Fundamental Metric to MarketThis script is supposed to be a quite basic way to find, from a fundamental standpoint, overvalue or undervalued stocks.
The script shows either Book to Market (inverse of P/B), EV /EBITDA, Earnings Yield (inverse of P/E) or Sales to Market (inverse of P/S).
For example, P/B is calculated as Close price / Book Value per share. As a contrarian investor you generally want to buy low P/B stocks and sell high P/B stocks. The problem is when a company has a negative Book Value. This might be the case when a company has written of a large amount of goodwill, which in turn wiped out their Book Value.
Instead you can use Book to Market, which is simply the inverse of P/B. It is calculated as Book Value per share / Close price. When using Book to Market you, generally, want to buy shares with high Book to Market values and sell those with low values. Because of the calculation, companies with negative Book Value will have negative Book to Market values and is therefore easy to identify.
The Fundamental Metric to Market indicator shows a colored background between the highest / lowest point of earlier values and the current value. When the background is mainly green the stock is probably undervalued, and the opposite is true when the background is red.
Fundamental Analysis
FAIR P/E BASED ON INTEREST RATESJust a different way to view S&P 500 valuations versus the standard look of looking at raw PE. Current yield of the 10 Year Bonds are used to calculate a fair value for the SPX.
This is a methodology that Buffett uses to measure value.
Recommend turning off most plots and just plotting PE and/or PE10 percent difference only.
The "slope and intercept" inputs should be left alone unless you recalculate them with updated data.
The "current PE and PE10" inputs can be found here: This is a daily estimated value.
The full calculated value is released once per month, and is what Quandl has. Change these numbers if you want today's updated values.
Once you have the study set up the way you want, I recommend saving the defaults (bottom left corner in the settings screen).
5 Magic Numbers + Extra DataAdditional Float Public Shares Percentage%.
Easily getting data and making decision
"FQ = FQ means the financial year of Latest Quarter Report Data"
"FY = FY means the financial year of Latest Last Year Data"
"TTM = TTM means the financial year of Latest past 12 consecutive months of a company’s performance data"
Net Profit Y : FY
Net Profit Qcurrent : FQ
Net Margin Q (%) : FQ
Total Shares : FQ
Float Public shares : FY
Market Cap : Current Value
P.E.R < 10% : FY
R.O.E Cap > 15% :FY
Dividend Yield (%) :FY
E.P.S X 8.1 < Current Price ( RM ) :TTM
N.T.A < Current Price ( RM ) :FQ
5 Magic Numbers CB7This script is actually 5 magic numbers and other data that being extract from TradingView itself for Bursa Market. Make it easy for us to read the data. Hopefully we can succeed together in our Trading Life
Micro Strategy PremiumSince the decision to buy 38,250 Bitcoin under their new treasury policy. Micro Strategy has become an easy and tax efficient way for many investors to gain an exposure to Bitcoin.
This script displays:
- Micro Strategy premium vs price of BTCUSD (CME)
- Micro Strategy premium vs price of BTCUSD (CME) minus Nasdaq 100 (QQQ ETF). A straightforward method to detach Micro Strategy’s share price from the overall performance of the US tech sector. This could potentially give you a more accurate premium.
- Micro Strategy’s 38,250 BTC as a percentage of their Market Cap
This script also acknowledges that Micro Strategy should be renamed “Macro Strategy” and that Michael Saylor is a living legend.
Real Value by AxbofReal Value is a measure of what an asset is worth. This measure is arrived at by means of an objective calculation or complex financial model, rather than using the currently trading market price of that asset.
In financial analysis this calculation method is used in conjunction with the work of identifying, as nearly as possible, the underlying value of a company and its cash flow.
By performing a calculation of the company's financials, however, the findings might show that the company is undervalued.
In the end, however, any such estimation is at least partly subjective. The analyst compares the value derived by this model to the asset's current market price to determine whether the asset is overvalued or undervalued.
In financial analysis, Real value by Axbof is the calculation of an asset's worth based on a financial model.
investors should keep in mind that the Real Price Calculation Result is only an estimate.
Yatırımcı olarak sizler, bu indikatör tarafından hesaplanan değeri, hissenin aşırı değerli mi yoksa düşük değerli mi olduğunu belirlemek için varlığın cari piyasa fiyatı ile karşılaştırmak için kullanabilirsiniz.
Şirketin Net Varlık Değeri Hesaplanmakta (Kısa, Uzun Vadeli Borçlar ve Aktifler ile)
ardından Şirketin Ödenmiş Sermayesi ile oranının hesaplanması ile oluşturulan bir modelidir.
Hesaplanan Bu Değer, bir varlığın değerinin gerçek içsel ölçüsüdür. Bu ölçüme, o varlığın hali hazırda işlem gören piyasa fiyatını kullanmak yerine objektif bir hesaplama (mali ve finansal değerler) yoluyla ulaştım.
