BTC New Supply: OnchainThis Onchain Metric shows the sum of newly issued coins.
This metric is very useful for finding new bull run cycles in the market. The new bull run is accompanied by a significant drop in the new supply.
Fundamental Analysis
[dj]visible financial report
visible financial report
visible financial report (year-on-year) is a indicator for us market only, other market's data are wrong.
please check the "E" symbol's if the tradingview's data accurate.
this script using both and request.earnings. EARNINGS_ESTIMATE / earnings.estimate / TOTAL_REVENUE / TOTAL_OPER_EXPENSE
i share this script's for the purpose of tradingview staff will improve their financial data accuracy.
some stocks data are wrong, or missing such as NYSE:KR
i got many recommendations for improvemenet on tradingview ....but....
BTC Supply weighted channel: OnchainUse this oscillator in the weekly time frame and then draw the above linear channel
The premise of this idea is that the trend slope of the bitcoin price correlates with the bitcoin supply chart, which shows the total amount of bitcoin ever created/issued.
Therefore, Bitcoin price is weighted based on Bitcoin supply.
As a result, the above channel has been created, which is a linear channel, and it seems that it can be an oscillator to determine the bitcoin trend, as well as the tops and bottoms of the market.
Bitcoin seems to respect the bottom and top lines of this channel as well as its midline
BTC Leading SOPR: OnchainUse This indicator in Weekly Timeframe:
This Onchain Metric is based on SOPR Moving Average.
This metric is very efficient for finding the tops and bottoms of the market as well as the ascending or descending biases in the market.
You can use it alongside RSI to filter out incorrect rsi signals
overhigh areas signal a top, overlow areas signal a low, zero line cross-up indicates an uptrend bias and its cross-down indicates a downtrend bias in the market
Australian Gross Domestic ProductAustralian Gross Domestic Product. Useful to know when looking at how the economy is going.
Relevant World GDP GroupedLooking at a basket of countries total GDP for comparing size of economy. Makes it easy to select your own groupings of countries for comparison. A country's GDP is the total of consumer spending (C) plus business investment (I) and government spending (G), plus net exports, which is total exports minus total imports (X – M). Alliances visualized was the original idea but wasn't quite sure for a lot of other countries where they stand so it is what it is; feel free to improve.
BTC SOPR Momentum: OnchainThis Onchin metric is based on SOPR data
Use this metric on daily and weekly timeframes:
The Spent Output Profit Ratio (SOPR) is computed by dividing the realized value (in USD) divided by the value at creation (USD) of a spent output. Or simply: price sold / price paid. Renato Shirakashi created this metric. When SOPR > 1, it means that the owners of the spent outputs are in profit at the time of the transaction; otherwise, they are at a loss. You can find "SOPR" in tradingview indicators
BTC SOPR Momentum: Onchain
This metric is based on SOPR Momentum. I made some changes to it so that its momentum can be checked.
If the indicator is above the gray level of resistance/support, bitcoin has an uptrend and Bullish bias
If the indicator is below the resistance/ support level, bitcoin has a downtrend and Bearish Bias
Crossup the gray level is a long signal
Cross-down the gray level is a shorts signal
Entering and exit of the indicator to the overhigh area means creating a top
Entering and leaving the indicator to the overflow area means creating a bottom
BlackMEX - Production CostBitcoin's Value as determined by Joules of energy input only
Calculations per Medium article EV = (Energy-in) / (Supply Growth Rate) * (Fiat Factor)
Historic Energy Efficiency data can only be entered monthly due to processing speed constraints of below data load and should be considred an estimate only.
Energy Efficiency Data requires manual updating. Currently accurate as of 28 December 2019
Bitcoin Production Cost
Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI) - Bitcoin's global electricity consumption in TwH.
NB: Uses MONTHLY averages of raw data from CBECI. TV script run-time is too slow with Daily/Weekly data here.
This requires manual updating once a month for ongoing accuracy.
Portfolio with cryptoOVERVIEW
The indicator is made to ALL INSTRUMENTS included in the TradingView subscription
such as:
- Promotions
- Currencies
- Funds
- Crypto
and so on.
Added the ability to notify on the target price.
The movement of your portfolio in %, in money, etc., at any time, even in a MOBILE APPLICATION!
