oil, Gas and Energy Stocks
Cement Sector
Technology Sector
It will help traders reviewing performance ( stock return in last 1 year) of group of stocks from a particular sector .
Basically 5 functions are used to plot this dashboard
using "if " function to shortlist the stocks and the sector it belongs to.
tablo function to plot a table with specific parameters like number of row and columns, color of the frame of table
Getting yearly return into a series of variables using "" function
str.tostring function is used to convert yearly return into a series of text so that it can inserted into the table cell.
finally plotting all the text and yearly return values using table.cell function
[Tommy's Inflation Index]#Inflation #FEDWATCH #FA
Hello dear beloved Traders and Investors around the world! As you are aware, the world is on a fierce battle against the inflation caused by the massive QE (Quantitative Easing) after the pandemic. All we see on the news is about this very world-wide fiscal phenomenon and how central bank of each nation are controlling it with their monetary policies. Consequently, FED’s hawkish stance to maintain tightening position has suppressed our market. The interest rates have spiked more rapidly than ever absorbing all the cash in the market.
The confrontation between Inflation Vs. Recession currently is the most integral and yet complex issue that needs to be wisely dealt with. Anyhow, whether we want it or not, the markets are being directly impacted by the tension of this inflation war. Hence, traders and investors should keep our eyes on the circumstances and trends of macro-economy to possibly comprehend, forecast, and prepare for the upcoming events. Economic indexes and data are always to be regularly monitored. Especially, inflation related indexes such as CPI (Consumer Price Index), PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditure), PPI (Produce Price Index) and Michigan inflation have stronger interrelation with the market these days.
Tradingview provides many economic indexes and data as you can see in the economy sector of the symbol search. I have found it quite useful to track the macro economy analyzing these data. As globally, people generally refer to the YoY (Year over year) and MoM (Month over month) since the relative percentage change rate is the key factor. There are raw data of CPI, PCE, PPI as well as the core of all these etc. on Tradingview. But unfortunately, there are no YoY and MoM (Only a few) data. Don’t worry. Today is your lucky day because I made them myself for you.
Today I wish to share the “Inflation Index” that I have been working during the Korean’s New Year Holidays. It automatically computes and visualizes the CPI, core CPI, PCE, core PCE, PPI, and core PPI both YoY and MoM. It might show you wrong values or errors if your chart is not on Monthly timeframe. By the way core inflation is goods and services sectors, excluding food and energy. If you check ‘Core or not?’ box, it distinguishes the regular and core indexes. I am going to regularly update this inflation index on pine script, so go ahead. It’s all yours!
Your subscription, likes, and comments inspire me a lot!
#인플레이션 #연준 #FA
안녕하세요 트레이더 여러분 토미입니다!
과도한 양적완화 여파로 생긴 인플레이션 사태를 잡기 위해 미국 연준을 포함한 각국의 중앙은행은 이례적으로 강력한 긴축정책을 펼치고 있습니다. 특히 그 어느때보다 연준의 FOMC 회의 및 기준 금리 변경 사안에 영향을 미칠 만한 여러 경제 지표들에 시장이 민감하게 반응하는 실정입니다. 여기 계신 분이라면 요즘 CPI(소비자물가지수), PCE(개인소비지출물가지수), PPI(생산자물가지수), 그리고 미시간 물가지수 등 미국 인플레이션 관련 지수들이 얼마나 중요한지 알고 계시리라 생각합니다. 코인, 주식, 선물 등 종목을 불문하고 우리가 원하던 원하지 않던 애네들 발표될 때마다 시장이 미친듯이 요동치는 사실은 부정할 수 없습니다.
최근 트레이딩뷰도 많은 경제 지표들을 제공해주고 있습니다. 우리가 자주 보는 CPI, PCE, 그리고 PPI도 있지만 우리가 통상적으로 참고하는 인플레이션 수치는 해당 지표들의 YoY(전년대비)와 MoM(전월대비)입니다. 아쉽게 트레이딩뷰에는 YoY와 MoM 수치가 없어서 대부분 뭐 인베스팅닷컴이나 구글 이런 곳에서 보셨을 겁니다. 그래서 그냥 제가 트레이딩뷰에서도 쉽게 열람할 수 있게 만들어버렸습니다. CPI, PCE, PPI, 근원 CPI, 근원 PCE, 그리고 근원 PPI의 YoY와 MoM 지수를 쉽게 볼 수 있게 디자인했습니다. 설날에 집에 짱박혀서 코딩만 했네요. 차트 상단 지표(Indicator)에 Tommy’s Inflation Index 검색 후 클릭하시면 사용하실 수 있습니다. 참고로 차트가 월봉으로 되어있지 않으면 오류가 발생할 가능성이 높으니 이 점 양해바랍니다. 지표 즐겨찾기에 추가 해놓고 중간중간 필요할 때 켜서 보시면 될 것 같습니다. 이 지표는 제가 주기적으로 업데이트 할 예정이니 앞으로도 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
여러분의 구독, 좋아요, 댓글은 저에게 큰 동기부여가 된답니다~
ValueBands for Acceptable P/E/ and P/B# What's this script?