Finansal analizde bu İçsel Değer hesaplama yöntemi, bir şirketin temel değerini ve nakit akışını mümkün olduğu kadar yakın bir şekilde belirleme çalışmasıyla bağlantılı olarak kullanılır.
Bununla birlikte, şirketin mali durumunun bir hesaplamasını yaparak, bulgular şirketin değerinin düşük veya yüksek olduğunu gösterebilir.
Yatırımcılar, İçsel Hesaplama Sonucunun yalnızca bir tahmin olduğunu unutmamalıdır.
Graham NumberGraham Number is named after the “father of value investing,” Benjamin Graham, who was a mentor of Warren Buffett. The figure takes into account earnings per share and book value per share to measure a stock's maximum fair market value. In other words, it is the upper end of the price range that a defensive investor should pay for the stock.
The Graham Number = Square Root of (22.5) x (tmm EPS) x (mrq Book Value per Share).
The 22.5 is included in the formula as a rule of thumb to account for Graham's assumption that the price-to-earnings ratio should not be over 15 and the price to book ratio should not be over 1.5 for an undervalued stock. So, the number is generated as (P/E of 15) x (P/B of 1.5) = 22.5.
So the script generates a Graham number plot.
Rise from All Time LowThis very simple script lets you see how much the asset rose from the All Time Low (ATL).
First, the ATL is calculated and plotted. Then, we measure the distance from ATL and current bar close.
Two labels are plotted :
ATL label
Current close label with rise and rise
It can be useful for penny stocks trading when you want to buy lows but must see how much the price rose last bars to improve entries.
For example, SQBG is actually "only" at x 1.85 from ATL (not an advice in investment) :
If you have ideas to complete or improve this script, let me know in comments ;)
Position CalculatorThis script calculates how much cryptos or dollars you have to bet with 4 variables : Risk Loss , Leverage, Entry and Stop Loss.
When you want to open a position, just complete the parameters and the script will tell you how much you have to bet in dollars or cryptos units, depending the way you're trading.
Note : don't foreget that you have to pay fees on exchanges whose are not included here, specially with high leverage trades.
Fast ROI checker 50% Gann RetracementThis script is based on the Gann's 50% Retracement rule.
First, the ATH (All Time High) and ATL (All Time Low) are calculated; then, the 50% retracement level is found.
With this 50% level, we'll calculate the maximum price entry to keep a ROI which is set in the parameters.
For exemple, I only want to buy assets which can make a x16 before the 50% retracement , the script will calculate the maximum entry to respect this ROI .
If the Max entry price is above the ATL , the line will be green; if not, the line will be red.
To faster the search in the watchlist, when the price is between the Max Entry line and the ATL line, the background is painted in green.
It's not an investment strategy, you have to find your proper indicators to make purchases.
Enjoy !
L1 Bitcoin Whale Pump DetectorLevel: 1
One of the biggest differences between cryptocurrency and traditional financial markets is that cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology. Individual investors can discover the direction of the flow of large funds through on-chain transfers. These large funds are often referred to as Whale. Whale can have a significant impact on the price movements of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. Therefore, how to monitor Whale trends is of great significance both in terms of fundamentals and technical aspects.
L1 Bitcoin Whale Pump Detector script This is a simple technical indicator that judges whether Whale is involved in the relationship between price increase and trading volume. Its purpose is not to accurately judge Whale behavior, but to provide a starting point for more Pine lovers to develop more advanced Whale monitoring programs.
Key Signal
pumpcond1 use price information alone with 7% as a threshold
pumpcond2 use both price and volume infomation.
Pros and Cons
1. Detect Whale pump in large time frame.
2. Not a mature and accurate buy and sell script but provide alerts of Whale movements.
3. When it resonante with Buy signal, it has higher confidence level.
1. Only detect Whale Pump, not Whale Dump is realized.
2. Only provide large fund information, not an accurate trading signal generator.
You can use this to confirm blockchain large fund transfer activities. E.g. Large amount of USDT flows into large exchanges.
In real life, I am a prolific inventor. I have successfully applied for more than 60 international and regional patents in the past 12 years. But in the past two years or so, I have tried to transfer my creativity to the development of trading strategies. Tradingview is the ideal platform for me. I am selecting and contributing some of the hundreds of scripts to publish in Tradingview community. Welcome everyone to interact with me to discuss these interesting pine scripts.
The scripts posted are categorized into 5 levels according to my efforts or manhours put into these works.
Level 1 : interesting script snippets or distinctive improvement from classic indicators or strategy. Level 1 scripts can usually appear in more complex indicators as a function module or element.