- Enter all the data in the settings
- To transfer to your currency, click the select choosing Your currency
- To create alerts, click on the indicator and select create alert
- Moving the cursor to any column of the header, you will see the tooltip
To work in a mobile application
The text of the table should be made the smallest (TINY)
Russian version Русская версия
Financials Info by zdmreFundamentals provide a method to set the financial value of a company, security, or currency. Included in fundamental analysis is basic qualitative and quantitative information that contributes to the asset's financial or economic well-being. Macroeconomic fundamentals include topics that affect an economy at large. Microeconomic fundamentals focus on the activities within smaller segments of the economy. For businesses, information such as profitability, revenue, assets, liabilities, and growth potential are considered fundamentals
!!! When you change the values in the filter, you will see that the colors in the table change.
!!! Intrinsic Value Explained
There is no universal standard for calculating the intrinsic value of a company. The formula here is a partially differentiated version of the Ben Graham formula.
Intrinsic value = Earning Per Share * MultiplierbySpecialRate * AveragePricetoEarnings * Power(Multiplier by SpecialRate, DiscountYear) * USMoneySupply2 / Power((1 + DiscountRate), DiscountYear) * USMoneySupply0
V/T Ratio: Onchain BTC MetricThis is a New Onchain metric that is designed for bitcoin by myself Mjshahsavar (Ghoddusifar), and it is published for the first time in this trading view in this post.
I think this metric has a very high capability to determine the ATH and bottom of the market. This metric can solve a problem that channels are unable to solve. this could be the equivalent of what is known in the stock market as P/E
What is the long-term price channel of Bitcoin? Have you ever thought that maybe drawing a price channel is not right and maybe we should look for something else?
Channel drawing for the price is a subjective and interpretive subject. Look at the charts below, they are all correct in terms of drawing, but no one can say which one will happen. There is no certainty because drawing them is objective.
But who can say which one will definitely work?
We need something more objective. I think V/T Ratio does that.
Just draw the channel. There is only one channel for it. And it has worked historically well to this day.
Compare the drawn channel with the price chart. It works right. When the metric reaches the top line of the channel, it indicates the new ATH and the end of the cycle.
When it reaches the bottom line of the channel, it indicates that the price has reached the bottom.
A Market Cycle:
According to this metric, the bitcoin cycle has 5 stages:
1- Bottom Price: which V/T Ratio touches the bottom line of the channel: In this case, we expect the price to reach the bottom.
2- Semi-high price: that the metric reaches the middle line of the channel: In this case, Bitcoin creates a local top in the MID-Term and Long-Term timeframes
3- Semi-low price: which has a metric return to the lower part of the channel (but the price can still increase)
4- ATH: that Bitcoin reaches its highest historical price
5- It starts after the ATH until the metric reaches the bottom part of the channel again.
Portfolio of open positions ENGHello, I became interested in investing and trading, and there was a huge problem where and how to manage my portfolio,
I tried websites, got a spreadsheet in microsoft excel, and eventually it became possible to manage a portfolio in TradingView.
You enter data about purchases and follow the dynamics of your shares anytime, anywhere.
Added automatic transfer to one currency if the shares are traded in different currencies
The last column is how many percentages each share occupies of the total portfolio
Thanks to the TradingView team for the unique opportunity!
NVT Ratio: OnchainNVT Ratio
Defined as the ratio of market capitalization divided by transacted volume (in USD).
Network Value to Transactions Ratio (NVT Ratio) is defined as the ratio of market capitalization divided by transacted volume in the specified window.
NVT first made an appearance as a tweet on Woo Bull account in Feb 2017. In that tweet he promised an explanatory article which came much later in Oct 2017, first debuting on Forbes.
In Feb 2018, Dimitry Kalichkin published his work to improve NVT for use as a more responsive indicator, hence Kalichkin NVT Signal. In the same month, Woo Bull applied some trader techniques to NVT Signal and published an article summarising how to use it within a trading environment.
NVT Ratio (Network Value to Transactions Ratio) is similar to the PE Ratio used in equity markets.
this indicator measures whether the blockchain network is overvalued or not.
When Bitcoin`s NVT is high, it indicates that its network valuation is outstripping the value being transmitted on its payment network, this can happen when the network is in high growth and investors are valuing it as a high return investment, or alternatively when the price is in an unsustainable bubble.