Plot BookValue/share and TangibleBookValue/share
Visualization of Price Bands for Acceptable P/E and P/B
Adaptation to Currency Change
When TTM(FQ) financial data is not available, FY financial data is used to supplement the TTM(FQ) data.
P/E : acceptable price ratio of Earnings per share. Default is 15
P/B : acceptable price ratio of Book value per share. Default is 1.5
P/TB : acceptable price ratio of Tangible Book value per share. Default is 1.5
## Books
BookValue : book value per share
TangibleBookValue :tangible book value per share
## Acceptable Prices
Acceptable P/E : P/E * EPS
Acceptable P/B : P/B * BVPS
Acceptable P/TB : P/TB * TBVPS
## Geometric mean
GeometricMean(APE&APB) : sqrt(APE*APB). Geometric mean of "Acceptable P/E" and "Acceptable P/B". if PE15 & PB1.5 then GrahamNumber .
GeometricMean(APE&APTB) : sqrt(APE*APTB). Geometric mean of "Acceptable P/E" and "Acceptable P/TB".
## color fill
BV -TBV .Fill color is TBV line
APE -APB .Fill color is the color of the larger APE and APB lines
I am not a programmer, so I can only provide crude functionality, but I hope it will be of some help to you
1. 一株当たり純資産の線
2. 一株当たり有形固定資産の線
3. 1と2の間を2の線の色で塗りつぶし
4. 設定画面で指定した許容P/E相当の価格線。デフォルトは15
5. 設定画面で指定した許容P/B相当の価格線。デフォルトは1.5
6. 4と5のあいだを塗りつぶし。大きい値の方の線の色で塗りつぶされます
7. 設定画面で指定した許容P/TB相当の価格線。デフォルトは1.5
8. 4と5の相乗平均。もしPE15,PB1.5にしてたらGrahamNumber 。
9. 4と6の相乗平均
USD Liquidity IndexThis USD Liquidity Index composed of 2 parts, total assets and major liabilities of the Federal Reserve .
There is a certain positive correlation between USD liquidity and risk asset price changes in history.
Suggested that USD Liquidity is mostly determined by the Federal Reserve balance (without leveraged), this index deducts three major liabilities from the total assets (in green color line) of the Federal Reserve . They are the currency in circulation (WCURCIR) in gold color, the Treasury General Account (WTREGEN) in blue color, the Reverse Repo (RRPONTSYD) in red color.
The grey line is the calculation result of the USD Liquidity Index. With it goes up, liquidity increases, vice versa.
Stablecoin supplies [USD bn]This script shows crypto market inflows/outflows by showing the USD stablecoin supplies, using data from :
Using a simple 20 EMA, the line will change color showing stablecoin inflow or outflow. Traders can consider stable coin inflows (green) as bullish for Bitcoin price, while stable coin outflows (red) should be considered bearish for price.
Stablecoins DominanceStablecoins Dominance
The purpose of the script is to show Stablecoin's strength in the crypto markets.
5 Largest Stablecoins divided by Total Market Cap
Altcoin Dominance (without ETH) Excluding Stablecoins UnsymetricAltcoin Dominance (without ETH) Excluding Stablecoins Unsymetric
The purpose of the script is to show Altcoin's strength without Ethereum once we exclude stablecoins.
So we look into all altcoins besides eth and besides stablecoins divided by a value of eth+btc
Altcoin Dominance Excluding EthereumAltcoin Dominance Excluding Ethereum
The purpose of the script is to show Altcoin's strength without Ethereum.
Pretty much shows Altcoin's Dominance in comparison to Market Cap once we exclude Ethereum.
ETH Dominance Excluding StablecoinsETH Dominance Excluding Stablecoins.
The purpose of the script is to show Ethereum's strength relative to other cryptocurrencies.