Level 2 : composite indicator/strategy. By selecting or combining several independent or dependent functions or sub indicators in proper way, the composite script exhibits a resonance phenomenon which can filter out noise or fake trading signal to enhance trading confidence level.
Level 3 : comprehensive indicator/strategy. They are simple trading systems based on my strategies. They are commonly containing several or all of entry signal, close signal, stop loss, take profit, re-entry, risk management, and position sizing techniques. Even some interesting fundamental and mass psychological aspects are incorporated.
Level 4 : script snippets or functions that do not disclose source code. Interesting element that can reveal market laws and work as raw material for indicators and strategies. If you find Level 1~2 scripts are helpful, Level 4 is a private version that took me far more efforts to develop.
Level 5 : indicator/strategy that do not disclose source code. private version of Level 3 script with my accumulated script processing skills or a large number of custom functions. I had a private function library built in past two years. Level 5 scripts use many of them to achieve private trading strategy.
Graham FormulaThis is an Tradingview implementation of the Grahams Formula as described in Benjamin Grahams book "The Intelligent Investor".
In theory this can be used to screen for over- and undervalued stocks, however as Graham himself notes, you should look into other fundamentals when using them in conjunction with Grahams formula.
Buy Any Bar By ChenycoBuys amount of shares by bars with specified amount of money (100$ for a month bar for example).
Including commissions.
TeoTrading 37 - V1 - Ratios AFThis indicator prints fundamental data:
P/E Ratio.
Debt To Ebitda.
EPS (Earnings Per Share).
The fisrt column is the data of the Ticker opened in the graphic. In the configuration parameters you can enter the other three Stocks to compare.
The data is provided by FactSet across Tradingview.
This is the first version of the indicator, I am testing it. You can tell me if you find any bug. Thnaks!
Compound Value @ annual rateBy studying historical data we can know the compounded growth rate of an investment from the inception date. For example if we know that an investment has grown at the rate of 6% in the past and if we expect similar growth in the future also, We can plot this graph to understand whether the current price is underpriced or overpriced as per projected return.
In this graph, it takes the initial close price as a principle and rate from the input and calculates the compound amount at each interval.
Dividend Valuation [DDM] display liked Support/Resistance Zone
This Indicator will show you a horizontal line of the stock valuation with the DDM method.
The DDM method is so much simple which has a formula:
Price = EPS * DividendPayout / %Yield
In this case,
-I set the default for Dividend Payout = 40.
This number I refer to from my Research that a lot of stock with have some potential of growth usually has payout around 40% from EPS.
And so far the Payout ratio can use to the term of "Margin of Safety" too, You can set this value to what safety you want.
-The EPS, This value I get from a script that already has in Trading View. And I set it for the TTM version.
-The %Yield, I have 3 lines that you can adapt form the yield that you want.
From this horizontal lines of dividend yield, I hope it can use to be like the Resistance and Support line that guides you to buy or sell a stock you want. And can adapt to your Hybrid Style.
Hope this indicator will help you, May good health to be you :)
วันนี้ผมได้ลองเขียนอินดิเคเตอร์ตัวหนึ่ง ที่จะแสดงค่าออกมาเป็นเส้นแนวนอน ที่สะท้อนค่า Valuation แบบ DDM ออกมานะครับ
การประเมิน Valuation แบบ DDM นั้น เป็น 1 ในวิธีประเมินค่าหุ้นที่แอบง่ายอยู่ระดับหนึ่งเลย โดยใช้ตัวชี้วัดเพียงอย่างเดียว นั่นคือ "เงินปันผล" ที่ท่านจะได้
ผมเชื่อว่ามีมิตรสหายหลายท่านที่เข้ามาในตลาด ย่อมหวังผลตอบแทนในรูปแบบเงินปันผล ซึ่งจะเปรียบเสมือน Passive Income ที่ส่งเงินให้ท่านทุกปีๆ ไม่ต้องมานั่งเครียดที่หน้าจอ ดูกราฟทุกวี่วัน ลงทุนกับบริษัท ลงทุนกับระบบ ให้เขาทำงานให้กับเราเป็นต้น
อินดิเคเตอร์นี้เรียบง่ายมาก เพียงแค่ท่านใส่ตัวแปรไปแค่ 3-4 ตัวแปรเท่านั้น
ตัวแปรแรกคือ ใส่อัตราการจ่ายปันผล หรือ Dividend Payout