High: Overvalued Network worth - Bearish
Marketcap is too much valued compared to the low ability to transact coins in terms of volume
Low : Undervalued Network worth - Bullish
Marketcap is undervalued compared to the high ability to transact coins in terms of volume
Bitcoin OnChain & Other MetricsHi all,
In these troubled times, going back to fundamentals can sometimes be a good idea 😊
I put this one up using data retrieved from “Nasdaq Data Link” and their “” database.
Here is a good place to analyses some Bitcoin data “outside” its price action with 25 different data sets.
Just go to the settings menu and display the ones you are interested in.
If you want me to add more metrics, feel free to DM or comment below!
Hope you enjoy 😉
NVM Ratio: OnchainNetwork Value to Metcalfe Ratio (NVM Ratio) is defined as the ratio of the log of market capitalization divided by the log of the square of daily active addresses.
This oscillator evaluates bitcoin price according to the Metcalfe Ratio to show whether the current value of Bitcoin is higher or lower than the real price
in this oscillator, High values indicate the overvalued price, and low values indicate undervalued price.
Nabz-BBMACD-2022-V1.1I have tried to make script which triggers indicators on combination of different feedback including Bollinger bands and MACD. Also used some of my logic by trial and error, It gave 744%+ profit on back-testing on coin RUNE/USDT from Jan 2021. It is my first script, I am happy to help the community. Please share your feedback.
BTC Active1Y holders: OnchainUse this Indicator in The Weekly timeframe
This indicator is based on "Percent of Supply Last Active 1+ Years Ago".
This is so important indicator that shows " The percent of circulating supply that has not moved in at least 1 year."
It can show the situation of the holders who have been holding their coins for more than a year. When this indicator starts to decline, it means that the price has risen so much that the holders are selling their coins. When this indicator starts to increase, it means that the number of coins held has been increasing for more than a year. This is because the price is too low for investors.
This indicator can be used to indicate accumulation and distribution areas. When the indicator enters the overlow area (red) it means that the distribution is happening
When the indicator enters the overhigh range (blue), it means that accumulation is taking place by the holders
alsat-direnclerkendi kullanımım için yaptım
NOT: 15dk lık altında iyi çalışmıyor
alışlar da çok güzel yakalıyor ama sat sinyalleri gecikiyor izleyen stop ile birlikte kullanırsanız çok güzel paralar kazanabilirsiniz.
Ema ribon ile birlikte kullanılmasını tavsiye etmekteyim
0 zararla işlem yapmak istiyorsanız
2. al sinyali (ema+buradaki al ) yani 2 al sinyali ve 2 sat sinyali ile işlem de yapılabilir
[blackcat] L3 Financial Minesweeper: Altman Z ScoreLevel: 3
The Altman Z-score is the output of a credit-strength test that gauges a publicly traded manufacturing company's likelihood of bankruptcy. The Altman Z-score is a formula for determining whether a company, notably in the manufacturing space, is headed for bankruptcy.
The possibility of financial failure or bankruptcy of the enterprise is analyzed and predicted through the comprehensive score. The lower the Z value, the more likely the enterprise will go bankrupt. By calculating the Z value of an enterprise for several consecutive years, we can find out whether the enterprise has signs of financial crisis. Generally speaking, when the Z value is greater than 2.675, it indicates that the financial situation of the enterprise is good, and the possibility of bankruptcy is small; When the value is less than 1.81, it indicates that the enterprise is in a potential bankruptcy crisis; when the Z value is between 1.81 and 2.675, it is called a "gray area, indicating that the financial situation of the enterprise is extremely unstable.
STOCKs ONLY which require financial data.
X1~X5 coefficients can be customized for different stock markets.
Compared to TradingView official Altman Z-Score Indicator.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
Buffett Indicator: Wilshire 5000 to GDP Ratio [WhaleCrew]Our Implementation of the famous Buffett Indicator a long-term valuation indicator for stocks.
Calculation: Wilshire 5000 Index divided by US GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Financial Fundamental Analysis (FFA)- Finansal Temel Analiz (TA)The main purpose of the Fundamental Analysis (TA) indicator; It is to determine whether the rising or falling movements in prices are supported by basic indicators. TA can be used in equity markets. With the financial data transferred to the platform by the companies, the development rates, intrinsic values, true values and expensiveness-cheapness situations of the stocks are estimated. In addition to technical data, it provides an impression of the long-term performance of the stock.