Pretty much shows ETH Dominance in comparison to Market Cap once we exclude the 5 largest stablecoins.
CONTRACT Rolling APYThese are the annualized returns for quarters' futures contract.
The returns are generated from buying spot and shorting futures contracts, and sometimes the rolling yields reflect the market sentiment.
Please select spot symbol, it will display rolling APY, which supports all quarterly contract coins, and supports exchanges BINANCE, BYBIT, KRAKEN.
It only needs to be updated once a year, and the unsupported coins and quarters delisted will automatically not be displayed.
symbol選擇現貨(有季度合約的),就會顯示Rolling APY,支援所有季度合約的幣,
Stock Value EUThere are many method of measuring value of stock. However I'm proposing most basic stock valuation based on Book Value, Earnings , Dividends and Money Supply:
SV = (BVPS + EPS + DPS ) * ( M3 /M1)
BVPS = Book Value Per Share (Asset - Liability)
EPS = Earnings Per Share
DPS = Dividends Per Share
M3 = M3 Money Supply (Money Market)
M1 = M1 Money Supply (Base Money)
Fundamental value of a stock should be determine by it's BV which means total asset of a company if were liquidated today and use some of it's asset to pay of the debt. So technically BVPS is the intrinsic value of a stock. However the company is generating an earning which is profit and loss that should be added on top of the fundamental value of company, so thus EPS should be added on top of Book Value Per Share. Aside from earnings , the stock that you purchase give you dividends as your return so DPS also can be included on top of that. So all in all BVPS, EPS and DPS are the primary valuation of the stock. However most of the stock are traded way higher than their fundamental valuation. The main reason of this is the market dynamics which is driven by central banks printing of base money supply M0. The banking credit system then lend out this money to money markets as loan so that peoples can invest and by the company stock. This money supply extension of credit is known as money market M2 which drive the stock inflated price. The ratio between M2 and M0 are the money multiplier effect that drives the stock price higher than it's valuation. So the Stock Value should be the total number of BVPS + EPS + DPS times the M2 money multiplier as shown by this indicator.
If the stock are traded above their SV value, that means it's an overpriced bubble
If the stock are traded below their SV value, that means it's an underpriced burst
This indicator is only applicable for EU based stock chart, because we use EU money supply to do the money multiplier calculation. For other country stocks take a look our other indicator:
- Stock Value EU - applicable for European stocks
- Stock Value CN - applicable for Chinese stocks
- Valuation Rainbow - applicable for all countries
Live Portfolio ScreenerThe live portfolio screener indicator is a tool that help users to track the performance of their investments in real-time. The indicator provides a detailed breakdown of the user's portfolio, including the current profit and loss (P&L) for each stock that is invested in. This allows users to quickly and easily see how their portfolio is performing and make informed decisions about their investments on charts. Overall, this tool is an essential tool for anyone looking to stay on top of their investments and make data-driven decisions.
This indicator can load any symbol globally usable.
How to use this indicator ?
in this indicator firstly
you have add script name. (For example if you want to add symbol you have add in 's01 ' means the first symbol)
after that
you have to add price for each (For example if you want to add buy price for the first symbol then add the buy price in ' Bp01 ')
then the quantity comes in picture which is below price list and named here as Bq01 which means 'Buy quantity for first symbol'
Valuation RainbowValuation Rainbow
© danny_peanuts
Stock value based on Book Value, Earnings, Dividends and Money Multiplier
SV = (BVPS + EPS + DPS) * MM
BVPS = Book Value Per Share
EPS = Earnings Per Share
DPS = Dividends Per Share
MM = Money Multiplier - Integer Number from 1,2,3, ... ,7
There are multiple ways of valuing the stock. Book value is traditionally used as the basic valuation since it's calculate the total asset value minus the liabilities of any company. There are valuation based on multiplication of book value, there are valuation based on multiplication of earnings, and valuation based on multiplication of dividends. Here I'm proposing valuation based on all of these combined. So this indicator is measuring stock value based on multiplication of book value plus earning plus dividend per share. Since the money supply could have an multiplication effect so does the stock value could have a multiplication effect. Also notes that some blue chips stock tends to value higher than startup stock due to money is not equally distributed. So for simplicity I will use simple integer number to represent this multiplication effect as rainbow color plots, thus it can be applied to any stock at any given countries. The higher the stock price on valuation bands the most expensive it is and the lower the price on valuation bands the cheaper it is.