ค่านี้เแสดงถึงว่า หุ้น 1 ตัว เมื่อได้กำไรสุทธิรายปีแล้ว ( EPS ) เขาจะจ่ายอออกมาในสัดส่วนเท่าไรจากกำไรสุทธิพวกนั้น โดยมีระดับตั้งแต่ 1-100 %
โดยมากแล้ว จากที่ผมได้ทำการวิจัยส่วนตัว พบว่าหุ้นส่วนมากใน SET100 และอื่นๆ มักจ่ายปันผลออกมาในระดับ 40% อันเป็นค่าที่ผมตั้งไว้เป็น Default
นอกจากนี้แล้วการตั้ง Dividend Payout ไว้ในระดับที่ต่ำ อาจเป็นการตั้ง Margin of Safe ty ที่ไม่เลวด้วยนั่นเองครับ
ตัวแปรอีก 3 ตัวที่เหลือ จะเป็นตัวเลือกของ % เงินปันผล
ซึ่งท่านสามารถเลือกเงินปันผลที่ท่านด้วยการได้เลยครับ โดยค่าที่ผมตั้งไว้นั้นจะอยู่ระหว่าง 2-4% ท่านสามารถปรับเปลี่ยนได้
ซึ่งเป็นค่าที่อยู่ในระดับกลางๆ สำหรับการลงทุนแบบ Value Investing เลยครับ (แต่ทั้งนี้ทั้งนั้น ท่านสามารถศึกษาศาสตร์นี้ได้จากหนังสือหลายเล่มเลยครับ)
หลังจากใส่ค่าตัวแปรทั้งหมดแล้ว ค่าที่แสดงในกราฟ ก็จะเป็นเส้นตรงแนวตั้ง 3 เส้น ที่เปรียบเสมือนแนวรับแนวต้านให้ท่านได้ทำกลยุทธ์ ไม่ว่าจะวาง Risk Reward Ratio หรือจะเก็บสะสมหุ้นก็แล้วแต่ท่านเลย
ทั้งนี้ทั้งนั้นแล้ว ผมหวังว่าอินดิเคเตอร์นี้ จะทำให้ท่านที่เป็นนักลงทุนสาย Hybrid มีความสุขในการปรับใช้นะครับ
หวังว่าท่านจะชอบอินดิเคเตอร์นี้ ไม่มาก ก็น้อย และเป็นสะพานเชื่อมให้กับเทรดเดอร์สายกราฟเทคนิคสามารถคุยกับเทรดเดอร์สายพื้นฐานจ๋าๆ ผ่าน Assumption ของวิธีการประเมินมูลค่าหุ้นโดยใช้เงินปันผล หรือ DDM กันนะครับ
มีสุขภาพแข็งแรงครับ :)
the formation of an uptrendThe scenario adds up the maximum daily increases (i) and maximum daily decreases (l) over a certain period, and if the sum “i” exceeds a certain threshold, and above the sum “l”, then the indicator will work. We wait for a positive candle (1D), and after it we buy stocks (with a leverage of 1: 2), we wait for an increase of 50% (thanks to a positive trend), and sell.
Intrinsic value calculation Intrinsic value calculator based on Warren Buffet's and Ben Graham's work
In value investing determing the true value of a COMPANY instead of a stock price is crucial.
This little indicator shows the "Intrinsic value" of the choosen stock meaning the value of the stock in 10 years time. Calculation is based on historical book value's average annual growth rate and dividends paid.
Since this is about long therm investing, use monthly charts.
"Intrinsic value can be defined simply: It is the discounted value of the cash that can be taken out of a business during its remaining life.”
– Warren Buffett
One way to calculate that is by the growth in per share book value and dividends taken in the forseeable future (10 years) than discount it with the prevailing 10 year note's rate.
In the inputs you have to set 2 variables:
1. How many years back you have the first data for book value per share available?
2. What was the per share book value that year?
(Bookvalue is ploted in olive colour and you can get the oldest one if you move your cursor over the latest data on the left)
CAUTION! You have to reenter it for every stock you analyse as this is stock-specific data!
After setting the input data, you will see the "Intrinsic Value"'s pink curve ploted over the price chart.
If the price is well below the pink line, the company is undervalued and can be a possible applicant for long therm investment.
Margin of safety: when the current price is 50% below the intrinsic value that means a 10% yearly growth potential (100% growth in 10 years) or a 100% margin of safety.
I am a beginer in Pine so please excuse my coding...
If anybody knows hot to extract historical data from 15 years ago, please share it with me, so I can automate the whole calculation without inputs necessary.
Quarterly High/Low MarksThis utility tool marks the highest and the lowest price of each quarter on the chart. Works everywhere and doesn't use any calls of built-in functions which are used for a data extraction.
Labels provide additional information about closing price and % change for a particular quarter and allow micro customizations.
Monthly High/Low MarksThis utility tool marks the highest and the lowest price of each month on the chart. Works everywhere and doesn't use any calls of built-in functions which are used for a data extraction.
Labels provide additional information about closing price and % change for a particular month and allow micro customizations.
Quarter Open Price LevelThis tool plots a dynamic level that represents the opening price of each quarter .
Labels provide additional information about the closing price and % change for a particular quarter and allow micro customizations.