Growth Rate (Blue line): It is a percentage data calculated by focusing on companies' periodic net margin, operating margin and return on equity. It is expected to be higher than 0.2. It symbolizes the possibility of holding and returning cash. It is one of the indicators that the development of the company will be negative or positive in the following periods.
Earnings Per Share (Purple line): It is an important indicator of the sustainability of the company. The periodic increase is expected to be above the inflation figures.
Stock true price (Gray line): Data calculated based on the growth rate. Known book value is recalculated by reflecting the effect of growth rate on earnings per share. In a sense, revaluation is done.
Intrinsic value 1 (red line): It is determined by reevaluating the current price with the growth rate. Whether the value here is too high or too low than the stock price is related to the interest of the sector in which the stock is located.
Intrinsic value 2 (green line): The 50-day average price is determined by reassessing with the growth rate. Whether the value here is too high or too low than the stock price is related to the interest of the sector in which the stock is located.
The desired performance is to remain above 0.2, periodic earnings per share to increase above the inflation rate, and to have a regular increase graph without fluctuations in the stock true price. The fact that intrinsic value 1 crosses intrinsic value 2 is also an increase indicator and acts as an oscillator.
Sudden increases in the stock true price indicate that the stock price will increase in the coming periods. However, the current price of the stock should also be examined with technical indicators.
Temel Analiz (TA) indikatörünün temel amacı; fiyatlardaki yükseliş ya da düşüş hareketlerinin temel göstergelerle desteklenip desteklenmediğinin tespit edilmesidir. TA, hisse pay piyasalarında kullanılabilmektedir. Şirketler tarafından platforma aktarılan finansal veriler ile hisselerin gelişim oranları, içsel değerleri, gerçek ederi ve pahalılık-ucuzluk durumları tahmin edilmektedir. Teknik verilere ek olarak hissenin uzun vadede gösterdiği performansa ilişkin izlenim sunmaktadır.
Büyüme Oranı (Mavi çizgi): şirketlerin dönemsel net marjı, faaliyet marjı ve özkaynak karlılığı üzerine odaklanarak hesaplanmış yüzdesel bir veridir. 0.2’den yüksek olması beklenir. Nakit bulundurma ve döndürme imkânını simgelemektedir. Sonraki dönemlerde şirketin gelişiminin negatif ya da pozitif olacağının göstergelerinden biridir.
Hisse Başı Kazanç (Mor çizgi): Şirketin sürdürülebilirliği hakkında önemli bir göstergedir. Dönemsel artışın enflasyon rakamları üzerinde olması beklenir.
Hisse eder fiyatı (Gri çizgi): Gelişim oranına bağlı olarak hesaplanan veridir. Bilinen defter değeri, gelişim oranının hisse başı kazanç üzerine etkisi yansıtılarak tekrar hesaplanmaktadır. Bir anlamda yeniden değerleme işlemi yapılmaktadır.
İçsel değer 1 (kırmızı çizgi): Mevcut fiyatın gelişim oranı ile tekrar değerleme yöntemiyle belirlenmesidir. Buradaki değerin hisse eder fiyatından aşırı yüksek ya da aşırı düşük olması hissenin bulunduğu sektörün çektiği ilgi ile alakalıdır.
İçsel değer 2 (yeşil çizgi): 50 günlük ortalama fiyatın gelişim oranı ile tekrar değerleme yöntemiyle belirlenmesidir. Buradaki değerin hisse eder fiyatından aşırı yüksek ya da aşırı düşük olması hissenin bulunduğu sektörün çektiği ilgi ile alakalıdır.
Gelişim oranının 0.2 üzerinde kalması, dönemsel hisse başı kazancın enflasyon oranı üzerinde artış göstermesi, hisse eder fiyatın dalgalanmalar göstermeden düzenli bir artış grafiğine sahip olması istenen performanstır. İçsel değer 1‘in içsel değer 2’yi yukarı kesmesi aynı zamanda bir artış göstergesi olup osilatör görevi görmektedir.
Hisse eder fiyatındaki ani yükselişler gelecek dönemlerde hisse fiyatının da artacağını göstergesi olmaktadır. Ancak hissenin mevcut fiyatı aynı zamanda teknik göstergelerle de incelenmelidir.
Interest Rates [WhaleCrew]This indicator allows you to display the interest rates of multiple central banks (US, EU, China, Russia, Japan, UK, ...) at once.
Built-in Interest Rates
Custom Symbol (default: ECONOMICS:CHINTR )